Wednesday 15 April 2020


Nelon Writes🍉

A creation of aura ensued in my mind as soon as we assented to an evening out in the untamed - the only space we could hang out with a pacific ambiance due to the ongoing lockdown barred by a strict curfew enforced by ravenous security personnel in the guise of protectors. My imagination bore a rather risk-bound impression that as usual by instinct, I fell for. A few hours before dusk, late on a Monday afternoon with blistering rays of the sun etching streams of sweat out of our bodies, we set off - a gullible her with an armless black top on light grey sweat pants walking besides me, arms intertwined; smiling and laughing and cracking stupid jokes playful on the main road – a perfect recipe to a would be special form of articulation.         

Pretty faster we moved; strolling briskly and resting in intervals of a few minutes to catch up with time so we could be back home before curfew time. Happily, we reached our destination (a man made dock on the edge of a crater lake) having in excess of an hour to hangout and have a bit of time together embraced by nature. A picturesque scenery unknotted strains and pains in the muscles of our legs and feet, we carefully sat on the brink of the dock immersing our feet into the cold water up to the middle of our shins. Suddenly, there were no words between us; we mostly spent the time adoring and admiring reflections of the blue sky on light waves of water, ducks swimming in rhythmic fashion consuming all the attention with worthy delight especially for her. I could read it on her cute face; she occasionally turned with infectious smiles unto me holding my arm tighter with her soft palms. I could feel the rhythm of her rib cage on mine every time she held me tighter and extended closer to my body by the minute while wind shook the dock along.

After fully devouring the art of nature into our senses, she lowered her head into my chest and rested right unto my heartbeat calmly with no utterance. I put my hand diagonally through her right under arm to the bottom lining of her black armless top and rested my hand, before teasingly moving my fingers around her tummy, making it oscillate – bulging and depressing in patterns. She was becoming edgy, pressing her head harder into my diaphragm seemingly taking pleasure from that touch. I was tempted to go further up and down south, she was already in the moment but what I had in my mind overpowered me and controlled me, reminding me there was a perfect story to be made incase time and fate allowed. This became my point of establishment and suspense so I could create a want in her to experience more with me lest luck gave me the chance to fascinate her world. It was already 30minutes past the time we had set for ourselves to be setting off – that meant we had to rush away without hesitation or risk being whipped mercilessly or arrested for breaking the rules. This was my confidence yet her deepest fear especially after what had happened to her friend that was battered days earlier with her boyfriend as they walked back from an evening walk past curfew time.               

As we rushed our way, running and panting in dismay; unfortunately (or luckily for me), we bumped into a troop of security people loaded with bundles of whips like herdsmen preparing themselves to trade to the vandal . One of them, an eagle eyed short dark skinned muscular young guy in plain army green uniform tagged with the Uganda flag on one of the arms saw us but pretended he hadn’t - he stealthily tried alerting one of his mates, a relatively tall light skinned fellow speaking some broken Swahili. I instinctively pulled her by the hand taking to our heels for dear life - escaping the wrath of canes on our already exhaustion soaked bodies. Opportunely, we survived the chase; there we were in the middle of an exquisite wilderness awash with darkness and modest sounds of underground insects and croaky amphibians. What a great enthusing feeling it was! I felt it within me we could find a way of staying an unprecedented night in the wild- risky as it seemed; I was willing to do it, sure of safety uphill and a wonderful epic night. Unaware of what was on my mind; she started showing signs of feeling terrified; whether we would find our way home or where we would safely harbor the night.  It took me a lot of convincing - we would make a great story spending the night in the wild. She couldn’t imagine how that would be, how we would make it happen. She was firstly dreaded by darkness and then thoughts of nightly beasts that would terrify us even more, but by good luck the environment had no such beasts. As we still pondered about what, a guy that happened to live in the neighborhood came by, going home. We asked if he could get us some firewood and help us take it uphill, he accepted to do it for us after delightfully agreeing on his payment. 

Moments later atop the hill, the firewood guy luckily returned with a great deal helped by his friend who had carried a matchbox along for lighting up the fire. It was really cold up there, we needed the fire badly. A thought came to me to keep these guys hanging around as we planned what we would do to have a comfortable night without no worries. Fortunately, I had a bottle of scotch whisky in my bag; I pulled it out attracting the guys to stay along. They got so excited and started assuring us of safety and how fun everything was turning out to be. The fire was so bright, heating up just right - the mood already tuned fabulously with no qualms. 

A few minutes later, I asked the guys to excuse us a bit; she wanted to pee since it had been too cold which they gladly agreed to. I walked her to another side of the hill peak covered by the dark so we could have a moment together. I was extremely hard and firm in my pants generating a lot of heat in there, so horny and excited all over my body. A little peck on my cheek got hair rising on my entire body; I embraced her tighter on my body, gave her a vampire kiss - biting her side neck a little teasingly. I felt a surge of shivers germinate on her face, arms and neck calling out for me to listen. I had never experienced such a bodily communication like it before. I kissed her more, while moving towards her nipples; still dressed, I bit them in turns as my hand slowly slid into her pants simultaneously. At this point she was holding me tighter, moaning carefully with tenderness, breathing a little bit faster and harder. She directed my other hand onto her zipper while she kissed me with her firm wet lips. After unzipping her pants, my hand got treated to a wet warm dripping in between her firm thighs crowned up with a well trimmed vulva, I couldn’t see it but it felt so right on my already soaked hand. She then pushed me away and inserted her hand vigorously into my pants getting hold of my dick with absolute enthusiasm and want. It felt good in her palm as she pulled my pants down while going down on her knees. She made my stomach muscles contract and release with sweet pain teasingly sucking and licking my inflexible and troubled dick. I literally died as she sunk all of it into her soaked and dripping mouth rubbing tenderly against her well aligned dentition. I couldn’t take it no more, I pulled her up from her knees, unpeeled her pants revealing strings running round her waist joining a net piece covering her vulva. “I want you inside of me right now”, she demanded calmly as she went on four legs. She was already dripping making the ground I was standing on visibly wet and warm continuously. I removed my pants out of one leg for stability and went on my knees just behind her firm round ass bulging towards my dick. I went deep into her making her moan a bit louder, I came out and went in humorously while I rubbed her breasts and played with her nipples with my hand, then concentrated on thrusting her as she demanded “harder, harder, harder, deeper, don’t stop, right there, don’t stop I’m feeling it”. Her breath was growing in depth, strength and pace as I sunk completely into action trying to climax since we were taking longer than expected. Her breath got more pacy uncontrollably making me realise she was reaching peak, I did it faster until she suddenly cut the pace of breathing back to normal, she had climaxed perfectly. A few more seconds later, I released a hot jet of cum inside of her as I fell on her back with a lot of sweat and lethargy dripping out of me.             

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