Wednesday 21 February 2018


By Nelon Gerrard

Weeks later after I had fully recovered and my courageous heart beating again normally, I was back to my favorite fun pack doing my crazy swimming for great weekends with my friends.
One weekend when I was setting myself up for pool waters on a sunny Sunday, my sight gifted me with great value when I set my eyes on the nurse that made me breathe again without much struggle on the same set. Her smile painted the ambiance with heavenly glee when our eyes crossed filling my heart with joyous beats and intensified flow of oxygen in my arteries.

 Feeling internally disgraced for having not said thank you and asking for her phone digits despite the aura of her care and beauty when I almost met my creator, I walked to where she was seated with a fleet of smiley faces around her. As I got closer, she got up and called out my name with her soft tuning voice attracting the attention of her peers who all turned to me like a rainbow as I landed in a fine wrap of her warmly arms. I was lost for words as my heart raced a little bit faster, she then said, “I’m so happy to see you all doing fine, God is great!” “All the time”, I responded as I felt butterflies run around my stomach walls. It was all clear she liked me too.

Shortly after saying hi to her friends, I held her hand and asked her to go with me for a second which she gladly accepted. Clad in just my black swimming shorts bare chested, we walked around the resort as I apologized for not looking for her for a thank you note despite all she did for me. She said she didn’t even think it was that important since the most crucial thing was ensuring I didn’t lose my life, which happened after all. I thanked her for being courteous as we decided to talk over a drink for the reminder of the afternoon.

Never met a person as kind and as jolly as she was, we laughed all afternoon and had really great fun. I forewent swimming since I chose to live special moments with her. She was beautiful, sweet and charming but so many questions that I hesitated asking her kept running through my imagination. She was too good, she was actually perfect. She watered me with praises all through the afternoon. She loved how I conduct myself, how I speak and how I love nature. “She’s too good to be put into the fracas of love and romance, what if it does not go well, I could lose her goodness. I’m not gonna go beyond making her my special friend”, I wondered silently as she looked at me with her pretty eyes. “Where has your compassion gone now?” she asked.  “I’m thinking about a lot of things, I just met my best friend God sent me today”, I said making her pull my hands across the table with hers.

“I would like to meet your boyfriend or perhaps your husband and tell him how lucky he is to have such a wonder of a woman in you”, I said. “Oh my God! You’re so kind and sweet! I didn’t see that coming”, she exclaimed. I poured my heart to her. Told her how I saw life through her eyes and thought of having her as my girlfriend and eventually my wife, this was a moment of true love.
Days later, I bought a bouquet of flowers, wrote a beautiful letter to cherish their love and wrapped a few gifts and went to their home. We had a good time as I met his boyfriend while we became great friends with the heaven sent nurse.  
#ItsLove #IamNelonTouch #NelonTheMelon #ForAUniqueWorld


Sleeping on a movie, breathing deep but tenderly with an almost smiley face. Staring at her helplessly but admiringly in the sil...