Wednesday 26 July 2017


By Nelon Gerrard

I had been seeing her with adulation in different places and on social media with hardly a chance of hearing her speak or meeting her up for a coffee date or at least getting her digits for a WhatsApp chat.

One day when I was seated at a certain cafĂ© with my guys on a great evening, I was blown away into absolute sensation, my whole body picked up the finest taste of desire as she surprisingly entered and sat two tables away directly facing me like she had answered my call. I could feel sweat caress my spine with triggers of attempt.  
This girl is one of the finest to grace my contemplation and bless the sight of my eyes. Her glowing smile made me fall in love with her pretty face while I went into a wild day dream.

I could not settle no more as my whole life wanted to talk to her since it was the closest she had been next to me, a great chance to say a word to her even if it didn’t matter to her or even if she didn’t give me the attention.

As I approached where she was seated, a guy came in at the wrong time and sat with her, it was all clear he’s the one she had been waiting for. My attempted desire was shuttered in seconds as they hugged, killing me deep inside. I had no option but strolled by like I was heading to the washrooms jealously though.

“At least if she presently saw me”, I thought to myself when I got to the washrooms. While I went back to my seat my whole mind focused on her with hope she could at least spot the wink of my eye to her or perhaps a wanting smile, I got obstructed by a table behind her. I tripped and fell down right on her feet. The bang as I fell down scared her quite because she screamed loud as the ice cream she held poured on my face and shirt.

This natural design rewarded me when she left her seat and bended her knees towards my face. “I’m so sorry”, she said in a melodious tone as she wiped my face with her hankie. This was truly a silver lining moment.

I just don’t know how I started but this is what I said, “Only if the world can turn to my hands, only if my thoughts and dreams can turn to reality, only if love can be the answer to my life”.
The innocent smile on her pretty face showed vividly I had somehow found my way into her mind.

She called the guy she was seated with and introduced him to me as her brother giving me butterflies in my stomach. I don’t know how to smile but I felt my heart let in a wave of joy.

“Exalted is my soul today as I get the chance to hear an angel speak and smile at me. You are so beautiful and such a nice person more than I supposed. Can we meet up sometime?” I said to her as she spoke more with her smiles. Her smiles were so real that I never wanted to let her go.
She pulled out her card and asked me to call her the next day for a better conversation since it was already too late.

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