Wednesday 5 July 2017


By Nelon Gerrard

She had just reached home when it started pouring cats and dogs with no signs of stopping. We were supposed to go for a nature date to have quality personal time just the two of us while we appreciated God’s amazing craft of nature. I was looking forward to this date especially after a very busy week at work and missing her for quite some time after she had traveled to the countryside for work.

This whole situation got me so sad making me think I was unlucky; I relegated myself to a lonely couch as she changed costumes in the bedroom. Coming out of the bedroom calling out my name (I can recall the excitement with which she called my name) and saw me sad, she jumped on my laps, wrapped her legs around my rib cage and looked straight into my eyes without saying nothing. Wow! The look in her eyes was genuine, love was written all over her pretty face as the rhythm of my heartbeat synced perfectly with every blink of her eyes. Her luscious lips were tickling to say something. She then said, “Love you don’t have to be sad at all, I know how much you love nature but I also know that you love me more than anything else. I’m right here with you, all for you. Cheer up Babie! Let’s conquer the world under this rain”. I could not resist smiling as I pulled her outside into the rain while she screamed with exhilaration and anxiety at the same time because the pours were heavy and the thunder sounds as terrifying.

I ran away as she chased me playfully around the lawn under the holy waters of the rain. When she finally caught me by my wet t-shirt, I grabbed her, pulled her closest to me and planted my rain dripping lips on hers while we enjoyed the finest flavour of a perfect kiss in the rain.

“I want you to feed my eyes, feed my body and feed my soul with sweet steams of your sensual seduction and make me sweat while you moan like you are living the dream of your life”, I said as her brown eyes rolled teasing mine only to be interrupted by a tree branch that fell on us covering us with its rich green leaves that got her screaming with terrified excitement. But on realizing we were unscathed by the branch fall, she rushed to my lips and kissed me like a baby.

Two hours later, I was awakened by her heartbeat on my chest in our bedroom. I opened my eyes to the most beautiful smile I have ever seen as she stared at me. My body developed goose bumps in acceptance of a special feeling of true love. “You are my perfect match; my love for you has reached a point of no return. I choose to be yours for as long as time”, she said with chivalry

I retorted, “Paint a picture of me in your heart and let me be the one to unlock happiness for our love is the most beautiful thing that has happened to me. I can only imagine forever taking us on and on as we approve of and cherish what our hearts truly desire. My soul has spoken, my heart has heard and my mind has responded. I am no longer entangled in any doubts for I’m sure our love will blossom till the day you wear the most adorable gown as I walk you down the aisle on the confirmation of a lifelong love in the presence of our friends and family”.
“I was created to love you darling”, she said as we slept off.


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