Wednesday 25 July 2018


By Nelon Gerrard

The breeze of the night thrived with the sound of instruments as The Acoustic Jam gave the rhythms of the night a supersonic resonation with live music. I was so into the harmony and never turned my head around - the performance was the peak of what I desired.

As the deem lights kept hitting my face, she kept staring at me from the time she came in seated just 3 to 4 places in front of me diagonally on my right. Sometimes my eyes impeded her sight innocently as she had a peek at me. It was a bit of a distraction but a worthy one; her smile and brown eyes were taking up my attention every time I caught her in the gaze.

As the night grew old and the band became more charming - wowing the crowd, she stood up and walked away making me imagine she had gone for a short pass. Shortly after, she returned to her seat but was nervous this time prompting me to smile at her. I probably think my smile triggered her audacity as she got on her feet again walking towards a composed me pretending I hadn't seen her coming. I totally had no idea what she was up to and couldn't dream up anything at the time. When she got to me, she just stashed a piece of warm and wet cloth in my shirt then walked out from the front of the band house.

I became restless with curiosity; the scent from my chest was now covering me up as I walked out to the washrooms to have a score of what she had stashed inside my shirt. With all the anxiety and curiosity filling me up, I pulled out the piece of cloth to a daring sight of royal blue netted wet knickers, OMG! My stamina trembled as a hot wave of ecstasy and confusion traveled from my brain to my toes leaving behind a stream of sweat like I’d just been substituted from a world cup match. At this time I had surrendered my strength, my imagination was defeated but my intuition propelled me to go searching for her all over the premises. I luckily found her seated at the poolside looking like a tamed wild cat with a cunning look seated seductively like a lioness ready to charge at its prey - the moonlight striking through her translucent dress revealing her midsized thighs.

Well! I had only one option, to fall in the temptation trap by a fired up fantasy girl. My hair started rising when she stood up, raised her index finger and literally pulled me towards by a pat on her lips, blood started flowing so fast to my erogenous zones rising the temperatures that liquefied my strings to act. I walked towards her with one goal; to make a noteworthy moment. When I stood in front of her face before thinking of laying my hands on her cheek for a crazy kiss, she unbuttoned her top halfway and said with tears of passion in her eyes, Have me now.

I swiftly carried her to a close by concrete pole for a firm grip as we did a kiss marathon sharing space with our shadows in the bright light of the moon till she was gasping. She pulled my pants down making my already brittle manny burst in the air as I tied her see through dress up around her waist exposing gushes all over her thighs. With this view, I had no more triggering to do as a strikingly pressed her moan glands harder while I went deeper inside.
#IamNelonTouch #NelonTheMelon #ItsLove #LivingTheMoment #ForAUniqueWorld

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