Wednesday 25 October 2017


By Nelon Gerrard

Despite sleeping very late last night, today I woke up so early from my trip to fantasy smiling passionately at how beautiful life really is. When I thought of the beauty that comes with experience and the ease with which one can live by just understanding the principles of nature and reality, I realised that life is truly beautiful.

One special understanding that has been on my mind for quite a long time since my early adulthood days resonated in my mind this morning - LUST; a fine taste of desire that only most people label all sorts of negativities like selfish, evil, uncalled for, and the like forgetting about the role lust plays in intimacy and more so to life relationships. Lust defined as a feeling of strong desire that most people only attach to sex is such a wonderful phenomenon that activates attraction hormones to mates.

Look back at some of the fondest moments in your life, moments you were so much into someone or something that everything about them excited you, lifted up your soul and rose you up every time you were down; such moments are activated by lust, that strong feeling and burning desire that elicits attraction. But now let’s focus on the art of sex, the strongest of all emotions that God created as perfect equity. Sex is the sweetest feeling that every human big or small, rich or poor, wise or blunt and others enjoy the same way.

Nature is so unfortunate that the world is filled with people that according to proclaimed beliefs demonize sex as a sin or attach it so much to religion making it seem like bad food. Most people due to such and other influences find sex boring because they do not have it as a natural reward but as a stealth act like theft or robbery. Imagine stealing, at least most people stole sugar as kids; the feeling of guilt, the burden of conscience that comes with it makes stealing emotionally bad before being considered criminal. Such is the feeling that comes with treating sex that way.

The people that enjoy sex are the people that treat it as a great reward true from nature, a source of unlimited and unexplainable pleasure that no other thing is even close. To achieve this, you must be lustful. Your desire must be well up there. The spontaneity, the craziness, the wildness, the imagination and fantasy attached to sex for great people are all a result of lust. Lusting for your woman or man will keep you attracted to them and on the other hand, you will always invest and ensure your sexiness remains upscale to keep your mate craving for you in their thoughts, dreams and imagination in addition to physically every time.

“Lust is temporary”, so is said by sex over writers who do not consider it as an investment where checks and balances must be kept at bay if returns and pleasure in this case are to be realised. Lust needs maintenance; people cheat a lot because they do not invest in lusting for one particular person but because of easy free lust from new people or because there’s little or no lust at all with their current partner.
It’s so true lust for many people is bad and dangerous but it is also true lust for a special person or thing is ultimate to keep the love flow. If someone responds to your lust positively, you are a perfect match; if they don’t, you will hardly last together.

*You will find out more about lust from me in my latest book coming out in 2018*

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#ItsLove #IamNelonTouch #NelonTheMelon #ForAUniqueWorld        

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