Wednesday 14 June 2017


Nelon Touch

Dear Soul of my Soul,

I hope this finds you doing just fine my love.

I wanna thank you for last time when you left me speechless with my heart amid heavenly love.
When I met you, a strong feeling of brighter love shone in my soul yet I did not know exactly how it would all turn out, and I’m now certainly sure I never really knew love until you showed me what true love can really be.

That night I never slept because I was drowned in that special moment that made me feel so lucky to have a woman unimaginable nothing compares to.

Babie you just don’t know how great you made me feel when you stood looking straight in my face with your heavenly smiles and said, “Babie! I’m the one that called you out. I have been seated just opposite you uneasy, unsettled, adoring you and
admiring you imagining lots of good things about us. OMG you are so cute today, I’m in love with you, I really am”. This defining moment made me feel the breath of love steam all over me.

I cannot hold back any longer, I just want you to hold unto me as love leads the way into our beautiful life together forever. I’m not perfect, no babie but promise to be the best man I can to love you for as long as time.

I keep choosing you even in the wildest imagination of how beautiful life is gonna be with you and I at the centre of our souls because with you I see the light of life, I see development, I see courage, I see support, I see companionship and most of all; I see LOVE. 

I will never get lost in the crowd for you dear babie. I love you a little bit more every time!!! 

Yours love


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