Wednesday 31 January 2018


By Nelon Gerrard

I woke up to the elation of 10s of people surrounding me. Some were sad, others exulted on seeing my eyes open while the rest were covered with regret on their faces. Many thought I had died or perhaps had fallen into a deep coma that would eventually claim my beautiful life.

It was an animated Saturday afternoon, the sky was blue, the sun was searing and the cheers were hailing from all over. Smiling faces decorated the day as everyone minded their own business having fun. It was a no ordinary day for us, it was health club with swimming our main activity of the day. It was a fun packed and daring afternoon as my team and I did all the swimming stunts that came into our imagination; the sky dives into the pool and the splashing of the pool waters. Most of the fun lovers around and other swimmers had turned to spectators of our game and fun chasing.

On the dark moment of the day, unfortunately I lost consciousness while I flew in the air doing my favorite sky jump dive. My friends told me the entire premise went into absolute quietude at the sight of the spot I had landed turning red. It was blood! I had hit my head on the pool wall. Having a team of good swimmers all round me saved my life, they all lunged into the pool instantly at the sense of danger and pulled my still body out of the water with my head bleeding severely. Fortunately, one of the spectator ladies came running to where I lay down unconscious with a first aid kit. She was a nurse!

My consciousness rejuvenated slowly as the bleeding stopped while she tied a bandage round my head. While everyone was in shock lost in the mind with hardly no idea how to save my life, she slowly gave them confidence with respite and composure as she assured sympathizers that everything was gonna be fine in a few moments. My consciousness was returning fast with her touches as she checked my condition; my breath and veins. I could hardly hear what was being said, it was just murmurs all over the place. My sight was blurry. It was like a dream, I didn’t know what was happening, and didn’t know I had gone lifeless for a couple of minutes. It was all confusing as hallucinations faded my conscience away.

Finally I was almost fully conscious again, it was the greatest come back to life ever. My eyes opened to a flashy pretty faced young woman concentrating on me like a bombshell. She looked confident but a little worried perhaps because of the scared souls around me. She was the perfect light to the return of my life. Her brown eyes rolled on me and worked me better, her touch kicked any form of unconsciousness out of me and eventually made me smile again. I developed goosebumps all over me when she turned to my face with an impeccable smile after someone had tipped her I was awake. She held my head with her warmly hands blessing my cheeks with tenderness and pure calling back to normal. She never turned to anything else or anybody from the time I opened my eyes except my face.

She said to me, “You are in the best hands”. I could not imagine myself in such a heavenly situation. I didn’t even ask what had happened or why many people were around me. Her voice spoke directly to my soul and gave me a fresh breath of life. She then told me her name and asked for mine. I failed to say a word as I drowned in admiration with an adoring smile.
She didn’t mind much, she just said, “Well, let’s go to the hospital”. “Are you going with me”, I asked curiously. It was a yes to my pleasure.

At the hospital, I got to know that I had hit my head on the pool wall and went unconscious for several minutes. I nearly died as I bled so much. The heaven sent nurse was one of the people enjoying their day but fortunately had a first aid kit in her bag. She explained all this to the doctor as I listened without saying nothing. I realised she really cared about me, her voice tone and body language were so impressive. The way she kept peeking at me as she explained to the doctor completely swept my feet off the ground. I sure felt no pain at all that night until morning when I woke up in the sick bay. The pain I felt in the morning was only because she was nowhere when I woke up. Her voice kept resounding in my mind. Tears started rolling from eyes only to be distracted by my crazy friends who came in making fun of me, how I was peeking at the nurse by the poolside yet I was not fine at all. To my surprise, there she was. She showed up again. The whole room went silent as I sat up with a glowing face.

To be continued……watch out for LIFE TO LOVE next week.
#ItsLove #IamNelonTouch #NelonTheMelon #ForAUniqueWorld



Wednesday 24 January 2018


By Nelon Touch

My heart raced like an ocean tide as her soft voice filled the ambience while she talked to guys who were all over her. Being a busy evening, there’s nothing much I could do rather than soak my mind in wishes and wild imagination. Sometimes I caught myself off guard smiling to myself while her eyes rolled in the lights of the night. The night ended unfortunately without getting close to her or even a wave at her. I consoled myself with a thought that perhaps it was an illusion I had to run off from.

This was to be refuted by my instincts when I reached home later in the night with thoughts of her all over my imagination and glimpses of her smile in my visions till dawn. I failed to come to terms with missing an opportunity to say a word to her. I had numerous proposals in my mind and kept picturing myself dropping each of them to her. I intuitively recorded a song titled “Even when I never see you again” my own composition for her on my phone with hope of sending it to her at a later date. I had to save the recording on my email to avoid losing it incase my phone got issues because it was a flawless composition I would never redo even if I tried a thousand times.

A couple of weeks later, my golden chance shone bright on me when I met her at a certain supermarket to my hearty delight. I pretended to be rushing and asked for her number which she gave me without no hesitation. I asked to meet her at a later time, she nodded with approval.
It was that time, I sent her my composition. I could vividly feel it set her emotionally ablaze on phone. She loved every bit of it but asked me why I had dubbed it even when I never see you again. I knew it was my catch time when she said, “Never is no longer because you’ve seen me again and probably you will be seeing me”. This marked the start to our friendship. After weeks of chatting and calls, she surprised me at work when she just showed up without a lead. It was all timely like somebody had planned it all, it was such a boring day where I needed some uplifting.   

Moments later, we went for lunch where we spent the rest of the day just the two of us doing nothing but just moving around scenic beauty and shuttering camera lights on the moments.
I actually found her to be an outstanding and fun loving soul. The moments were so right but my mind was away thinking about something a little bit different from what I had been telling her. This was only a friendly zone but my high flying self would go a notch higher with possibility but I didn’t know how to drop the proposal. What if she said no? What if her perception of me changed? What if I lost both the fun and the friendship? Those inhibitions defeated me for a couple of hours.

“If I asked you to spend just one night here, what would it be like?” I said joking but with a profound look. She looked at me eyeballing without saying a word. “It’s a joke”, I said. She laughed scornfully at me and said, “That can never seem to be a joke, with that face?”
“What if it were not?’ I asked. “Well I gotta go back to work not later than tonight as much as I would love to”. “Much as I would love to is a better line, can’t that love to be the reason for you to stay?”
She said nothing as I noticed her head bending low with temptation written in her brown eyes.
We were finally home past midnight after she surrendered to staying. My mind and heart were conflicting on how to spend the night with her. Temptations had peaked all over my body and I was bound to breaking customs and going for what my body felt despite the fear of repercussions.
I decided to hold back for a moment amid the temptations even when my mind was not willing to let go. I entered bed and told her to make herself comfortable and join me but spent several minutes seated on the floor leaning her head on her folded knees. I don’t know what was running through her mind but I didn’t say much to avoid seeming creepy.  

As I was still thinking, she stunned me; pulled her top out of her head exposing her sexy bra and then pulled down her round skirt. Woooo! I could see! She was free with me. My stealth view of her sexy stringy undies struck my body and got me flying out of bed unto her already wet lips. Surprisingly and interestingly, she embraced my kiss and held me firm by the shoulders as her eyes faded away. Her exposed body communicated impeccably with mine as I realised with the touch of my hand that she was burning and baking inside. With that touch, the sound of her voice started flowing straight through my spine as my body shivered in acceptance of the great feel.

She pushed me away unto the bed where she came upon me and gave me the best steamy ride ever. She could not stop fascinating me going beyond my imagination with different twists and turns with her hot body on me painting me with a warm flow until it was my turn to worship and adore.     

#ItsLove #IamNelonTouch #NelonTheMelon #ForAUniqueWorld          

Wednesday 17 January 2018


By Nelon Gerrard

Dear Love,
I hope this finds you doing fine and in good health! 
I’m writing to let you know that I miss you so much. I miss your love. The love I had my hopes in, the love I still cherish to date. 

I know there are lots of things resonating in your mind about me that make you drift away and make you feel you can never love again. But one thing is for sure, you are the one I think of when I think of love, the ultimate love I've ever had. You showed me love and my heart gradually found you to be the best fit. This never changed even when you decided to leave. I remember all the good times, those days in the wild, the night walks to nowhere, and the kisses in the rain! Oh babie we’ve had more than life can offer; if only we could turn back the time. 

I'm asking you for a chance to prove that I truly love you, a chance to show that I really care about you more than anything else, and a chance to go the distance for you. You spoke to my heart when we first met yet my heart is so lonely now that you’re not here. I know you have that guy, perhaps you call your solace or your rescuer. But I’m sure that's only temporary because your heart belongs here, to me the rightful for you ready to love you the best I can and do everything you deserve as a special woman till my dying day. 

Let me be one of your family and spend the rest of my whole life with you because I'm so certain, I want you to be my wife. I want to marry you and be the one you share the smiles and tears you cry. I'm sorry for things I've done that hurt you but hurting you has never been a part of my plans. I know sometimes I hurt you innocently but babie no, no. 

I'm hurting babie, no matter how hard I try, I just can't let you go out of my mind and my soul. Your love taught me the beauty of love and got me addicted to love as much as I grew in love with you. My love for you might have taken long to mature but that was just because it wasn't a fall. Nevertheless when it grew, my whole self got ready to give you the love and respect you deserve.

All the odds in my heart are for you, I choose you every day when love crosses my mind even when it hurts you launched a plan to let go of all the goodness we shared and the hard times we cared. I can’t think away dear babie darling.
Please come back to me. Come to where your heart belongs, I promise to first of all love you honestly and earnestly and then be that man you dream of. The man you gonna be proud of. 

I love you, I really do! 
Yours Fascinated Love
#ItsLove #IamNelonTouch #NelonTheMelon #ForAUniqueWorld 

Wednesday 10 January 2018


By Nelon Gerrard
Based on a true story

I wanted us to have a prizy experience with the twilight at nightfall but unfortunately we couldn’t because I was over engaged in different activities since it was a busy period till 9pm when I’d have the rest of the night to myself and all that I wanted to do. I was looking forward to a splendid night, I wanted to create an exciting memory for our lane and above all fascinate her with ecstasy.

At 9:04pm I called her first off apologizing for making her wait too long. Thankfully she was ok with everything, she understood my situation. She said, “Come for me, I wanna walk with you under the stars. I wanna be scared by the sounds of the night so I can tremble into your warm chest and tight embrace. I always love how you make me feel strong like Jack did to Rose”.

I picked her from her place in a few minutes and there we went strolling under the stars. This was the first time I saw her in several months. Speechless is how we went for a good distance as she leaned on my shoulder all through blessing me with her tender breath straight unto my left side. My conscience started telling me that this was gonna be a night to remember and a walk for that matter. A million ideas started running through my head of how I could make it really really special.

“Let’s go to the rooftop and talk to the stars”, I proposed. Her eyes had already turned color as her word faded away. “Take me anywhere you want tonight and do anything you want with me as long as it’s not a place for everyone”, she submitted.

The night was dark with the absence of the moon but the stars were looking attractively beautiful in their galaxies. The cold waves were freezing and the street was silent as the night grew older. She was playing with the zipper of my jacket all the time as she told me how great it felt being next to me. Her words were making my spine warm and my body hyper active, my veins were swelling uncontrollably while my imagination got wilder as I pulled her dreads one by one provocatively.

Despite the cold breeze, rills of sweat were running down on me from my chest cavity prompting me to remove the jacket. I showed her a phony shooting star to position my lips for hers, as she turned back telling me she could not see it, I locked her lips with mine and got her breathing deep as she held my head firm with her soft hands. She kissed me like a melon and outshone my imagination. She pulled my black t-shirt towards my chest and rolled her wet lips with soft tickling pecks on my abs. I could just feel the taste of heaven upon me in the moment as she got me flying higher with a warm wave of breath unto my naval pleasing my sensual nerves.

I could barely believe it, she had come in vast. It was all for me, my big turn to receive.
I’d never seen someone as committed to give me a 9th cloud experience. Her trip to the south was not about to stop as she pulled out my belt and the zipper down. Woooo!!! I almost hit the apex when I pulled her away.
I carried her to the balcony seal, laid her flat to return the flavor. Her mummy glands were calling on my sight as they counted the stars. I was risking both our lives because a mere turn would make us fall off the height. She just rose her back paving way for me to pull up her glittering top. The taste of her glands was supernatural joined with her rhythmic body com in my quest to satisfy her ego and burning desire to roam in fantasy. The vibrations of her body gave me more courage and confidence that I was at my best yet again.      

As her body received pleasure off my touch, her honey membranes saturated the air with an aroma that made me sniff in awe tracing where it was coming from and that was my next favorite destiny, a launcher to the 9th heaven. The sit ups were many as she held my head in between her soft groins while I picked honey berries nonstop. I could not stop even when she was losing control of herself swiftly. Finally, the greatest moment came as she arrived with a jet all over my face.  
My plan to give was overturned as I received all I had planned to give under the night with the stars.
#IamNelonTouch #NelonTheMelon #ItsLove #ForAUniqueWorld


Sleeping on a movie, breathing deep but tenderly with an almost smiley face. Staring at her helplessly but admiringly in the sil...