Wednesday 11 July 2018


By Nelon Gerrard

On a rather light Friday afternoon, I decided to go watch a basketball game that had a big elated crowd with sweet voices and ole oles all over the place. It was such an attraction filled with great guys and nicely dressed girls applauding every score and every dunk.

For several days we enjoyed an exquisite coalition of souls virtually on chat and calls. We shared lots about our days every single day because that’s what kept our bond up tight. The distance was of course a huge motive for all this but the consolation that our love blossomed a little bit more every time we met was a perfect vengeance for absence, an impeccable bond.

As soon as I got myself settled at the court where I chose to keep standing at a point where I would catch a glimpse of the twilight, I texted her to let her know I had something to keep me uppy for the rest of the afternoon. I had just not yet recovered from a night of a very long romantic call with her. My whole mind and set of imagination was still entangled and aligned to my solo smiling face all day. My concentration on the game was definitely below average except for the loud rhythmic cheers and ululations. “I will be joining you shortly”, she responded with simplicity. I just laughed it off as a normal joke because we had not talked about meeting soon.

Over an hour later after I had trashed the joke out of my memory columns, an earpiece sounding our favorite song was tucked on my ear lobe sending me into a wondrous and motionless moment. I closed my eyes and drowned in a sea of imagination before I turned to find out who and what was happening. On the turn, after I made sure it was not a dream, she was the one right behind smiling passionately for the pleasant surprise. I instinctively wondered no more and cared less about why she had decided to do it that way as she wrapped her arms around me from the back but cherished the moment as my heart filled up with much appreciation and fulfillment of a love so beautiful. I was no longer interested in the game for sure.

I held her hand and walked her away as she smiled and cackled with absolute affection written all over her face. “Babie don’t ask me why, it’s all about loving you my treasured gift”, she said with a delightful tone. I needed not respond to this with words, I sat her on a nearby car bonnet and enjoyed kissing her, holding her and looking into her bright eyes till the sun had completely gone down and the evening breeze approved of the fineness of the taste of love.

#IamNelonTouch #NelonTheMelon #ItsLove #ARCloset #ForAUniqueWorld


  1. Replies
    1. Thank you so much Phiona. Keep enjoying my writings. More is on its way very soon.

  2. Am going to share this post on apage for western blitz magazine as a story from Tooro hope your okay with this my mentor❤

    1. Always feel free to share as long as you don't alter anything. Keep the love flowing.

  3. Am inspired #Nelon
    So amazing wow.
    Loving on this

    1. Aww! I'm happy that you're inspired. Hope you'll read most of the stories on my blog. I'm sure you'll love them more. Thanks for the love, I appreciate it lots.



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