Wednesday 25 September 2019


By Nelon Gerrard

She hurt me when she said she wouldn’t be mine, she was seeing someone else. I don't know! I think it gave me hope when I asked her why all the good girls are taken, she told me it ain't true. God knows how deep it went; I spent the whole night rolling my eyes in the dark not sure what was to become; my thoughts and imagination bent on her but the feeling I wouldn’t have chance with her scared me so – there was no way I was going to heed to her word, she was seeing someone else. Even if it was true, it was nowhere near my thinking letting go, it would be such a hard blow to concede.

In my heart I knew she was the one I wanted to give my best try relentlessly with a passion. Looking deep in her eyes, the way she spoke to me, oh damn! How could I just let her go? No way, I couldn't. I had to keep believing as I pursued. I knew one day she would give me her hand so she could not fall. Luckily or fortunately, she did not cut communication; giving me a high-end opportunity to keep expressing myself, telling her what caressed my heart. Probably my confidence and high belief caught her mind a little bit - she agreed to meeting regularly. Several days, weeks went by before we could meet again until one day she spontaneously asked to meet late in the afternoon. It was a perfect call - I brought to halt whatever I was doing; to give her my entire mind before we finally met later.

At around 4pm, she comes in front of me like the morning twilight, beautiful wearing a dear smile clad in a red rose scrapped black dress above her knees and white sneakers holding her superb legs on her feet. We both chose to spend the evening at a secluded forest garden in the outskirts of town. I had told her about it sometime ago, and she loved it. On getting there, she knew exactly what my feelings for her were, I had told her everything and it was her turn to either continue brushing me off or pronouncing she was giving me the shot I craved with a lot of thought and affection. Her words were limited as she had always been but she was cozy, clutched on my upper arm all the time.

“I'm so glad to have you lean on me confessing your love for me at least not by words but allowing me feel it all over. There's no better moment I can compare this to. You are the finest piece God has given me; I'm going to relish this moment, to cherish you - embrace your heart and emotions with the most gracious and tender love. I love you more than utterances, more than anything with breath and without”, I let out my feelings to her.

After pouring all that I felt in appreciation that she was becoming mine, I got on my feet and lifted her up by the hand to stroll around the garden. It was cold and windy but I could live with it. I was relishing a momentous ecstasy as my dream came to life. I could realise she was not sure of how to express her emotions but the look on her face and her body language let me read it was heads-up.

As we walked round the ground with little drizzles blessing us, the bright of the sun disappearing in the cloud, her sparkle filling up the place, she stopped and turned standing in front of my way, looked at me, took a deep sigh. This invited me to give her my very first kiss; deep, warm, wet and long. Wow! I don't know but it was so affectionate, so sweet, my heart beat faster by the moment. My expectations of what I felt from the time I first saw her were perfectly met, that more was coming yet between us.
#IamNelonTouch #NelonTheMelon #ForAUniqueWorld

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