Wednesday 24 January 2018


By Nelon Touch

My heart raced like an ocean tide as her soft voice filled the ambience while she talked to guys who were all over her. Being a busy evening, there’s nothing much I could do rather than soak my mind in wishes and wild imagination. Sometimes I caught myself off guard smiling to myself while her eyes rolled in the lights of the night. The night ended unfortunately without getting close to her or even a wave at her. I consoled myself with a thought that perhaps it was an illusion I had to run off from.

This was to be refuted by my instincts when I reached home later in the night with thoughts of her all over my imagination and glimpses of her smile in my visions till dawn. I failed to come to terms with missing an opportunity to say a word to her. I had numerous proposals in my mind and kept picturing myself dropping each of them to her. I intuitively recorded a song titled “Even when I never see you again” my own composition for her on my phone with hope of sending it to her at a later date. I had to save the recording on my email to avoid losing it incase my phone got issues because it was a flawless composition I would never redo even if I tried a thousand times.

A couple of weeks later, my golden chance shone bright on me when I met her at a certain supermarket to my hearty delight. I pretended to be rushing and asked for her number which she gave me without no hesitation. I asked to meet her at a later time, she nodded with approval.
It was that time, I sent her my composition. I could vividly feel it set her emotionally ablaze on phone. She loved every bit of it but asked me why I had dubbed it even when I never see you again. I knew it was my catch time when she said, “Never is no longer because you’ve seen me again and probably you will be seeing me”. This marked the start to our friendship. After weeks of chatting and calls, she surprised me at work when she just showed up without a lead. It was all timely like somebody had planned it all, it was such a boring day where I needed some uplifting.   

Moments later, we went for lunch where we spent the rest of the day just the two of us doing nothing but just moving around scenic beauty and shuttering camera lights on the moments.
I actually found her to be an outstanding and fun loving soul. The moments were so right but my mind was away thinking about something a little bit different from what I had been telling her. This was only a friendly zone but my high flying self would go a notch higher with possibility but I didn’t know how to drop the proposal. What if she said no? What if her perception of me changed? What if I lost both the fun and the friendship? Those inhibitions defeated me for a couple of hours.

“If I asked you to spend just one night here, what would it be like?” I said joking but with a profound look. She looked at me eyeballing without saying a word. “It’s a joke”, I said. She laughed scornfully at me and said, “That can never seem to be a joke, with that face?”
“What if it were not?’ I asked. “Well I gotta go back to work not later than tonight as much as I would love to”. “Much as I would love to is a better line, can’t that love to be the reason for you to stay?”
She said nothing as I noticed her head bending low with temptation written in her brown eyes.
We were finally home past midnight after she surrendered to staying. My mind and heart were conflicting on how to spend the night with her. Temptations had peaked all over my body and I was bound to breaking customs and going for what my body felt despite the fear of repercussions.
I decided to hold back for a moment amid the temptations even when my mind was not willing to let go. I entered bed and told her to make herself comfortable and join me but spent several minutes seated on the floor leaning her head on her folded knees. I don’t know what was running through her mind but I didn’t say much to avoid seeming creepy.  

As I was still thinking, she stunned me; pulled her top out of her head exposing her sexy bra and then pulled down her round skirt. Woooo! I could see! She was free with me. My stealth view of her sexy stringy undies struck my body and got me flying out of bed unto her already wet lips. Surprisingly and interestingly, she embraced my kiss and held me firm by the shoulders as her eyes faded away. Her exposed body communicated impeccably with mine as I realised with the touch of my hand that she was burning and baking inside. With that touch, the sound of her voice started flowing straight through my spine as my body shivered in acceptance of the great feel.

She pushed me away unto the bed where she came upon me and gave me the best steamy ride ever. She could not stop fascinating me going beyond my imagination with different twists and turns with her hot body on me painting me with a warm flow until it was my turn to worship and adore.     

#ItsLove #IamNelonTouch #NelonTheMelon #ForAUniqueWorld          

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