Wednesday 25 October 2017


By Nelon Gerrard

Despite sleeping very late last night, today I woke up so early from my trip to fantasy smiling passionately at how beautiful life really is. When I thought of the beauty that comes with experience and the ease with which one can live by just understanding the principles of nature and reality, I realised that life is truly beautiful.

One special understanding that has been on my mind for quite a long time since my early adulthood days resonated in my mind this morning - LUST; a fine taste of desire that only most people label all sorts of negativities like selfish, evil, uncalled for, and the like forgetting about the role lust plays in intimacy and more so to life relationships. Lust defined as a feeling of strong desire that most people only attach to sex is such a wonderful phenomenon that activates attraction hormones to mates.

Look back at some of the fondest moments in your life, moments you were so much into someone or something that everything about them excited you, lifted up your soul and rose you up every time you were down; such moments are activated by lust, that strong feeling and burning desire that elicits attraction. But now let’s focus on the art of sex, the strongest of all emotions that God created as perfect equity. Sex is the sweetest feeling that every human big or small, rich or poor, wise or blunt and others enjoy the same way.

Nature is so unfortunate that the world is filled with people that according to proclaimed beliefs demonize sex as a sin or attach it so much to religion making it seem like bad food. Most people due to such and other influences find sex boring because they do not have it as a natural reward but as a stealth act like theft or robbery. Imagine stealing, at least most people stole sugar as kids; the feeling of guilt, the burden of conscience that comes with it makes stealing emotionally bad before being considered criminal. Such is the feeling that comes with treating sex that way.

The people that enjoy sex are the people that treat it as a great reward true from nature, a source of unlimited and unexplainable pleasure that no other thing is even close. To achieve this, you must be lustful. Your desire must be well up there. The spontaneity, the craziness, the wildness, the imagination and fantasy attached to sex for great people are all a result of lust. Lusting for your woman or man will keep you attracted to them and on the other hand, you will always invest and ensure your sexiness remains upscale to keep your mate craving for you in their thoughts, dreams and imagination in addition to physically every time.

“Lust is temporary”, so is said by sex over writers who do not consider it as an investment where checks and balances must be kept at bay if returns and pleasure in this case are to be realised. Lust needs maintenance; people cheat a lot because they do not invest in lusting for one particular person but because of easy free lust from new people or because there’s little or no lust at all with their current partner.
It’s so true lust for many people is bad and dangerous but it is also true lust for a special person or thing is ultimate to keep the love flow. If someone responds to your lust positively, you are a perfect match; if they don’t, you will hardly last together.

*You will find out more about lust from me in my latest book coming out in 2018*

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Wednesday 18 October 2017


By Nelon Gerrard

We always have that unique touch that makes our relationship special, enriching and satisfying coupled with a fine taste of romance and exceptional great moments. Our hearts are sure satisfied with everything going on currently in our lives and we are proud of it all.

Spontaneously on one of those high flying days, we wanted to be together but again with something special to write home about. She set the bar so high asking us to try and resist each other no matter how bad we craved each other; no kissing, no touching, no cuddling, no making love but just playing a sister and brother evening in a house crowned by just the two of us.

The clock was ticking and it was that time I had to get to her while thoughts of another beautiful story were resonating in my mind because I know often times there’s always something about us when we meet.

When I reached her locale at around 8pm, I called her to come and pick me because I didn’t know exactly where she was. A few moments later she comes wearing a cutely designed short sexy African dress and a heavenly smile on her pretty face. At a distance, I was already doubting my loyalty to the night’s rules. Through her face I saw the entire world and I wanted all of it, I couldn’t imagine not going all the way beyond the rules notwithstanding I didn’t know what was running through her mind. She reached unto me to a tight embrace and a sweet cautious kiss on her lips in the middle of a busy centre.

We spent almost two hours in the house pretentiously talking about weird things that didn’t add up to our thoughts. I keep laughing when I remember those stupid moments of pretense just for the sake of keeping the rules afloat. However, the chemistry was budding and building up in the house. I could feel our bodies calling each other as a deep breath of attraction saturated the whole house while the words dropped low. Suddenly, she shifted from where she was seated and sat on the arm of the couch I was sitting in next to me. I remained still because I never wanted to be the one initiating breaking the rules. I didn’t even look up her face because I knew I would just turn to her lips breaking the night’s rules in the process.

A higher form of temptation awash my whole body when she started running her fingers through my hair back and forth provoking my entire nervous system. What else could I be? I lost control and pulled her down unto my laps while her legs pointed to the roof kissing her madly deeply as she held my head tighter.
I pushed her away, got up and picked her up to momentous kissing. Her firm luscious lips always make my best candy and my favorite moment. I put her down on the floor and made a good candy of her thighs for myself. This got her calling out my name as she fully surrendered to me by throwing her arms wide on the floor. I suddenly got off her and run back to the couch perhaps because I never wanted to further break the rules and to keep her in line to breaking the rules. She came running after me like sun rays. “Hey lady! Watch the rules”, I said to her.
“But who are you? What are you?” she asked with her eyes closed while her hand rested on my cheek.
Without saying nothing, I carried her back to the floor and let her take control of me. She pulled off my t-shirt and made better of my abs with a combo of her sweet warm and wet lips and soft tongue. My body kept jerking in awe of the magic that had fallen upon it. I gave up myself to enjoy this great feeling since it had never happened to me before.
When it was too much for me to receive, I turned her around and carried her to the bed where I asked her to trust me and remain still.

I asked her to close her eyes as I tied her arms and legs on the bed with bed sheets swiftly. I had taken over her and it was all up to me to do as I desired. I pulled up her beautiful African dress and started teasing her with brisk touches on her thighs with my tongue and her rib cage with my tender fingers, a moment too sweet to hold her tears. I just did not stop until it was all clear she had arrived to the 9th cloud. I untied her and asked her to let me go. She said OK but blocked my way out. She suddenly went on her knees, unknotted my belt and gave me an equally pleasurable experience.

It was time I had to leave no matter what as I resisted her body’s demand to stay a little longer. Along the way she jumped unto my back as she kissed my cheek from the back saying nothing while attracting the attention of passers-by. Thank God it was night time and neither of us cared.
We spent another hour just standing on the way close to the main road while she interrogated me, asking who I really I am. I had no answers even when I understood what she meant. She kept pulling me back every time I wanted to go yet it was getting really late.

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#IamNelonTouch #NelonTheMelon #ForAUniqueWorld


Wednesday 11 October 2017


By Nelon Gerrard

For almost two years she showered me with all the glamour that love can be. She would call me in the morning, in the afternoon, in the evening and before bedtime to check on how I was doing and to tell me how deep she felt love for me.  She would be right where I needed her every time. She would send me selfies of her numerous times every day. Her endearing smile was my day maker.

When I first contacted her, she never showed me no interest. She actually told me off several times. Despite all my interest, I somewhat gave up on her because I never wanted to make my heart struggle at the time.

About 3years later, we met up at a certain function. She was all grown now, her smile was surreal, and her hips were blossoming, her face prettier and her cleavage calling. Her dark gums and snow white dentition reignited my interest when she smiled at me while we shook hands before serving dinner from the buffet table.

 Days later when I called her, my heart was put to its most revered position because she said yes to all my proposals, even regretting why she had not considered me the first time; perhaps she never found me serious.

At our prime time, she asked to spend Boxing Day with me, just the two of us. My heart got home when she asked for this. I knew it was gonna be the best festive season yet because I had craved her for so long.

At 8am on Boxing Day I was already at the bus terminal waiting for her because she told me she would be in town by 9am. 9:30am, she called me she was about to reach. A sigh of relief and joy followed as an impeccable smile showered my face, don’t know what those at the terminal thought of me with my long lasting smile after the call.

Finally she arrived; when we got home, we did not talk much because we had said it all on long late night calls and unending chats every day. We kissed like life belonged there, our breaths clearly showed how bad we wanted each other. Her body had called me for too long a time, I worshipped it in honor when all clothes were off. Chocolatey as it all looked, fresh and succulent, we got interweaved in passionate smiles only as we called for more from one another. We made sweet love for the rest of the day as I enjoyed her sweet moans and squirts of holly waters. That was sure an incredible day.

Days that followed after she’d left, I don’t know why but I think it happens with everyone, my response to her calls became retarded. Even when she texted appreciating the perfect moment we had, my eyes got blind.
Despite all this abandonment and ignorance of her, she never stopped lighting her heart for me. For three months all my senses were dormant on her perhaps because I was having very many suitors all around. Thank goodness I was asking for more from her again as she got fired up and started giving me more than I deserved, my mind became so proud of her because she always came to me on a silver plate. All she cared about was my happiness. She could ask me what I wanted and would give it to me in whole without a second thought. We never settled when around each other because we were all over ourselves. I started appreciating the fact that she was all for me. We did all lots of crazy things together and turned every bit of our imagination as it rhymed to reality. Her biggest point of attraction was her ability to act more than she spoke, just a look at me would make me feel how she felt about me and what she wanted. She never wanted much, she only wanted me and everything about me. Oh my God, maybe some tears never dry.

However, on several occasions I took her for granted, I took her as a last resort because her love for me was apparently guaranteed. I did not see the gold in her. She was my perfect match but I did not realise it. My friends saw it but I never did. If only I could turn back the time!

Time came I realised that she was the one for me and that I belonged to no one else but it was too late. I started chasing her, trying to be nice to her and replenish the lost glory, rekindle the flames that I did not keep burning but oooh it all seemed I was losing her because she was no longer there when I wanted her. She was creating excuses when I needed to see her while my messages became a bunch of trash since she would not mind about replying for weeks. On several attempts to meet her for over 6months, she never minded. I was losing her as I learned the hard way but hoped one day she could be mine again.

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#IamNelonTouch #ForAUniqueWorld

Wednesday 4 October 2017


By Nelon Gerrard

One rule I set for myself from my early days as a young adult was never to be proud and lose the people that are precious to me especially the woman I love. Thankfully nature has shaped me to love my woman and make her relish a fine sensation of romance and approval of what she means to me, my heart and my soul. Despite the deviance and conflicting loyalties, our love comes first, I cherish every bit of life we have together.

I just didn’t like it that we were not talking again even when we were in the same house spending cold nights on the same bed. It’s not the kind of life I want with her. I desire so much love, plays, games, jokes, laughter and a little bit more of love making as always.
After two days of not talking, my rule had to come into play because it sure felt like my life was being dragged to hell not hearing her sweet voice resound in my mind for a wholesome two days.
“Babie, I know we may not talk no more for some time, but I wanna let you know that I cherish the smiles that make our lives adorable to our hearts, I want you my smiley girl back”, I said to her
She looked at me disguising her cute face with desolation and asked what I was looking for. I asked for a stroll with her. Luckily she did not say no to me. Later in the evening as were about to set off, she wore matching clothes with mine and off we started strolling without a set destiny.

A kilometer of no words between us with guilty and demanding gazes at each other, she held my hand; halted me from moving and handed me an unsatisfied smile. The steps became sluggish as she leaned on my shoulder. Her hair tickled my ear and made me burst into laughter. She stood a few steps away looking at me surprised uncertain what was going on. She asked, “Why are you laughing, are you teasing me or something?” I told her her hair was the cause.
“So where are you taking me?” she asked ‘Nowhere”, I replied “Hmmm, what is that thought to mean?” she queried
“I promise you will be happy before we get back home tonight”, I said as she smiled genuinely for the first time in a long time. I only had to do more to maintain the smile.

As we went through the market, we stopped. I asked her to wait for me. I bought two pineapples sliced into natural glasses. When I came back, her mood was reset on seeing the pineapples. “So you are trying to win me again!” she said with an impressive smile as we laughed flashily attracting the attention of almost everyone around since we were still in the market though we didn’t mind about them.

When we reached some spot with a few people, she stayed behind a little and asked me to stop without looking back which I obeyed. She walked toward me and leaned on my shoulder from behind giving me her pineapple juice to sip of, our eyes closed spontaneously as a sparkle of love struck both of us. We remained there for some minutes without words really, it was just an adorable moment.

As we proceeded, I stood in the middle of the road and asked her to join me, I kissed her deeply as soon as she got to me until a car came hooting so loud scaring the hell out of us while we ran off to the roadside screaming with excitement. She was gasping, so scared but extremely thrilled. I felt so enriched because my woman was smiling again. I hugged her from behind and kissed her. “This is one reason I cherish everything about you babie girl, you rise my spirit so high above human understanding, look what we’ve been missing the last couple of days. I’m sorry that for some reason we kept a cool on ourselves, we were wrong. You see, I want you for life, I want you to be the one always”. I said to her. “Don’t talk too much, act what you are saying”, she responded as she poured pineapple juice in my face and grabbed a boda boda shouting find me home!

Moments later, I took the next boda boda after laughing at myself and followed her. I reached home before her because we took the shorter route. As she arrived, I poured a basin full of water on her for the sweet revenge. I paid the bike guy as she was on the ground screaming. I lifted her up, wrapped my arms around her to share the waters on her body, kissed her in the neck and then carried her to the house.

The floor was lucky this time, we blessed it with our love tossing all the clothes on it as we went down naked kissing our bodies in turns with sweet moans of her blessing my ears while driving me wild with ecstasy. And as I love doing to her, kissed her body head to toe while we made hot steamy love on another night of the highest degree.

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#IamNelonTouch #NelonTheMelon #ForAUniqueWorld


Sleeping on a movie, breathing deep but tenderly with an almost smiley face. Staring at her helplessly but admiringly in the sil...