Wednesday 16 October 2019


Nelon Writes 🍉

When the day finally came, I could only rejoice as I set off optimistic about a memorable exploit ahead. Her arrival was a star sign of what was on offer at camp; she rolled her stunning big brown eyes like windows of paradise in front of me. However, sadly when I got closer, her actions were not in sync with a nasty don’t-say-a-word-to-me attitude. That wouldn’t change the way I saw her though - perhaps it was a challenge I was willing to lay my mind on if my period on camp was going to be an extraordinary tale. Her gorgeous looks, fine curves and charming accent became an instant motivation, she left me internally spellbound.

7 in the morning I was already up for breakfast just like everyone else; new faces all over spot trying to know each other - breakfast being served. Turning around scanning all over, I couldn’t see her. I kept wondering whether she was coming by the second - my concentration tearing to pieces. 8am - time to set out to the pitch where team building was going to take place as revealed by a midsized brown skinned man probably in his late 30s who called for attention before introducing himself to us as one of our trainers sooner than leading us pitch side.   

Flashes later she arrived in a hurricane of distraction clad in a black and red skort enhanced with a white top and ponytail hair. I picked her as my game party. “You really want me to be your partner?” she asked me this time with an endearing smile. “It’s what was on my mind all night”, I responded making her laugh with awe; her smile was a perfect yes. “It is great delight being with you”, I said. “Really?” she queried. “Oh yeah! Let’s play”, I said as we joined the rest of the cohort, marking a grand start to pleasure camp. When day was coming to end, we bartered contacts.

On the third night of camp, I updated my WhatsApp status with pleasant lyrics triggering her to inquire about the song – the title and artist. I proposed she listened to it with me on replay in my suite. After reading the message without replying, she went offline for nearly an hour; keeping me hanging on helplessly. She later returned pretending to overlook my message that she was from enjoying a hot bath.
Me; blessed is the shower that staked moments with you that long
Her; Hahaha I don’t want to imagine what you’re thinking
Me; Well, the song is on replay awaiting your attention
Her; I wish……
Me; ……….you would be here?
Her; Hahaha don’t read my mind
Me; Can I come for you?
Her; Can you?
Me; Yes your majesty!
Her; OK

I thought to myself it was a teaser but didn’t show it. I went offline to risk prospect of a rejection in the night. I strolled to her residence without prior acquaintance; someone directed me to her suite. She could not believe it when I knocked at her inlet. Moments later, she came out ready to move. I helped her lock the door and then left directly; there was voluble music playing - song pressed to replay, no speech between us. She rested on my bed listening to the song over and over again without saying anything to me, me neither. Eventually, she slept off; probably worn-out from the day’s activities. I walked slowly towards the bed, covered her without interrupting her snooze expecting her to wake up after a while but didn’t. Several minutes later, my head was heavy too - I slept beside her.

I turned my head from sleep to check, it was 10minutes to 6am. I woke her up with a pat on her shoulder. She got up a little bit curious. “It is 6am, we have to start the day. Wakie wakie!” I called out. “Why did you let me sleep here”, she said. “Don’t worry, everything is absolutely fine. Water in the shower is ready hot for you, get in”, I said. I went in the shower for a second, and on returning I found her checking herself whether we had sex or not. On realizing we didn’t, she smiled to herself without noticing I was seeing her. I cleared my throat to alert my presence - she got up to the shower.

When she was done ready to go back, I asked her to go with me around the lawn; I had a surprise for her, she agreed without hesitation. Sunny hadn’t come out yet but twilight was starting to eavesdrop. The whole place was quiet, nobody else in vicinity. We got to where sun rays were trying to cut through tree branches, I showed her the beautiful picturesque and said to her, “Do not resist me here, you will cherish the moment”. She accepted with a genuine OK.

I turned around to hide on a tree trunk behind her. As she turned to look around, she bumped into me; I grabbed her and planted my lips on hers. She did not resist, she sailed along. It was morning cold but her body was hot as she gave me freedom to explore. Everything was hasty for fear of being found with the morning getting brighter. I removed my shirt, laid it down and carried her to lie on it. I pulled off her pants, then mine swiftly; she had no undies inside. She got on her knees and hands, gave me a better rear view and access until we both exploded with ecstasy in presence of the morning sun.
#IamNelonTouch #NelonTheMelon #ForAUniqueWorld 

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