Wednesday 13 September 2017


By Nelon Gerrard

I spoiled our weekends, the only free time we had together in a week. My friends and I had made it a point going out on drinking sprees every weekend making it seem like we lived on it. We had a tendency of going round all the bars in Fort Portal especially on Saturdays sipping on all kinds of booze and would sometimes leave the bar at 7am. I would literally crawl home and spend Sundays half dead with extreme hangover. My girlfriend who came home on weekends became the most frustrated and hurting woman on earth. I didn’t realise this for quite some time perhaps because her patience made me blind to all this.

Emotional fights arose; she would come home but doesn’t talk to me, make food but doesn’t eat, wash my clothes but leave them hanging on the line until I got them off myself while sometimes it would rain on them.
However I came to realise I was wrong, first off my girl was heavenly beautiful, intelligent, exceptionally caring, unimaginably patient and enduring. Everyone including my friends wished to be like me but I couldn’t see all this.

Besides loving me; she was always encouraging reminding me of my goals every single day. “Babie you are such a fine guy, very intelligent with a bright future. I’m so proud that am your woman. I love you really. However, your drinking and late night or early morning arrivals home are killing me softly. I look forward to weekends knowing I will be with you with lots of crazy, wild and beautiful imagination but you instead abandon me for beer bottles. You don’t even make love to me because of hangover. You are such a romantic fox but you make me miss all that. You make me feel the unluckiest woman living in luck because you ain’t the one you are posed to be”, I listened to her without interruption for over 20minutes. As I started picking sense out of it, she broke down.

I got lost in myself as I wiped her tears with my lips but when I tried kissing her to cool her down, she gave me a hot slap and never allowed me to say nothing as she left the house vowing never to come back to me till I became sensible again.

I woke up later thinking I was dreaming only to realise all had really happened, she wasn’t beside me, the TV was off, the house was all quiet and boring. Reflections of what she told me dominated my mind for the rest of the day. That evening I decided to join the guys again to try and forget about her and everything that had happened. I drunk but never talked as usual with the guys, it was not the habitual fun packed evening full of laughter so decided to go home early because of a deep feeling of dejection.

When I got home at around midnight, I called her right away asking her to come back home and we talk. She said we had nothing to talk because it was all about changing my ways. “Love I’m sorry for all that’s been happening, I may not be perfect but I truly love you a little bit more. All I’m asking is for a chance to help me be a better man. I know you can do that. I’m willing to change but it’s gonna be hard if you are far away from me. Come home, I guarantee you better”, I said humbly as she picked excitement not wanting to show it thou.
She really loves me, I thought to myself after the call as I failed to catch sleep and decided to occupy my time writing a letter explaining myself and how far I would go just because I love her.

The next weekend she was on the way coming, I put the letter on the bed, and left the house open. Calling on my phone, my ringtone which was a recording telling her to read the letter welcomed her.

When I later returned, I found her just not as excited. I went down on my knees to apologise. Hardly had I started my pleas when she knelt right in front of me breathing fast and hard, I reached out to her as we just kissed for almost an hour. Later after I couldn’t handle not answering my body calling, I started unbuttoning her sweet scented blouse, but before I completed, she jumped off and returned minutes later with a nicely prepared meal and cocktail juice. I was defeated with absolute wonder by the fabric from which she was made.

Happiness had surely come back to us as the delicious meal gave us vitality for another special romantic night as we made love all through without saying much but speaking in romance and body language. The next weekends would became havens of bliss as “us” became the most important aspect of our beautiful relationship.

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