Wednesday 20 November 2019


Nelon Writes

It was a fluffy day – I had accomplished my errands for the day quite early and spent the bigger part relaxing and browsing the internet. I was lethargic to do any extra errands that were not on my day’s rota; it was only in me to downgrade myself to the phone even if it meant spending all day and night on it. It was actually beautiful – I read lots of lovely pieces of writings from different sites and blogs. As the day grew older, approaching dusk – a windfall of thoughts of someone took over, licking my mind profoundly; aroused by seeing her picture on Facebook memories. Part of me wanted to call her, while the wanted to talk to her when I got home and this was ideal since I was in an overly engaged locale that moment - it had to be a call of expression and affection. I relegated all thoughts and concentrated on other things as I hung on for nightfall then head home for a feisty night.

Drizzles creped in from the skies sooner than I left, prolonging my stay till it was dark – the moon and stars plastered by a strapping shade of nimbus clouds amassed in thunder strokes and lightning flashes loud and bright – clear threats of a stormy night yet to be. Thank goodness a few minutes later, the skies cleared and it was time to get home safe and talk to her as I craved from the early hours of the evening. Before I got home, a message from her popped up on my phone screen, she had replied to a picture of me on my status; “What if I inserted my hand under your t-shirt and moved it beyond your naval downwards, what could happen”, she wrote. My eyes opened wide, chills ran all over my body with shivers sprouting on every pore of my skin. I literally saw and felt her erogenous hand move under my t-shirt towards my pubis. I lost words to reply as I moved restlessly glued on the screen of my phone on street. I could not wait to reach home, I decided to call her as I moved; unfortunately her line was not clear due to bad network – we could not talk properly, couldn’t hear what she was saying. I asked her to come home but guess she didn’t hear me; network was really crappy, it pissed me off. She called me after I hung up but it was not any better. I just proceeded home with the piss drowned in my head.

Reaching home, from a distance; I was welcomed by phone light on my door, someone was seated chatting; by instincts I thought she could be the one and indeed as I moved closer, there she was right on the door dressed in only a t-shirt on her shapely body and beach sandals on her feet. The whole lawn was covered in the gloom of night - only her phone light shining like a star in the heavens. As I moved closer, my footsteps interrupted, she got up and called out my name. I was surprised she never seemed bothered by the dark or never showed fright when she heard my footsteps before realising I was the one.

Even though I didn’t expect her, sight of her blew my mind wide and shook my demeanor, propelling my wild psyche to overdrive. We spent a lot of time hugging silently just outside the front porch freshened by a moist ambiance. She held me harder and harder by the minute – her arms crossed on my nape and hands falling unto either my shoulder. Her face dipped into my left collar bone for several minutes, radiating warm waves of exhalation to my veins; such a ticklish sensation! Soon after, I felt her soft warm hand provocatively key in my t-shirt making my hip bones contract and bulge rhythmically – in and out raving up my entire nervous system. Blood was flowing intensely down south into my main vein making it straight up and hard creating a lot of heat and rumbling in my pants. My testosterone levels were skyrocketing, stiffening every single muscular fibre in my body harder and firmer. Her hand kept sending shivers as it moved from my naval until I felt its warmth on my scrotal membrane rolling my endocrines against each other in their sac. She then swept me completely off my feet as she slid her hand gently along the shaft of my dick back and forth, pre-cum was now making dumb my pants, I was on the edge of explosion.

I pulled off her t-shirt exposing her firm boobs and hard nipples; I felt her thighs tremble in wetness flowing from her labia down her inner thighs. I kept running my hands in between her thighs surfing warm juices that flowed along her thighs endlessly as I kissed her hard nipples in turns. She began moaning calmly increasing the tune as I moved my hand between her under lips to her boy under the boat back and forth and kissing her nipples simultaneously. I could feel her body from tip to toe out of control, shaking against mine, her knees breaking stance every second. “I want to feel you inside me”, she mumbled as she caressed the tip of my dick. She dropped my pants and boxers to my feet as I lifted her onto the balcony rails, exposing her dripping labia next to my already wild pubis. She put each of her foot on either side of my hips for support and held my dick with her thumb and index finger and started hitting her labia and boy in the boat with it as she released jets of squirts unto my abdomen teasingly inserting my dick inside her by just the tip occasionally until she was screaming I’m cumming, I’m cumming, I’m cumming. Wow! This sound was just perfect for me as I went inside her until I hit a strong jet unto her cervix.
#IamNelonTouch #NelonTheMelon #ForAUniqueWorld                       

1 comment:

  1. Wow!!! What a Natural.... Can't wait to visit this blog more often



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