Thursday 7 July 2022


Sleeping on a movie, breathing deep but tenderly with an almost smiley face. Staring at her helplessly but admiringly in the silent of the night tuned by the sound of crickets and nightly whispers

Monday 29 March 2021



Love from Adolf


Behold! When I think of you, I know that you are the best thing that has ever happened to me - love is authentic with you seating amidst my heart and always in my mind.

How are you doing today beautiful lady? It is such an extraordinary and sacred day. The day God made you for me, giving earth a unique break to have you grace its crust and to me mostly, with the best love of my life. I would like you to know as I celebrate you; I treasure you so much like desert oases, like the lion and its kill and like the sound of birds that sing praises to the world every morning. You are the drop that quenches my soul with pure love and compassion making me the man that I am; proud and honored to be the one that you love.

I come to think of it, and oh lady! I really love you more than the lyrics of my favorite song, you make my heart beat with purpose. My soul prospers and grows richer everyday for your love has blessed me with all that is dear to my heart, my mind, my body and my soul. The power of your love makes my heart flourish like sunflower, like red roses in the royal yard.

Just last night, I woke up in the middle of the night and found myself smiling in the dark deeply endlessly in solitude like a foolish king, my whole mind was drowned into imagination of all good times we share, love we have, tenderness we cherish and light I see in you. I thought it was a dream but ghal! It wasn’t when I pinched myself on the cheek. How could it be we have all this beautiful life ahead of us together and I’m so much looking forward to it, working towards it every day with all the might of my heart and mind? Oh ghal! I love you! I know the sun rises daily and the moon shines at night to bless your presence on earth because you are a God-send to me.

Today I’m proud of the woman you are sure that I have the best with you by my side. I dedicate my whole life to you. I betroth you with certainty, you and I shall hold our first grandchild and wrinkle while we grow a lineage and legacy together.     

You are a special kind of girl who holds my secrets so dearly just like you hold my love in your holy heart. It’s your birthday today and I’m filled with great joy because this is the day that gave you life and you would later be mine, the day I’ll cherish till life fades away. I dread the wrath of distance but then I seat on comfort of the purity of your love sure soon we will be wrapped in our arms and living life large again.

On your birthday, I wish you love, prosperity, growth and everlasting happiness with me in your life to protect you, care for you, make you smile, wipe away your tears and love you with an eternal flame. Happy birthday the love of my life Princess Kobusinge Juliet Abwoli wange nyamata ensemere yange kibumbiriire. Ninkugonza ntaina itebya habwokuba oli murungi nk’amata nyinabarungi omusiitakati.


Love from,

Adolf Tibeyalirwa Acaali

PS. Special Dedication;

Kibumbiriire – Ajuna James Jr.

21 – Hunter Hayes

#iamnelontouch #nelonthemelon #forauniqueworld 

Thursday 3 December 2020

ESUUKA; An Adorn of Royalty

Nelon Writes

Esuuka is one of the most precious ornaments a woman can wear especially that from Tooro, where beauty and royalty are a daily observation. An emblem of a true Mutoorokati (woman from Tooro), this easy wearing distinctive attire is the crown of beauty - solely the main reason Tooro women stand out on many occasions – traditional or elite worldwide.

Ever wondered what a sexy elegant woman with holiness looks like? A woman adorned in a Tooro Suuka will strikingly stick in your mind and hypnotize your personality as you appreciate the true likeness of being African.  

Generation to generation, Esuuka has managed to prevail the test of time and threats of modernity – growing stronger and more popular among adults, young women and girls. It is the official wear for women and girls from Tooro and those attached comprising of three major components including; ekiteteeyi (dress) wore on top of ekitambi (wrap skirt around the waist) and the Suuka (sheet of cloth between 5 to 6metres long) from where the name of the whole outfit is derived usually wore up to the achilles. The Suuka is folded over the collar bone then tucked under arms wrapped around the whole body to the achilles. The folds are kept in place by hand or pressed by the upper arms in position as shown by images in this piece.  

Esuuka’s influence on women is one of the most significant in Tooro Culture; it portrays a well groomed woman with respect and humility - on the minds of everyone before they set out to an official or traditional event. The Suuka is fabricated in such a way that keeps a woman habitually modest and respectful; it is by design a woman wearing Esuuka cannot jump out of her seat, run, speak or dance offensively in front of people. She can only walk or dance (if she has to) majestically with the lowest pace exuding the highest sense of privilege and admiration.

On an official Tooro ceremony or event, women not wearing Esuuka are ushered in at the back where they are not easily visible while those wearing the treasured Suuka are honoured in front row seats. On a Kweranga (introduction) ceremony, the bride to be is obliged to wear the Suuka every time she comes out for presentation; it is unethical for a bride to walk out of the house dancing, raising her head and moving fast - the reason slow sentimental music is required to facilitate a majestic dance or walk of honour locally known as kuhuubya.      

It is eminent reality this phenomenon must be observed and respected since it’s the window that exhibits the true essence of traditional fashion in Tooro. 

In recent times, Esuuka and its respects have been faced with immense infiltration from other cultures - not wearing it properly (imitating other cultures), dancing and moving fast while wearing it or dressing otherwise among others to official and traditional functions. This has been largely due to lack of heritage education and influence of modern fashion trends that are on the high rise every time.

However, the current generation is realizing the value and uniqueness of this special tradition and is working so hard re-embracing it and lifting it up to where and how it is supposed to be alongside modern fashion inclinations. It is actually OK accessorizing Esuuka with jewelry – necklaces, bracelets and crowns as long as they do not affect its etiquette.

Dear beautiful women of Tooro, are you wearing the Tooro Suuka right while observing its respects? I urge you to look to the most iconic woman that has graced the Tooro Suuka diligently for all time; the Queen Mother of Tooro Kingdom Best Kemigisa Akiiki who has epitomized and showcased the core of the Tooro Suuka worldwide.

Have you ever seen the queen mother on a public function without the Tooro Suuka? Over to you!

Wednesday 22 April 2020


Nelon Writes

I could not evoke vividly where I had seen her but her pretty face looked recognizable, her stunning smile on top of everyone else’s. I was driving from a long trip with my friends when I saw her walking in a pack of girls. As we approached them, I slowed down instinctively tempted to talk to them, at least say hi but could not stop – I’m not used to hitting on women on the road. I drove off, my mind creeping in astonishment, wrecked in admiration and speculation. Her smile was truly special; those few seconds melted my heart and sprung like magma - a staggering surge of appreciation and awe. Regrets of not stopping to say hi dawned on me but I let go hoping to see her again. I told my friends I loved the girl; something felt different as soon as I set my eyes on her. My heart rate accelerated, my mind crammed up with endless visualization, my body shivered with wonder leaving me agape and bowled over. They laughed it over, calling it mere lusting. It was a unique indescribable feeling, didn’t dwell so much on it with them but instead kept it to my inner self for comprehension. I rested my hope on meeting her another time wherever so I could prove the righteousness of my intuition.

A couple of weeks later, opportunity struck again; I met her at a public event with her friends - this time a bigger number. None of them was my friend but the urge to talk to her reigned over my ego. I reached out, said hello to each of them. “Can we talk for a second?” I queried while holding her hand a little longer. Honestly, I believed the sensation inside me even thou my expression faded as we moved further away from the pack; it felt perfect holding her hand walking besides me for a few minutes. “The impression I get from the intonation of your voice and depth of your laughter makes me feel something unexplainable. Can we hangout sometime so I can have more of your charm?” I said as she showered me with her enchanting laughter. I could not divulge on her beauty, it was obviously out of this world - a real charm. She said she loved my expression and gave me her chat contact to keep in touch. This is when I knew I was willing to discover and savour the treasure hidden in her, launching it in my head and heart to pursue her.
Interacting with her more gave me a real affection of love and friendship, getting attracted to her over and over while having a good time. One weekend we got away, out of town to have personal time together. It turned out to be a foundation for a strong relationship; love, friendship, fun, honesty and freedom. For an entire weekend, I resisted her; I wanted to understand her to prove my inner asking about her. I didn’t want to go intimate with her; without her knowledge definitely. When it was almost bedtime, she stood in front of me on a wooden floor of a luxurious banda, stripped her short dress off leaving a black laced exotic thong covering her nether and its matching bra covering her breasts. She then turned away from me, wrapped a big white towel on her and went for a hot shower. She was a real temptation, I could barely hold it; but literally held myself firm – keeping tabs with my personal promise at least for the weekend.

This weekend revealed to me what an angel she was; her honesty, laughter, freestyle and dreams were a perfect combination to her belle. She was playful, charming and caring; I could not believe her soul. Love at first sight or I needed someone like her before we met? I thought to myself. “What would you do if you got addicted to me or we got addicted to each other”, she asked. “I would sure love this addiction; the temptation is so right, would you want to be my addiction?” I asked. She looked amazed and said it was her biggest fear. We later agreed in unison to give it our best shot, marking an eventful weekend.   

 A week after the trip, we could barely hold what we had started, ripened for ourselves with so many I miss you’s, I want you’s and I love you’s. It was time we removed all restrictions and drowned into our bloom of love and attraction. 10pm on a Tuesday night; “I want to be with you tonight”, she said. Wow! I had not planned for it, had office commitments early morning the next day. I could not turn her down thou, told her to pack enough clothes instead. She came home past 11pm. I welcomed her by lifting her off the ground as she wrapped her legs around me while we kissed passionately. I lost control, put her back on the ground, pulled her top out from her raised hands while she hastily peeled my pants down, and then we went down on the floor. She pushed me away from her and sat her dripping wet thighs on my extremely hard dick, slowly dipping it into her hot honey pot as it fed my excitement by juices and vibrations from inside her. Veins on my arms and all my body were rising uncontrollably cramming up with blood as she teasingly played with my dick inside her while she thrust tenderly moaning with ecstasy until tickles in my body became unbearable. I turned her over, screwed her a little harder and faster till we exploded simultaneously. It was an intense action in a brink. She then lied besides me on the floor as we wrapped our arms and legs into each other suddenly bursting into laughter – I’m sure my neighbors were astounded by this but who cared what an entry it was into our lives. We spent the rest of the night freely conversing and cackling, telling each other sweet nothings playing deep into the night. It was clear, I loved her beyond lust. I was growing in love and relishing every bit of the memories. Day after day into months, my love kept growing as she surprised me by her endless growth in demeanor and thoughtfulness. 
#IamNelonTouch #NelonTheMelon #StayHome #ForAUniqueWorld

Wednesday 15 April 2020


Nelon Writes🍉

A creation of aura ensued in my mind as soon as we assented to an evening out in the untamed - the only space we could hang out with a pacific ambiance due to the ongoing lockdown barred by a strict curfew enforced by ravenous security personnel in the guise of protectors. My imagination bore a rather risk-bound impression that as usual by instinct, I fell for. A few hours before dusk, late on a Monday afternoon with blistering rays of the sun etching streams of sweat out of our bodies, we set off - a gullible her with an armless black top on light grey sweat pants walking besides me, arms intertwined; smiling and laughing and cracking stupid jokes playful on the main road – a perfect recipe to a would be special form of articulation.         

Pretty faster we moved; strolling briskly and resting in intervals of a few minutes to catch up with time so we could be back home before curfew time. Happily, we reached our destination (a man made dock on the edge of a crater lake) having in excess of an hour to hangout and have a bit of time together embraced by nature. A picturesque scenery unknotted strains and pains in the muscles of our legs and feet, we carefully sat on the brink of the dock immersing our feet into the cold water up to the middle of our shins. Suddenly, there were no words between us; we mostly spent the time adoring and admiring reflections of the blue sky on light waves of water, ducks swimming in rhythmic fashion consuming all the attention with worthy delight especially for her. I could read it on her cute face; she occasionally turned with infectious smiles unto me holding my arm tighter with her soft palms. I could feel the rhythm of her rib cage on mine every time she held me tighter and extended closer to my body by the minute while wind shook the dock along.

After fully devouring the art of nature into our senses, she lowered her head into my chest and rested right unto my heartbeat calmly with no utterance. I put my hand diagonally through her right under arm to the bottom lining of her black armless top and rested my hand, before teasingly moving my fingers around her tummy, making it oscillate – bulging and depressing in patterns. She was becoming edgy, pressing her head harder into my diaphragm seemingly taking pleasure from that touch. I was tempted to go further up and down south, she was already in the moment but what I had in my mind overpowered me and controlled me, reminding me there was a perfect story to be made incase time and fate allowed. This became my point of establishment and suspense so I could create a want in her to experience more with me lest luck gave me the chance to fascinate her world. It was already 30minutes past the time we had set for ourselves to be setting off – that meant we had to rush away without hesitation or risk being whipped mercilessly or arrested for breaking the rules. This was my confidence yet her deepest fear especially after what had happened to her friend that was battered days earlier with her boyfriend as they walked back from an evening walk past curfew time.               

As we rushed our way, running and panting in dismay; unfortunately (or luckily for me), we bumped into a troop of security people loaded with bundles of whips like herdsmen preparing themselves to trade to the vandal . One of them, an eagle eyed short dark skinned muscular young guy in plain army green uniform tagged with the Uganda flag on one of the arms saw us but pretended he hadn’t - he stealthily tried alerting one of his mates, a relatively tall light skinned fellow speaking some broken Swahili. I instinctively pulled her by the hand taking to our heels for dear life - escaping the wrath of canes on our already exhaustion soaked bodies. Opportunely, we survived the chase; there we were in the middle of an exquisite wilderness awash with darkness and modest sounds of underground insects and croaky amphibians. What a great enthusing feeling it was! I felt it within me we could find a way of staying an unprecedented night in the wild- risky as it seemed; I was willing to do it, sure of safety uphill and a wonderful epic night. Unaware of what was on my mind; she started showing signs of feeling terrified; whether we would find our way home or where we would safely harbor the night.  It took me a lot of convincing - we would make a great story spending the night in the wild. She couldn’t imagine how that would be, how we would make it happen. She was firstly dreaded by darkness and then thoughts of nightly beasts that would terrify us even more, but by good luck the environment had no such beasts. As we still pondered about what, a guy that happened to live in the neighborhood came by, going home. We asked if he could get us some firewood and help us take it uphill, he accepted to do it for us after delightfully agreeing on his payment. 

Moments later atop the hill, the firewood guy luckily returned with a great deal helped by his friend who had carried a matchbox along for lighting up the fire. It was really cold up there, we needed the fire badly. A thought came to me to keep these guys hanging around as we planned what we would do to have a comfortable night without no worries. Fortunately, I had a bottle of scotch whisky in my bag; I pulled it out attracting the guys to stay along. They got so excited and started assuring us of safety and how fun everything was turning out to be. The fire was so bright, heating up just right - the mood already tuned fabulously with no qualms. 

A few minutes later, I asked the guys to excuse us a bit; she wanted to pee since it had been too cold which they gladly agreed to. I walked her to another side of the hill peak covered by the dark so we could have a moment together. I was extremely hard and firm in my pants generating a lot of heat in there, so horny and excited all over my body. A little peck on my cheek got hair rising on my entire body; I embraced her tighter on my body, gave her a vampire kiss - biting her side neck a little teasingly. I felt a surge of shivers germinate on her face, arms and neck calling out for me to listen. I had never experienced such a bodily communication like it before. I kissed her more, while moving towards her nipples; still dressed, I bit them in turns as my hand slowly slid into her pants simultaneously. At this point she was holding me tighter, moaning carefully with tenderness, breathing a little bit faster and harder. She directed my other hand onto her zipper while she kissed me with her firm wet lips. After unzipping her pants, my hand got treated to a wet warm dripping in between her firm thighs crowned up with a well trimmed vulva, I couldn’t see it but it felt so right on my already soaked hand. She then pushed me away and inserted her hand vigorously into my pants getting hold of my dick with absolute enthusiasm and want. It felt good in her palm as she pulled my pants down while going down on her knees. She made my stomach muscles contract and release with sweet pain teasingly sucking and licking my inflexible and troubled dick. I literally died as she sunk all of it into her soaked and dripping mouth rubbing tenderly against her well aligned dentition. I couldn’t take it no more, I pulled her up from her knees, unpeeled her pants revealing strings running round her waist joining a net piece covering her vulva. “I want you inside of me right now”, she demanded calmly as she went on four legs. She was already dripping making the ground I was standing on visibly wet and warm continuously. I removed my pants out of one leg for stability and went on my knees just behind her firm round ass bulging towards my dick. I went deep into her making her moan a bit louder, I came out and went in humorously while I rubbed her breasts and played with her nipples with my hand, then concentrated on thrusting her as she demanded “harder, harder, harder, deeper, don’t stop, right there, don’t stop I’m feeling it”. Her breath was growing in depth, strength and pace as I sunk completely into action trying to climax since we were taking longer than expected. Her breath got more pacy uncontrollably making me realise she was reaching peak, I did it faster until she suddenly cut the pace of breathing back to normal, she had climaxed perfectly. A few more seconds later, I released a hot jet of cum inside of her as I fell on her back with a lot of sweat and lethargy dripping out of me.             

Wednesday 20 November 2019


Nelon Writes

It was a fluffy day – I had accomplished my errands for the day quite early and spent the bigger part relaxing and browsing the internet. I was lethargic to do any extra errands that were not on my day’s rota; it was only in me to downgrade myself to the phone even if it meant spending all day and night on it. It was actually beautiful – I read lots of lovely pieces of writings from different sites and blogs. As the day grew older, approaching dusk – a windfall of thoughts of someone took over, licking my mind profoundly; aroused by seeing her picture on Facebook memories. Part of me wanted to call her, while the wanted to talk to her when I got home and this was ideal since I was in an overly engaged locale that moment - it had to be a call of expression and affection. I relegated all thoughts and concentrated on other things as I hung on for nightfall then head home for a feisty night.

Drizzles creped in from the skies sooner than I left, prolonging my stay till it was dark – the moon and stars plastered by a strapping shade of nimbus clouds amassed in thunder strokes and lightning flashes loud and bright – clear threats of a stormy night yet to be. Thank goodness a few minutes later, the skies cleared and it was time to get home safe and talk to her as I craved from the early hours of the evening. Before I got home, a message from her popped up on my phone screen, she had replied to a picture of me on my status; “What if I inserted my hand under your t-shirt and moved it beyond your naval downwards, what could happen”, she wrote. My eyes opened wide, chills ran all over my body with shivers sprouting on every pore of my skin. I literally saw and felt her erogenous hand move under my t-shirt towards my pubis. I lost words to reply as I moved restlessly glued on the screen of my phone on street. I could not wait to reach home, I decided to call her as I moved; unfortunately her line was not clear due to bad network – we could not talk properly, couldn’t hear what she was saying. I asked her to come home but guess she didn’t hear me; network was really crappy, it pissed me off. She called me after I hung up but it was not any better. I just proceeded home with the piss drowned in my head.

Reaching home, from a distance; I was welcomed by phone light on my door, someone was seated chatting; by instincts I thought she could be the one and indeed as I moved closer, there she was right on the door dressed in only a t-shirt on her shapely body and beach sandals on her feet. The whole lawn was covered in the gloom of night - only her phone light shining like a star in the heavens. As I moved closer, my footsteps interrupted, she got up and called out my name. I was surprised she never seemed bothered by the dark or never showed fright when she heard my footsteps before realising I was the one.

Even though I didn’t expect her, sight of her blew my mind wide and shook my demeanor, propelling my wild psyche to overdrive. We spent a lot of time hugging silently just outside the front porch freshened by a moist ambiance. She held me harder and harder by the minute – her arms crossed on my nape and hands falling unto either my shoulder. Her face dipped into my left collar bone for several minutes, radiating warm waves of exhalation to my veins; such a ticklish sensation! Soon after, I felt her soft warm hand provocatively key in my t-shirt making my hip bones contract and bulge rhythmically – in and out raving up my entire nervous system. Blood was flowing intensely down south into my main vein making it straight up and hard creating a lot of heat and rumbling in my pants. My testosterone levels were skyrocketing, stiffening every single muscular fibre in my body harder and firmer. Her hand kept sending shivers as it moved from my naval until I felt its warmth on my scrotal membrane rolling my endocrines against each other in their sac. She then swept me completely off my feet as she slid her hand gently along the shaft of my dick back and forth, pre-cum was now making dumb my pants, I was on the edge of explosion.

I pulled off her t-shirt exposing her firm boobs and hard nipples; I felt her thighs tremble in wetness flowing from her labia down her inner thighs. I kept running my hands in between her thighs surfing warm juices that flowed along her thighs endlessly as I kissed her hard nipples in turns. She began moaning calmly increasing the tune as I moved my hand between her under lips to her boy under the boat back and forth and kissing her nipples simultaneously. I could feel her body from tip to toe out of control, shaking against mine, her knees breaking stance every second. “I want to feel you inside me”, she mumbled as she caressed the tip of my dick. She dropped my pants and boxers to my feet as I lifted her onto the balcony rails, exposing her dripping labia next to my already wild pubis. She put each of her foot on either side of my hips for support and held my dick with her thumb and index finger and started hitting her labia and boy in the boat with it as she released jets of squirts unto my abdomen teasingly inserting my dick inside her by just the tip occasionally until she was screaming I’m cumming, I’m cumming, I’m cumming. Wow! This sound was just perfect for me as I went inside her until I hit a strong jet unto her cervix.
#IamNelonTouch #NelonTheMelon #ForAUniqueWorld                       

Wednesday 13 November 2019


Nelon Writes🍉
A true story

Live football delight on TV was the last clipping on a collage of a fascinating Saturday before heading for cold ones with the lads to take us through the night till perhaps break of dawn. I loathed my phone ringing call after another disrupting my concentration on every kick of the game. I couldn’t put my eye to it to check who was calling – I usually don’t conform to weekend calls that are not on prior plan. However with endless vibrations and ringing, I was coerced to respond – perhaps there was an urgent need; it is 3pm, Edmund calling that we head out of town. I was hesitant to a positive response but he said we were taking Yvonne (his girlfriend) to the springs with friends, there was definitely not saying no to that. We joined up the rest of the team for a love expedition headed further west to Sempaya Hot springs in Semiliki National Park more than 70km from Fort Portal on the road.

Along the ride, a few of us already knew that this was going to be one of the best experiences yet.  It was more than just tripping, sweating from searing steams of the springs, boiling potatoes and eggs at the maximum temperature cape - building up to a PDA of the highest form of expression of love. As always, Edmund was cheery and elated but sweating a great deal more than common – thanks to springs steam for disguising his nerves and anxiety. On the sight of this, I personally realised that it was happening with distinction. It became more exciting reading absolute innocence on Yvonne’s face – her appreciative smile painting a perfect picture; ready and blessed. It is true angels exist; even though they are never part of us, they approve our choices and really show it when the right one is chosen. Yvonne looked exactly that – it was befalling upon her. Her smile was pure tenderness filled with chivalry. I was swayed; sure the choices being made were carefully impeccably matched out of the world.

Soon we were headed to the spot charisma was bound to burgeon in the guise of more attraction to the fore. Sunset was creeping from the back of the jungle with obscure visibility onto the high road. After tossing around certain that not everyone knew what was on the grill, we convened for a brief story before proceeding to the next destination. Sooner than all had settled, Edmund standing next to Yvonne, took about two steps back and instantly padded one of his knees on the tarmac, bent the other. Yvonne’s hands spontaneously held her face in disbelief utterly overwhelmed; her eyes a bit teary as she sent her hand forward to receive the ring on her finger with an expected yes as a confirmation ovation mixed up the ambiance. What a moment it was! Not illusion or dreams, it was really happening. Edmund had betrothed Yvonne in a very special way in the heart of nature.

Yvonne wrote a new chapter in our lives with her precision and powerful insight into Edmund’s demeanor and the quality of his charm. She had seen the unseen to many. She knew that Edmund is a very social person welcoming and treats people equally irrespective of who they are or where they come from, a source of respect and unity bringing together friends and family, intelligent, smart and hardworking noticeable from even a little speech from him. His outgoing character and adventurous personality makes for a very attractive young man to all folk. As his friends, we knew all this and never doubted a niche of it.

God was preparing an angel for him that would wipe his tears away - that would make his traits of a great man visible and significant. Yvonne, a heaven sent - stepped up like the revelation of Angel Gabriel to Mother Mary. She came on a mission to change, recreate and reaffirm Edmund’s stance as a good man, husband, brother, friend and change maker. I presume Yvonne noted every single aspect of Edmund and realised that his imperfections would spice up his enormous grit and fortitude. After several years, Yvonne’s mission was complete; Edmund was becoming a husband, her husband graced and blessed by not only the power of love but also by the love of God.

A couple of weeks later from the perfect proposal, Edmund led by his elders and friends reached out to Yvonne’s father humbly requesting him to let go of his daughter so they could start a family together. After blessings from the reverend in a church service and going through the cultural processes, Yvonne’s father said, “You may now take your bride son! My home is now your home, you are always welcome. Take my daughter; love her, respect her, adore her and honor her as your wife, together with my family we shall always be there to support you and ensure by the grace of God, your marriage blossoms”. This was a fruitful feeling; love had taken its course and prospered once again. Mr. Edmund could not help but smile uncontrollably. He stepped forward to the dais where his bride was crowned, as it is in Tooro culture – wrapped Orukwanzi Rw’ente (A chain of white beads) around her neck to knot the betrothal. As a sign of love, he pulled out his phone and took a selfie with his bride in front of their parents and friends to seal it with a smile.

A couple of weeks later, Edmund walked Yvonne down the aisle at St. John’s Cathedral in Fort Portal. A nature inspired photo shoot to keep the memories alive at the foot hills of Rwenzori Mountains and then a date with elephants in Queen Elizabeth National Park followed. After a good time with the large beasts, the matriarch elephant reminded us that we had people at the reception awaiting the couple’s arrival, she charged at us asking us to leave immediately.

A brief stint in Kibale forest with chimps and baboons was next in Kibale National Park before the couple arrived at the sumptuous reception on the lakeside at Rweteera Safari Park on the edge of Kibale Forest.   
#IamNelonTouch #NelonTheMelon #ForAUniqueWorld


Sleeping on a movie, breathing deep but tenderly with an almost smiley face. Staring at her helplessly but admiringly in the sil...