Wednesday 19 December 2018


By Nelon Gerrard

Christmas was up and about; the talk of the town. Relatives jetting in from different parts of the world in a highly celebratory mood ready to feast and make merry. My anticipation and contemplation were however entirely at something else even though Christmas was the reason it was bound to happen. Just like everyone was expecting someone, I was expecting a soul that was gradually conquering my heart with every Christmas that came to pass. This was the only time of the year I had to set my wanting eyes on her and talk to her on some occasions. It was always a perfect feeling this time of the year.

Over the years as we grew up, she immortally showed me affection with the way she expressed herself and behaved around me - very attractive – a glorious smile on her always, her sweet voice with a little depth was a matchless feat, her distinctive demeanor, her adorn was a class act that caught my eye every chance I got; even if it meant peeking through a key hole.

Our bond was growing by the time, communication between us became regular and companionship started to grow hastily. At this while I was wondering why all this hadn’t started at least a couple of years back but well, perhaps this was the outright time for it to happen.

Last Christmas after all the good memories we’ve created together over time - despite the distance between us for a greater part of every year, she got my heart away, blew my mind into fantasy, swept my feet off a higher ground.  As festivity kicked in, I didn’t know what package was yet to unwrap for me but the stake of what I felt was way above the landmark.

Days later as soon as she set foot home, she invited the phenomenon of my essence with a call to let me know it was that time we had a special practice of what we promised each other. This message put me off all I had planned to do, with my imagination ripping all the fears and creating a perfect picture of what would become, my instincts put me in an assurance mode that extraordinaire was bound to happen. Just like a prayer, my eyes kept closed for several minutes as I painted the picture in the heavens, it was really beautiful, indescribable in words but would only matter if it really happened sooner.

 At exactly 8:30pm, a message on my phone from her simply read “What’s up tonight?” After seconds of reckless loner smiles, I replied back “I want to rip your wild thoughts into pieces of valor if only you agree to come here”. “Do I have a choice?” she replied with a quiz. “See you in a few”, I wrote back. “OK!” she responded

The night was extremely cold, so I put on heavy wear to keep me warm while I waited for her stealthily outside. My phone would remain inside for fear of being spotted by nocturnes and late night freelancers. But I knew exactly what direction she would show up from. 20mintues later, she hadn’t showed up. Coldness munched me up to the marrow but was hopeful she would show up shortly. This would go one for a further 15minutes. Finally, a vigilant head popped out of the shadows of the moon. From a distance, I knew it was her since I discerned her walk. All the cold scattered away from me in an instant as I walked towards her to let her know I was close by. When she saw me by the moonlight striking my face, she walked faster towards me, jumped onto me and kissed me with unforgettable passion. “I couldn’t wait for tomorrow to come”, she said with her eyes closed and voice toned. I could feel the sensation of what she said in the beat of my heart. It was very special and felt so real. I knew she had only a few minutes until she was back home but she was certainly staying a little longer.

We walked to a nearby tree in the lawn, sat on its base holding hands talking in whispers to avoid attracting attention about what the holiday was going to be like. Words were limited with abundant affection all over ourselves. As the talk faded, actions flourished - my hand in her garments nibbling her paps to and fro the cleavage while we caressed uncontrollably without not stopping. 

When the heat of the moment became unbearable, we stripped completely nude under the tree shade with moon rays scrapping the shades through the leaves unto a body to body bond. We arranged the clothes on the ground to create a makeshift bed and conceal the drench. We lay down side by side like we were in our room and made love all night till 5 in the morning.
#IamNelonTouch #NelonTheMelon #ForAUniqueWorld 


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