Monday 29 March 2021



Love from Adolf


Behold! When I think of you, I know that you are the best thing that has ever happened to me - love is authentic with you seating amidst my heart and always in my mind.

How are you doing today beautiful lady? It is such an extraordinary and sacred day. The day God made you for me, giving earth a unique break to have you grace its crust and to me mostly, with the best love of my life. I would like you to know as I celebrate you; I treasure you so much like desert oases, like the lion and its kill and like the sound of birds that sing praises to the world every morning. You are the drop that quenches my soul with pure love and compassion making me the man that I am; proud and honored to be the one that you love.

I come to think of it, and oh lady! I really love you more than the lyrics of my favorite song, you make my heart beat with purpose. My soul prospers and grows richer everyday for your love has blessed me with all that is dear to my heart, my mind, my body and my soul. The power of your love makes my heart flourish like sunflower, like red roses in the royal yard.

Just last night, I woke up in the middle of the night and found myself smiling in the dark deeply endlessly in solitude like a foolish king, my whole mind was drowned into imagination of all good times we share, love we have, tenderness we cherish and light I see in you. I thought it was a dream but ghal! It wasn’t when I pinched myself on the cheek. How could it be we have all this beautiful life ahead of us together and I’m so much looking forward to it, working towards it every day with all the might of my heart and mind? Oh ghal! I love you! I know the sun rises daily and the moon shines at night to bless your presence on earth because you are a God-send to me.

Today I’m proud of the woman you are sure that I have the best with you by my side. I dedicate my whole life to you. I betroth you with certainty, you and I shall hold our first grandchild and wrinkle while we grow a lineage and legacy together.     

You are a special kind of girl who holds my secrets so dearly just like you hold my love in your holy heart. It’s your birthday today and I’m filled with great joy because this is the day that gave you life and you would later be mine, the day I’ll cherish till life fades away. I dread the wrath of distance but then I seat on comfort of the purity of your love sure soon we will be wrapped in our arms and living life large again.

On your birthday, I wish you love, prosperity, growth and everlasting happiness with me in your life to protect you, care for you, make you smile, wipe away your tears and love you with an eternal flame. Happy birthday the love of my life Princess Kobusinge Juliet Abwoli wange nyamata ensemere yange kibumbiriire. Ninkugonza ntaina itebya habwokuba oli murungi nk’amata nyinabarungi omusiitakati.


Love from,

Adolf Tibeyalirwa Acaali

PS. Special Dedication;

Kibumbiriire – Ajuna James Jr.

21 – Hunter Hayes

#iamnelontouch #nelonthemelon #forauniqueworld 

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