Thursday 14 February 2019


By Nelon Gerrard
Real Life, Real Love
Patrick’s Story

As she came back from the altar  after making an offertory, she crossed my eye and would take up my attention throughout the reminder of the service and for the rest of my life. Walking majestically towards her seat with an indescribable smile, my soul got filled with pure belief - she was the one the Lord had chosen for me. The Lord had shone a light into my soul.

God gave me the golden prospect of going to the same school with her. I was still very young but what I felt was always special. Every time she was at school, my life was in its well-regarded stance, my heart in its best beats. But every time she missed school, my days would go darker. I lost touch with my mind every time I didn’t see her. I would actually escape from school when I realised she was absent or never made it to school when I knew she would be absent.

One day we went home together; the way she got her skates on to greet my mum with tender love is something that still lingers in my mind. She was now grown with more beautiful eyes, hips bulging, a great posture and a dear smile. My mum liked her from the instant - their bond would grow stronger by the day. She grew to love my mum in a very special way, took care of her like she were her own mother. This made me grow deeper in love with her. She was equipped with a bountiful blessings, molded by the hands of God to make my mum feel special and over loved. With this kind of treat, I instinctively knew I had gotten an extraordinary second mother, what a blessing it was! I was now very sure I would choose her everyday of my life till the end of time because my heart was unapologetically and unregretfully in her full control.

In 2005 after all this was fully abosrbed in my life and soul, I put Orukwanzi Rw’ente around her neck at her parents home after paying bride price and fulfilling all that was asked of me .
When I got on my knees before wrapping the treasured beads around her neck, I looked into her eyes and realised that I had profoundly made a flawless picking with the help of the most high God.
“You are the biggest achievement in my life ever. I’m proud, kneeling in front of you declaring that you are mine from today till my dying day. I love you more than I have loved and promise to be the best man in your life”, I said to her as a a tear of joy dropped from my left eye to confirm all I was saying was from deep within me. She bent her forehead low like any beautiful loving Mutoorokati to accept my proposal as the crowd listening carefully burst into loud ululations to affirm the witness. In 2008, our love got blessed in church as we exchanged rings on our fingers to complete a lifelong commitment to each other.

Today I speak proudly, drive safely and treat my life carefully knowing that I made the perfect choice because Anne has not only been a pure revelation to my life but also my source of unending true love. She did not stop at loving me, she further gifted me with two beautiful daughters and two handsome boys to make me a real man and a satisfied father.
My family is my utmost pride, my wife is the main pillar of my life. Going home is one of the most beautiful thoughts at the end of everyday because of the security, companionship and comfort I expect to get at home.

Despite all the ups and downs like any other relationship, my wife who always stands by the grace of God provides surety for the whole family by her unshakeable character. She has mastered the art of never giving up and being a constant source of joy for me with the way she handles life. I’m the most proud man alive because of what my wife has made me be over the years.
I love you Anne Abwooli wange Nyamunura and always will!
Love from Patrick
#IamNelonTouch #NelonTheMelon #ForAUniqueWorld

Wednesday 6 February 2019


By Nelon Gerrard

A pat on my shoulder from the back distracted my attention as I strolled fast in the walkway towards a treeshade where I wanted to rest in solitude and concentrate on my research online. I was a bit disturbed by the pat but on turning back, a noteworthy smile glorified with beauitful big eyes said hello to me.

Our  chatting had gone on for an interesting lot of time, but we’d never met. I personally hadn’t put in much effort to meet – actually I was  a bit of a bore sometimes in these chats; because I’m not used to letting myself out to online dates and meet ups. I honestly loved her voice through voice notes she sent regularly especilly in the ewe hours of daybreak but my imagination hadn’t yet figured the kind of damsel she could be.

She stunned me with herself introduction to make it easy for me to know who I’d just met. “Yo the one?’, I inquired with outright astonishment. She smiled in response without saying a word, nodding positively as she bit her lower lip. She looked composed and very smart, her body language spoke a thousand details to me in that little while.

I told her I was around to do my online research but didn’t mind a few minutes of talk with her since it was a blessing in disguise meeting her when I least expected. She was all OK with my notion – she had been looking forward to meeting me face off for a long time. Luckily for her, she had seen me before at different events but unlucky for me, I’d never seen her nowhere until that day her smile gave me an exceptional reception from a girl worthy and charming like herself. 

When we got where I was headed, I made her sit comfortably on the exquisite furniture under the treeshade and excused myself a bit from her sight. I went for refrershments for both of us at the bar counter. On coming back, I had such a beautiful view of her from a distance and realised more than I had seen; in addition to her bevy smiles, she was a well built goddess; a prefect reflection of her captivating voice. Clad in a tight knee high dress, natural long ebony hair – she sat strikingly at a distance cool and composed sweeping me completely off the ground as I walked back to her.

She loved it when I served her with her favorite melon, passion & mango cocktail juice - her endearing smile saying so. I knew it is what she wanted – she had told me before that it was her daily yearn.
“I love this position I’m in right now. Sitting next you at such an unexpected moment is sure one of the most wonderful things that have happened to me recently”, I said to her as I looked into her eyes nearly without a blink. “I’m afraid I love expressing myself wholy to my biggest atttractions when I get the chance. Hope I don’t make you run out of your skin!”I continued saying. “Don’t mind me, that’s why I honestly get attracted to you, imagining those words and now saying them in my face is a really favorite candy. Don’t interrupt my serve please!”, she said. I didn’t doubt her humour and honesty, she expressly portrayed so before that day. We had a really great exchange in almost an hour but most importantly before she left, she said she wanted to be the kind of girl I told her about, the alien girl.
After that day, she became one of my daily needs. Talking to her on calls and texts reshaped me into a world where all the dreams I ever had becoming real day by day; indescribable moments and exhilarating rides – a life of exclusive bliss. I could not ask for better than what I consider to be my biggest jackpot ever.

Several months later, all doubts were cleared out of me – she was indeed the alien girl, the ultimate girl of all time. Crazy moments I asked for, I got in excess. She became thirsty for me, she wanted me, she ripped me out of my console and threw me into absolute fantasy when  I least expected it; the hue of magic I craved. Every time she called, my wholeself got extremely excited both on the inside and on the outside. She turned me on every single time we talked and even when I thought about her - she gave me the perfect life.

One day on a terrific evening; my friends and I went out on Friday to have fun. When there, I found myself declining out of compassion. Something was missing yet I fancied being part of an extraordinary night. I called her right away and told her my fate. She asked what my desire was; “You to be precise”, I told her. She was already in bed but was willing to strip her bed linen off if I was going to pick her which I agreed to, did I have a choice?In a few moments I was knocking at her door. She opened the door dressed in revealing black and gold lingerie, she then planted her always sweet firm lips on mine for a welcome. We entered pushing the door behind us without letting ourselves a part until we landed on the couch and she pushed me away saying we had to go leaving me mesmerised.

A few minutes later, she returned clad in a sexy skimpy long-sleeved white dress looking heavenly. We set out holding hands and drove off back to the club of valor.

In the club after ordering a round drinks, we went jiggy and wiggle with the team as excitement built up. Later my grooves faded as I don’t usually dance much, I resorted back to my seat on the sofa to enjoy those dominating the dance floor.
Just after I had sat, she came following and started twerking on my laps taking me to an explosive wonder. She then pulled down my zipper and inserted her hand in my pants and pulled a very hard and excited me out carefully without not attracting attention. She pulled her strings aside swiftly, swallowed all of me and continued twerking rocking my world like no one has ever done and probably never will. We made out in public for the first time without being caught.

Photo work by Ainomukama Rocky Amooti
#IamNelonTouch #NelonTheMelon #ForAUniqueWorld     


Sleeping on a movie, breathing deep but tenderly with an almost smiley face. Staring at her helplessly but admiringly in the sil...