Sunday 20 October 2019


Did you know?
Nelon Writes🍉

The cake and engagement ring on a Kweranga ceremony are irrelevant?

Once the bride's family have allowed the man intending to marry in their family a go ahead and the magnitude of dowry agreed upon by either side, the next and most important thing is the groom's family identifying their bride from an entourage of girls presented by the family in a number of rounds depending on how many girls the family has, an act known as kucooka.

Once identification is done - cheerfully shown by the visiting family when the bride first steps out from the house, the groom is asked to walk towards the bride and  put a white bead necklace known as Orukwanzi Rw'ente around her neck as a sign of love and engagement in marriage.

The bride and his groom with their witnesses and parents then sign marriage certificates from Tooro Kingdom to seal the engagement as an official and complete marriage.

The cake and ring are insignificant on this occasion and are considered a waste of time and an infiltration of Tooro Culture.

Let's preserve our culture as it is.
#MyCulture #MyIdentity
#IamNelonTouch #NelonTheMelon #ForAUniqueWorld

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