Wednesday 19 July 2017


By Nelon Gerrard

Dear darling,

Today I woke up with you all over my mind unsure what’s up…it’s been lengthy since we talked and you don’t care? But then I peeked back and realized it was only a few hours since you called me, OMG!

I am so blessed to have you in my life! I can smile gloriously with visions of you in my mind where you sway. Yesterday when I was in office busy with work, I took a few moments off to appreciate how splendid life has been with you; the crazy things we have done and the limitless possibilities our love has unlocked in the last couple of weeks. You are my marvel!

I’m now subject to keep staring at the wallpaper of you on my phone wondering how it would be if you were right beside me, my heart racing faster only to find you amidst my heart out of sight. Your absence makes me a big loner while it stirs up a surge of imagination how it will be when you come back to me.

I try so hard to get away without thinking about you but fail on every attempt. Just yesterday when you said you would be on your way back soon, I grew restless anticipating your return with lots of mind’s eye. I couldn’t breathe without thinking of how much you mean to me, how good you have been to me; I’m truly loved by the finest and sure can’t ask for more.

I remember when we went for that trail and you sang to me Puff Johnson’s forever more on the hilltop. Never listened to better music, and indeed you will be the one I will always long for. Even when things don’t feel right, even when the sun fights the stars, even when a cold wrecks my body, even when I dream, you will always remain dear to my heart because  guess what! You are the finest medley my soul has made that will remain so for as long as we live.

God answered the call of my soul when he gave you to my life, I will live to cherish you and guarantee you the pinnacle of my heart for always. I promise you my total life with you never to let go because what we have had is timeless. The strength and power of your love has made you better than all and has made me a better man, I can vividly see a great future in us.

I just wanna thank you for loving me perfectly and guiding my heart through the pathway of true love most people only dream of. It’s so amazing!
I love you every time I breathe!

Yours love!


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