Wednesday 17 January 2018


By Nelon Gerrard

Dear Love,
I hope this finds you doing fine and in good health! 
I’m writing to let you know that I miss you so much. I miss your love. The love I had my hopes in, the love I still cherish to date. 

I know there are lots of things resonating in your mind about me that make you drift away and make you feel you can never love again. But one thing is for sure, you are the one I think of when I think of love, the ultimate love I've ever had. You showed me love and my heart gradually found you to be the best fit. This never changed even when you decided to leave. I remember all the good times, those days in the wild, the night walks to nowhere, and the kisses in the rain! Oh babie we’ve had more than life can offer; if only we could turn back the time. 

I'm asking you for a chance to prove that I truly love you, a chance to show that I really care about you more than anything else, and a chance to go the distance for you. You spoke to my heart when we first met yet my heart is so lonely now that you’re not here. I know you have that guy, perhaps you call your solace or your rescuer. But I’m sure that's only temporary because your heart belongs here, to me the rightful for you ready to love you the best I can and do everything you deserve as a special woman till my dying day. 

Let me be one of your family and spend the rest of my whole life with you because I'm so certain, I want you to be my wife. I want to marry you and be the one you share the smiles and tears you cry. I'm sorry for things I've done that hurt you but hurting you has never been a part of my plans. I know sometimes I hurt you innocently but babie no, no. 

I'm hurting babie, no matter how hard I try, I just can't let you go out of my mind and my soul. Your love taught me the beauty of love and got me addicted to love as much as I grew in love with you. My love for you might have taken long to mature but that was just because it wasn't a fall. Nevertheless when it grew, my whole self got ready to give you the love and respect you deserve.

All the odds in my heart are for you, I choose you every day when love crosses my mind even when it hurts you launched a plan to let go of all the goodness we shared and the hard times we cared. I can’t think away dear babie darling.
Please come back to me. Come to where your heart belongs, I promise to first of all love you honestly and earnestly and then be that man you dream of. The man you gonna be proud of. 

I love you, I really do! 
Yours Fascinated Love
#ItsLove #IamNelonTouch #NelonTheMelon #ForAUniqueWorld 

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