Wednesday 26 September 2018


By Nelon Gerrard
Based on a True Love Story

He kept looking at me stealthly throughout the day. I could not predict what he was up to really because he looked calm and innocent. Later in the day after the congress, he walked up to me and said “You are beautiful, I love your seductive smile”. Honestly I felt flattered - it came as a pleasant surprise out of my imagination. Unsure of how to respond to him appropriately, I said thank you. He smiled and said wow as he walked away.

His smile struck my attention but I  never gave it much thought after all it was the first time meeting. The next morning we found ourselves seated next to each other on the bus having a normal conversation about our countries and sports associations. I loved his company; he really engaged me in a banter that kept me away from upshots of loneliness in a foreign country. We exchanged contacts and marked the start of our friendship as my trip to Doha came to a close.

Exchanging contacts meant that we would remain in touch and probably meet again in future congresses since we are both sports journalists. During this time, as we interacted more online, I realised that he was a calm and likebale person - my attraction for him started changing tide because he was always looking out for me. He became a very good friend of mine that I started thinking about him, missing him – I was not in plans of moving out with him though but keep him as a very good friend.

Soon we were meeting again in South Korea and this nice dude was up for election to the next executive. I noticed that all his friends liked me, “Perhaps he had told them about me – not sure though”, I thought to myself. When it was voting time, his friends came asking me to vote for him but it was only obvious – my vote was his. It was an effortless persuation.

Our relationship sparked off in Brussels when we met again, his colleagues had not turned up for the congress – their Secretary who was supposedly the only other member from his association present asked me to keep him company. "He is all by himself",  she said.
He asked me to dinner with him that night which I gladly submitted to. He told me lots about him. I told him about me too. This night changed my feelings about him, my heart beat rhymed in his favour with every word of his story. It was the right time and I was falling in love uncontrollably.

The next day after the day’s activities, we were on for an evening stroll the two of us as we moved from place to place around Brussels, I could feel from the way he acted around that he was getting affectionate with me by the minute. It felt so special as my imagination got blown away into fantasy.

 “I have admired you since I first set my eyes on you in Doha. I have been thinking about you and dreaming of you ever since. Just one problem, I was afraid of letting you know that I fell in love with you the first time we met; I didn’t know what your response would be! Today, i have decided to nolonger betray my feelings for you by letting you know that what my heart has seen in you beyond my eyes is the best place I want to live forever”, I listened carefully but nervously as he said to me covered in a star studded blue sky. I felt the genuineness in the tone of his voice and the tenderness with which each word rolled off from his lips in front of St Michael and St. Gudula Church. I was already in love with him. Our loved sparked off, graced and revealed in front of church

On my birthday in June this year, he asked to  visit me and my parents to shine greenlight and seal it all for the start and continuation of a fairytale in reality.
#IamNelonTouch #NelonTheMelon #ForAUniqueWorld


Sleeping on a movie, breathing deep but tenderly with an almost smiley face. Staring at her helplessly but admiringly in the sil...