Wednesday 6 September 2017


By Nelon Gerrard

If it wasn’t for fear of rain spoiling the laptop, we would have had another rainy fascination on the hill. We craved to watch our favorite movie just the two of us for so long in vain because we were so tied up.

One Monday afternoon we decided to be off from everything else and turn each bit of devotion to us. To make it exclusive, we set out to Kyeganywa hill to watch the movie on my laptop with rich green hills, the Rwenzori Mountains and crater lakes in the vicinity.

I remember her stunning look with love written all over her face when she said, “You are my perfect match. I love how you create these special moments for us”.
I smiled passionately and asked her to play the movie since the clouds were showing signs of rain probably in a few hours from then. She told me to wait as she asked to sit between my legs so we could watch the movie in a linear fashion with the laptop in front of us and my arms wrapped around her sexy bare waist.

Beautiful woman turned to my eyes and smiled seamlessly before pressing the play button making me drown into adoration. “I will love you through the storms and the light. Even if this rain started falling down on us, let me be the one to walk you through it”, I said. “I love you too hunie”, she said as she pressed the button.

15 minutes into the movie unfortunately or luckily, the heavens started falling with a heavy pour coercing us to run back downhill. As we rode off suffering with gloom because of another intrusion by rain we reached a centre where we stopped for shelter so we could create our next move while darkness wrecked in.

As the bad feeling munched me, I got frenzied and walked back into the rain towards the bike while calling her out to follow me. She started dropping tears asking me to stay even it meant staying till late. She later heeded my call though faintheartedly. I ran back to her, held her waist and pulled her closer to my chest wrapping my wet arms around her looking straight into her teary eyes. I was so touched when I realized she really never wanted us to leave, she wanted us to stay and live the moment. Nevertheless I held her face by the cheeks as her arms dropped round my waist while I looked at her lips delightfully for seconds. While we nearly kissed, a hard voice shouted, “Inywe nimukoraki? Murugeho aho”, (loosely meaning you guys what are you doing? Get off there). This got us laughing out loud instead. It was such a funny statement in the rains. Suddenly, I don’t know what happened but she slipped to the ground. I went down towards her swiftly but gently only to realize it wasn’t nothing serious. We kissed so deep on the ground while rain cleansed us with its pure waters.

Riding along under rain, my mind instantly bore an idea she bought; go to a private house to complete the movie and the rest of the night.

Getting there, we were all over each other with wet clothes still on. She hugged me so tight not willing to release me. Her head then fell on my chest as she started communicating to my heart through her breath momentarily. I then pushed her unto a beautifully laid bed. She got on top of me crazily, madly, deeply as we kissed curling on the bed numerous times. The intensity and power this moment had on my whole self was something sensually exquisite and alluring. I tore off her crop top and trailed down her cleavage with my wet oral muscles getting her absolutely crazy calling her to push me away as she got on top and spilled all the buttons off my shirt.
I swiftly turned her around and removed the fabric below her waist exposing the beautiful strings inside written on “count on me”. I teasingly rolled my wet lingo along her groin area back and forth as she gave me motivational right there, don’t stop melodies. Steamy love making dominated the rest of the night before falling asleep besides each other in the morning just before 7O’clock.

When I woke up I found her stealthily staring at me and pretended she was asleep but burst into cackles when I tickled her to show I had noticed what she was up to.
Looking at the clock, it’s coming to 3pm and we were both extremely hungry. Neither of us could move out to look for food because our clothes were still wet and dirty. Luckily my boda boda guy was on standby. We went for a shower and reverted to the movie afterwards. 10minutes into it my phone rang and it was the boda boda guy, food had arrived.

After the delicious meal, the movie was on again. We enjoyed it for good minutes as my hand run through her hair all the time while hers permanently planted on my chest until a part where a couple made out in a forest. We joined them and ended that night with another moment of truth filled with pure love and bliss.

In the morning, a soundtrack to the movie woke me up. It was 7am and closing credits were rolling up the screen. We failed to watch a 2hr movie in 3days.    

#IamNelonTouch #ForAUniqueWorld

1 comment:

  1. This is a good one! I also have crazy memories about Kyeganywa Hill



Sleeping on a movie, breathing deep but tenderly with an almost smiley face. Staring at her helplessly but admiringly in the sil...