Wednesday 10 January 2018


By Nelon Gerrard
Based on a true story

I wanted us to have a prizy experience with the twilight at nightfall but unfortunately we couldn’t because I was over engaged in different activities since it was a busy period till 9pm when I’d have the rest of the night to myself and all that I wanted to do. I was looking forward to a splendid night, I wanted to create an exciting memory for our lane and above all fascinate her with ecstasy.

At 9:04pm I called her first off apologizing for making her wait too long. Thankfully she was ok with everything, she understood my situation. She said, “Come for me, I wanna walk with you under the stars. I wanna be scared by the sounds of the night so I can tremble into your warm chest and tight embrace. I always love how you make me feel strong like Jack did to Rose”.

I picked her from her place in a few minutes and there we went strolling under the stars. This was the first time I saw her in several months. Speechless is how we went for a good distance as she leaned on my shoulder all through blessing me with her tender breath straight unto my left side. My conscience started telling me that this was gonna be a night to remember and a walk for that matter. A million ideas started running through my head of how I could make it really really special.

“Let’s go to the rooftop and talk to the stars”, I proposed. Her eyes had already turned color as her word faded away. “Take me anywhere you want tonight and do anything you want with me as long as it’s not a place for everyone”, she submitted.

The night was dark with the absence of the moon but the stars were looking attractively beautiful in their galaxies. The cold waves were freezing and the street was silent as the night grew older. She was playing with the zipper of my jacket all the time as she told me how great it felt being next to me. Her words were making my spine warm and my body hyper active, my veins were swelling uncontrollably while my imagination got wilder as I pulled her dreads one by one provocatively.

Despite the cold breeze, rills of sweat were running down on me from my chest cavity prompting me to remove the jacket. I showed her a phony shooting star to position my lips for hers, as she turned back telling me she could not see it, I locked her lips with mine and got her breathing deep as she held my head firm with her soft hands. She kissed me like a melon and outshone my imagination. She pulled my black t-shirt towards my chest and rolled her wet lips with soft tickling pecks on my abs. I could just feel the taste of heaven upon me in the moment as she got me flying higher with a warm wave of breath unto my naval pleasing my sensual nerves.

I could barely believe it, she had come in vast. It was all for me, my big turn to receive.
I’d never seen someone as committed to give me a 9th cloud experience. Her trip to the south was not about to stop as she pulled out my belt and the zipper down. Woooo!!! I almost hit the apex when I pulled her away.
I carried her to the balcony seal, laid her flat to return the flavor. Her mummy glands were calling on my sight as they counted the stars. I was risking both our lives because a mere turn would make us fall off the height. She just rose her back paving way for me to pull up her glittering top. The taste of her glands was supernatural joined with her rhythmic body com in my quest to satisfy her ego and burning desire to roam in fantasy. The vibrations of her body gave me more courage and confidence that I was at my best yet again.      

As her body received pleasure off my touch, her honey membranes saturated the air with an aroma that made me sniff in awe tracing where it was coming from and that was my next favorite destiny, a launcher to the 9th heaven. The sit ups were many as she held my head in between her soft groins while I picked honey berries nonstop. I could not stop even when she was losing control of herself swiftly. Finally, the greatest moment came as she arrived with a jet all over my face.  
My plan to give was overturned as I received all I had planned to give under the night with the stars.
#IamNelonTouch #NelonTheMelon #ItsLove #ForAUniqueWorld

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