Tuesday 27 June 2017


By Nelon Touch

It was a beautiful norm calling her to ask how the night was and to tell her how much I loved her every morning before I set off for school. That morning I was so filled with love reeling with anxiety to express my romantic emotion to her. When I called, her hello was not the usual sweet voice that lit up my mornings. Babie! You don’t sound as always; you don’t seem fine, are you alright?” I asked as I heard her start sobbing. Oh God I never liked her being in such a sombre mood. My girl was supposed to be smiley every time even on the darkest of days.

Finally after insistent hesitations, she said “Darling I think I’m pregnant”. A hang up tone ensued as a wave of unclear sensation wrecked down my spine while sweat dripped all over my body. Hallucinations racked up my mind as I drowned in absolute confusion. Being a teenager still under the control of my parents, I was sure the coming days would be a den of stress pervaded with fear of losing my freedom.

I really loved the notion of abortion as I grew up. I always thought to curb unwanted pregnancies; abortion was the most appropriate solution. In my early days, there were lots of arrests of young boys and men arising from the fact that a girl getting pregnant shuttered her dreams and those of her family. This scared me so making me think abortion was ultimate.

A week later, I received a call that would change my whole perspective about life. This call came from my beloved one who claimed after being pressured and told about how her future would be destroyed by continuing with the pregnancy, chose to abort what would have made me a father at an early age.

What we call an embryo that we think has no life is actually real life. The remorseful feeling that got to me after that incidence made me feel like I was party in the act, we had committed murder. Ending an innocent life because pleasure of the body supersedes the realities of life is the most selfish act.

Lots of questions kept resounding in my mind from then on; why have unprotected sex without the thought that you would get pregnant, why get pregnant after unprotected sex and abort, why not give this embryo, a product of your pleasure the chance to grow, imagine you were aborted? Is abortion the best cover for unwanted pregnancies? Is there really accidental pregnancy?

It’s such a bad thing participating in or committing abortion, it’s a grave deed. It really hurts that some women have committed abortion not once or twice but have adopted it as a family planning measure. There are very many ways of avoiding unwanted pregnancy, take them up and avoid the wrath and curse of abortion. God himself detests abortion because it’s against the law of procreation.

Ladies and gentlemen, have unprotected sex only when you are ready for pregnancy, do not have unprotected sex with someone you wouldn’t want to have kids with or do not have sex at all.
As an aspiring loving father and husband, I say let us embrace the joy of pregnancy and having children because Abortion hurts life and humanity

Photo source; LGiU


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