Wednesday 26 July 2017


By Nelon Gerrard

I had been seeing her with adulation in different places and on social media with hardly a chance of hearing her speak or meeting her up for a coffee date or at least getting her digits for a WhatsApp chat.

One day when I was seated at a certain cafĂ© with my guys on a great evening, I was blown away into absolute sensation, my whole body picked up the finest taste of desire as she surprisingly entered and sat two tables away directly facing me like she had answered my call. I could feel sweat caress my spine with triggers of attempt.  
This girl is one of the finest to grace my contemplation and bless the sight of my eyes. Her glowing smile made me fall in love with her pretty face while I went into a wild day dream.

I could not settle no more as my whole life wanted to talk to her since it was the closest she had been next to me, a great chance to say a word to her even if it didn’t matter to her or even if she didn’t give me the attention.

As I approached where she was seated, a guy came in at the wrong time and sat with her, it was all clear he’s the one she had been waiting for. My attempted desire was shuttered in seconds as they hugged, killing me deep inside. I had no option but strolled by like I was heading to the washrooms jealously though.

“At least if she presently saw me”, I thought to myself when I got to the washrooms. While I went back to my seat my whole mind focused on her with hope she could at least spot the wink of my eye to her or perhaps a wanting smile, I got obstructed by a table behind her. I tripped and fell down right on her feet. The bang as I fell down scared her quite because she screamed loud as the ice cream she held poured on my face and shirt.

This natural design rewarded me when she left her seat and bended her knees towards my face. “I’m so sorry”, she said in a melodious tone as she wiped my face with her hankie. This was truly a silver lining moment.

I just don’t know how I started but this is what I said, “Only if the world can turn to my hands, only if my thoughts and dreams can turn to reality, only if love can be the answer to my life”.
The innocent smile on her pretty face showed vividly I had somehow found my way into her mind.

She called the guy she was seated with and introduced him to me as her brother giving me butterflies in my stomach. I don’t know how to smile but I felt my heart let in a wave of joy.

“Exalted is my soul today as I get the chance to hear an angel speak and smile at me. You are so beautiful and such a nice person more than I supposed. Can we meet up sometime?” I said to her as she spoke more with her smiles. Her smiles were so real that I never wanted to let her go.
She pulled out her card and asked me to call her the next day for a better conversation since it was already too late.

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Wednesday 19 July 2017


By Nelon Gerrard

Dear darling,

Today I woke up with you all over my mind unsure what’s up…it’s been lengthy since we talked and you don’t care? But then I peeked back and realized it was only a few hours since you called me, OMG!

I am so blessed to have you in my life! I can smile gloriously with visions of you in my mind where you sway. Yesterday when I was in office busy with work, I took a few moments off to appreciate how splendid life has been with you; the crazy things we have done and the limitless possibilities our love has unlocked in the last couple of weeks. You are my marvel!

I’m now subject to keep staring at the wallpaper of you on my phone wondering how it would be if you were right beside me, my heart racing faster only to find you amidst my heart out of sight. Your absence makes me a big loner while it stirs up a surge of imagination how it will be when you come back to me.

I try so hard to get away without thinking about you but fail on every attempt. Just yesterday when you said you would be on your way back soon, I grew restless anticipating your return with lots of mind’s eye. I couldn’t breathe without thinking of how much you mean to me, how good you have been to me; I’m truly loved by the finest and sure can’t ask for more.

I remember when we went for that trail and you sang to me Puff Johnson’s forever more on the hilltop. Never listened to better music, and indeed you will be the one I will always long for. Even when things don’t feel right, even when the sun fights the stars, even when a cold wrecks my body, even when I dream, you will always remain dear to my heart because  guess what! You are the finest medley my soul has made that will remain so for as long as we live.

God answered the call of my soul when he gave you to my life, I will live to cherish you and guarantee you the pinnacle of my heart for always. I promise you my total life with you never to let go because what we have had is timeless. The strength and power of your love has made you better than all and has made me a better man, I can vividly see a great future in us.

I just wanna thank you for loving me perfectly and guiding my heart through the pathway of true love most people only dream of. It’s so amazing!
I love you every time I breathe!

Yours love!


Wednesday 12 July 2017


By Nelon Gerrard

Years ago when I was still a fairly young dude, I suggested taking my sweet girlfriend to a traditional date on one of the most beautiful hills in Fort Portal. This got her so excited because we had never had such a date before. We had lots of amazing crazy ideas to set up a fun packed adventurous date.

At last when the big day came, my anxiety levels were so high because there was no guarantee she would be available as planned since her mum had warned me against over staying with her every time because it affected her responsibilities at home.

While waiting for her in front of our house, my eyes were astounded by wonder as my heart received her presence with faster rhythms; strikingly beautiful, her flawless skin covered in a beautiful bark cloth. I wore the proudest smile as she fell in my arms to a tight embrace. I could feel her heart beating faster as her smile faded suddenly. I just told her to wait for me make my skin comfortable and matching in bark cloth.

When we set out, I showed her a clear blue sky. Still confused what I was trying to show her, she turned her magical eyes into mine, glory glory is what I saw as her lips attracted mine instantly. Our lips couldn’t help it but interlock while the sun showered us with blessings of its rays. I whispered to her, “Trust me; everything will turn out perfect uphill”.

A feeling of true love saturated the environment when we made it to the summit as we enjoyed a perfect nature date.

“Kiss me Amooti, let me be your queen for you are the only one that makes me do things that I never imagined, things that all turn out amazing and perfect. I am blessed by the vivacity of your love”, she flattered me.

”Your love has become crazily beautiful; you are my perfect date every day. I choose you every time I have to make a choice. You have uplifted my life to royalty by surrendering the power of your love upon my soul”, I said, then kissed her forehead.

She said as her hand caressed my bare chest while looking at me seductively, “Touch me, touch wherever you want on my body right now, I’m feeling the impulse of your love flow all over me and I can’t resist it. Please touch me and heal my mind because I can’t think no more”.

I stood her up and walked her to the other side of the hill that had flourishing sweet edible wild berries locally known as entuutu. These she truly loved. I loved how she was picking berry per berry from the palm of my hand with her ticklish lips, her eyes turning to me through her eyebrows with love, tender touches of her hand moving along my arm back and forth calling out for my body to listen.

When I held her cheek with my right hand, she turned to me and we kissed for a time so long to imagine while cuddling till nightfall in the wilderness.
We later walked back home under the majestic light of the Moon.


Wednesday 5 July 2017


By Nelon Gerrard

She had just reached home when it started pouring cats and dogs with no signs of stopping. We were supposed to go for a nature date to have quality personal time just the two of us while we appreciated God’s amazing craft of nature. I was looking forward to this date especially after a very busy week at work and missing her for quite some time after she had traveled to the countryside for work.

This whole situation got me so sad making me think I was unlucky; I relegated myself to a lonely couch as she changed costumes in the bedroom. Coming out of the bedroom calling out my name (I can recall the excitement with which she called my name) and saw me sad, she jumped on my laps, wrapped her legs around my rib cage and looked straight into my eyes without saying nothing. Wow! The look in her eyes was genuine, love was written all over her pretty face as the rhythm of my heartbeat synced perfectly with every blink of her eyes. Her luscious lips were tickling to say something. She then said, “Love you don’t have to be sad at all, I know how much you love nature but I also know that you love me more than anything else. I’m right here with you, all for you. Cheer up Babie! Let’s conquer the world under this rain”. I could not resist smiling as I pulled her outside into the rain while she screamed with exhilaration and anxiety at the same time because the pours were heavy and the thunder sounds as terrifying.

I ran away as she chased me playfully around the lawn under the holy waters of the rain. When she finally caught me by my wet t-shirt, I grabbed her, pulled her closest to me and planted my rain dripping lips on hers while we enjoyed the finest flavour of a perfect kiss in the rain.

“I want you to feed my eyes, feed my body and feed my soul with sweet steams of your sensual seduction and make me sweat while you moan like you are living the dream of your life”, I said as her brown eyes rolled teasing mine only to be interrupted by a tree branch that fell on us covering us with its rich green leaves that got her screaming with terrified excitement. But on realizing we were unscathed by the branch fall, she rushed to my lips and kissed me like a baby.

Two hours later, I was awakened by her heartbeat on my chest in our bedroom. I opened my eyes to the most beautiful smile I have ever seen as she stared at me. My body developed goose bumps in acceptance of a special feeling of true love. “You are my perfect match; my love for you has reached a point of no return. I choose to be yours for as long as time”, she said with chivalry

I retorted, “Paint a picture of me in your heart and let me be the one to unlock happiness for our love is the most beautiful thing that has happened to me. I can only imagine forever taking us on and on as we approve of and cherish what our hearts truly desire. My soul has spoken, my heart has heard and my mind has responded. I am no longer entangled in any doubts for I’m sure our love will blossom till the day you wear the most adorable gown as I walk you down the aisle on the confirmation of a lifelong love in the presence of our friends and family”.
“I was created to love you darling”, she said as we slept off.



Sleeping on a movie, breathing deep but tenderly with an almost smiley face. Staring at her helplessly but admiringly in the sil...