Wednesday 30 August 2017


By Nelon Gerrard
“Based on a True Story”

We spent over 2hrs saying goodbye without leaving each other. There was no intention from either of us other than just being good friends but the feeling got deeper the more we said goodbye. Finally, we had to leave because it was getting late. An early call got me out of my deep sleep, she was the one calling to say good morning. I had spent a long time without having such calls and the sense of it activated the fond bits of my heart.

She told me she loved every bit about last night and would really want another of the kind with me. This girl was really beautiful, soft spoken and lovely thou kind of an introvert but hanging around her became my thing on the offset. Hanging out was not my thing before but with her the first time swept me off my feet.

It was a big day in town, the year was ending and I thought being with her at such a time was impeccable for us since our feelings were taking a new tide. I called her about the whole idea, she got excited as we chose to be together until the break of the year.

After all the festivities were done, we decided to go home. We went straight to our car in the park yard ready to end another great evening together. It was really cold outside, so we decided to warm ourselves first with the car AC before setting off. By the time we realized, we had spent 30minutes appreciating ourselves for a great night; “I don’t wanna go tonight, I just wanna have some more time with you”, I said to her. “How about we spent the rest of the night here”, she suggested in a somewhat joking way. “Really?’ I wondered with excitement. “Let’s give it a try”, she said while we adjusted the car seats a little bit lower to have comfortable leans. Little did I know we were setting up one of the best moments of my life.

My imagination got crazier, wilder and fonder as the night grew old, my lips became desirous, and my heart beat got nasty but my conscience remained stable keeping me afloat from making an uncertain move. I started believing God had sent her to love me that night. She was so real, and sounded so genuine, I could feel it all night.

My voice got deeper as the night went by, it started working her magic. I could see she was tempted to bite my lips with hers but was inhibited by the fact that it was our first such interaction. At some point we looked at each other for over 20minutes without saying nothing while our breath and uneasy movements were the only sounds in the car.

She eventually removed the kikoyi she had wrapped around her waist because of coldness. She was wearing a very short skirt inside that exposed her heavenly thighs that got me awwww! I became uneasy and extended towards her tryna kiss her lips that had fed my ears with free flowing sweet words with her romantic soft spoken tone. At 5:00am, we could not believe we were the only ones left in the park yard without noticing.

At that moment, we nearly kissed as my lips craved to lock hers but she suddenly put them away. I could see she really wanted to kiss me but kept distracting me with the outside to avoid the temptation every time we tried to. After numerous temptations, she finally lied in my chest and started saying, “You are such a wonder, and I can’t imagine you’ve made me spend the night here with you and not just about that, but a very special night. You are special”.

“Tonight is truly a special night. I cannot believe you are such a sweet girl and so romantic. I would love to have this again for real. Never imagined such a thing in my life. You have conquered my heart just like your Empaako Akiiki. Tonight you are the best song my ears have listened to since childhood”, I said in response

As it approached 6am, the birds started singing beautiful love songs applauding our special moment with sweet loud voices in a language we hardly understood but was all crystal since it was timely. However this was an alert we had to leave or else people found us there.
After fighting intense resistance inside us to leave, we drove off. When we got to my house since she was supposed to leave with the car we spent another hour failing to go part ways until daylight cut through us and forced us to leave.

I never had sleep for the next 2days as the memories kept lingering in my mind. A new chapter of love was being written as months of a very long bucket list of crazy, fun and romantic activities took over our lives.

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#IamNelonTouch #ForAUniqueWorld  

Wednesday 23 August 2017


By Nelon Gerrard

Dear Love,

As I write this with the skies blue, the sun so bright and my soul fonder of you, I hope this finds you doing just fine my dear darling.

It’s been a little while since I last set my eyes on you and I have these countless thoughts of when I’m with you running in my mind every time. I appreciate the sweet messages and the sexy pictures you send, you are truly my heaven sent. I miss you so much but even thou; you make me believe that one day all we are doing will lead us to where we will always be together. It’s really hard to master the distance and think of all the days I’ve not seen you and those I won’t see you, but because of you, I’m pretty sure my path to love is perfectly defined.

Last Sunday I decided to play loner at one of the beautiful hills of Fort Portal as the mountains touched the sky in my sight while soul touching music gave my ears the best of all times from my iPod. While that scenery fascinated my imagination, pictures of you started appearing in my mind as my soul was completely taken up by the power of your love.

In that moment I realised that lately we’ve all been taken up by work and slashed our personal time to almost nothing. A couple of weeks ago we would find time for ourselves no matter what. We cared so much about each other and our days. Babie! Let me remind you of the promises we made to love. The promise that nothing would come against the love that has overtime become the breath of our lives. I just wanna let you know that because of you my whole life is ever filled with joy, fun, happiness and most of all; love and I really can’t let that slip off my hands. I know I have been lax either about us and admit I was wrong because love takes two.

Today I want to re-write my promise to you as my heart has chosen and my soul accepted you my true love. I choose you again as the woman I’m gonna love forever, the woman I will make sweet love to and whose kiss I’ll cherish and moments with I’ll adore for the rest of my life. I look forward to creating more beautiful and everlasting memories with you since I have come to discover that life is much better with you at the centre of my heart every day; this I’ll keep so until I come back home my love. I really miss your love and only dream of the day I will be back to you.

I love you always!

Yours Love

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#IamNelonTouch #ForAUniqueWorld

Thursday 17 August 2017


By Nelon Gerrard

My heart gets perfect vibrations of fondness when the feeling that I was born in one of the most beautiful and serene places on earth Fort Portal, the undisputed tourism capital of Uganda is received sensually by my phenomenal intellect.

The budding town cum tourism city to be is an adorable township, popular among tourists traveling from across the globe because of her situation in the centre of Uganda’s most naturally gifted region engulfed in multitudes of attractions dotted by the most notable Rwenzori mountains seasoned by the world’s primate capital Kibale National Park, over 50crater lakes, 1000s of rich green hills, rivers, varied species of flora and fauna and most of all; her beautiful, pacific and hospitable people.

In addition, Fort Portal is enveloped by breathtaking nature averaging not more than an hour away to neighbouring districts including the medley of wonders Queen Elizabeth National Park, Lakes George and Edward in Kasese, Tooro Semiliki National Park, Lake Albert and the Great Rift Valley in Ntoroko and Sempaya Hot springs and Rwenzori Mountains National Park in Bundibugyo.

Fort Portal also home to the Youngest Reigning Monarch Omukama Dr. Oyo Nyimba Kabamba Iguru Rukidi IV unlike other towns in Uganda is named in English and attracts scores of travelers from different parts of the world especially from the UK where Sir Gerald Portal from whom the town was named came from. Many people wonder what extraordinaire the town possesses by its name only to be launched into absolute wonder on getting there.

Fort Portal rose to the summit of all Ugandan towns back in age during the colonial times when Uganda was a protectorate of the British. Due to her weather that is not so different from Europe and the amazing natural environment, the British turned Fort Portal into their sitting room from where plans for Uganda were drawn. This in the process forced them to protect the haven from external aggression by building a military base also known as a Fort at Booma Hill where the current Tooro Golf Club sits hence the name Fort Portal.

In the early 2000s, Fort Portal continued rising further into a modern urban centre as the town became one of the cleanest in East Africa with hardly a glimpse of polythene paper and rubbish common with other towns and cities in the region, a feat it has maintained over the years

Fort Portal has consistently grown from a British Fort to a popular international destination for nature lovers to a top social and economic brand influencing numerous travelers and business men. Fort Portal due to her popularity all over the world and her strategic location has influenced business men and women to set up world class hotels and sites that currently attract honeymooners, holiday makers, backpackers and nature lovers among others. Some business people have gone on to name their businesses prefixed with the word Fort Portal like Fort Motel, Fort Portal International Nursing School, Fort Portal SSS, Fort View Hotel, Fort Pharmacy, Fortlight Limited and so many others

Fort Portal as a high flying brand has overshadowed her mother district Kabarole and Tooro Kingdom. It is a stunning fact that most people including media reporters think apparently Fort Portal is a district. Some people traveling to any destination from Kyegegwa to Kasese will say they are traveling to Fort Portal; such is the power garnered by the Fort Portal brand.

The entertainment industry has not been spared either, lots of popular songs have been recorded full of praise about the beautiful town including the hit Beautiful land by Joseph Israel. A movie Wrong Incite has also been produced promoting the beauty and tourism investment potential of Fort Portal featuring the LCV Kabarole District Hon. Richard Rwabuhinga and Member of Parliament Fort Portal Hon. Alex Ruhunda in the movie cast.

To cap it all, the government of Uganda after harnessing the strategic locality and her comparative advantage earmarked Fort Portal the Tourism City of Uganda and inked it in the National Development Plan and in the Uganda Vision 2040.

“Fort Portal is not just a beautiful name; it’s a top international brand”


#Touchlines #IamNelonTouch #ForAUniqueWorld

Wednesday 16 August 2017


By Nelon Gerrard

The club was pleasantly lit as a beautiful Saturday evening faded into Sunday morning alongside cool guys and pretty ladies grooving with ecstasy. The club was clearly on fire as I sipped my wine since I hardly engage the dance floor because I prefer the counter while I enjoy seeing others drown in the DJ mixes.

A stunning woman dressed in hot pants whose dance moves had in reality caught my attention walked towards me; oh yeah she had that golden glare on her face. I thought she was coming to order a beer from the counter but just walked straight to me and asked if she could dance with me as she drew her pretty face towards a saddening mine while her arm found comfort on my shoulder. I told her I was fine but she instead turned and started stroking my high radiation zones with her seductive grooves.

I was sure I wouldn’t dance even if I loved to but she insisted; I got a little rude and nearly slapped her because she was disturbing my peace. Like a girl on a mission, she stopped dancing but spoke to me in a deep expression of interest written all over her face. “Perhaps she wants something else”, I thought to myself before asking for her phone digits and promised to call her later.

After two weeks of curiosity, we finally met for an evening  date where she revealed that she used the dance to get a chance of expressing her inner feelings to me.
“I’m sorry for being rude to you that night, I actually thought you were drunk and didn’t know what you were doing. I never like being rude or disrespecting women. I acted that way because I did not know you were sober. I’m so sorry”, I apologized as she pardoned me.

“I wanna thank you for being such an extraordinary person both in what you do and how you love your girl. I have been thinking about this for quite some time and I must confess I envy your woman so much, I keep dreaming about being her. You guys don’t have much but have redefined love and happiness”, girl showered me with praises

“I’m fascinated by everything you are saying, didn’t know you would sound so sweet like that. You are such a higher form of encouragement. Wooow! I don’t know what to say really but thank you!” I said to her.

“I have lots of crazy wishes and wild imagination in my head, if only God can make my wishes come true”, she said confidently

“What could those crazy wishes be?” I asked politely

She asked, “Can we be lovers?”

 #Touchlines #IamNelonTouch #ForAUniqueWorld

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Sleeping on a movie, breathing deep but tenderly with an almost smiley face. Staring at her helplessly but admiringly in the sil...