Wednesday 20 November 2019


Nelon Writes

It was a fluffy day – I had accomplished my errands for the day quite early and spent the bigger part relaxing and browsing the internet. I was lethargic to do any extra errands that were not on my day’s rota; it was only in me to downgrade myself to the phone even if it meant spending all day and night on it. It was actually beautiful – I read lots of lovely pieces of writings from different sites and blogs. As the day grew older, approaching dusk – a windfall of thoughts of someone took over, licking my mind profoundly; aroused by seeing her picture on Facebook memories. Part of me wanted to call her, while the wanted to talk to her when I got home and this was ideal since I was in an overly engaged locale that moment - it had to be a call of expression and affection. I relegated all thoughts and concentrated on other things as I hung on for nightfall then head home for a feisty night.

Drizzles creped in from the skies sooner than I left, prolonging my stay till it was dark – the moon and stars plastered by a strapping shade of nimbus clouds amassed in thunder strokes and lightning flashes loud and bright – clear threats of a stormy night yet to be. Thank goodness a few minutes later, the skies cleared and it was time to get home safe and talk to her as I craved from the early hours of the evening. Before I got home, a message from her popped up on my phone screen, she had replied to a picture of me on my status; “What if I inserted my hand under your t-shirt and moved it beyond your naval downwards, what could happen”, she wrote. My eyes opened wide, chills ran all over my body with shivers sprouting on every pore of my skin. I literally saw and felt her erogenous hand move under my t-shirt towards my pubis. I lost words to reply as I moved restlessly glued on the screen of my phone on street. I could not wait to reach home, I decided to call her as I moved; unfortunately her line was not clear due to bad network – we could not talk properly, couldn’t hear what she was saying. I asked her to come home but guess she didn’t hear me; network was really crappy, it pissed me off. She called me after I hung up but it was not any better. I just proceeded home with the piss drowned in my head.

Reaching home, from a distance; I was welcomed by phone light on my door, someone was seated chatting; by instincts I thought she could be the one and indeed as I moved closer, there she was right on the door dressed in only a t-shirt on her shapely body and beach sandals on her feet. The whole lawn was covered in the gloom of night - only her phone light shining like a star in the heavens. As I moved closer, my footsteps interrupted, she got up and called out my name. I was surprised she never seemed bothered by the dark or never showed fright when she heard my footsteps before realising I was the one.

Even though I didn’t expect her, sight of her blew my mind wide and shook my demeanor, propelling my wild psyche to overdrive. We spent a lot of time hugging silently just outside the front porch freshened by a moist ambiance. She held me harder and harder by the minute – her arms crossed on my nape and hands falling unto either my shoulder. Her face dipped into my left collar bone for several minutes, radiating warm waves of exhalation to my veins; such a ticklish sensation! Soon after, I felt her soft warm hand provocatively key in my t-shirt making my hip bones contract and bulge rhythmically – in and out raving up my entire nervous system. Blood was flowing intensely down south into my main vein making it straight up and hard creating a lot of heat and rumbling in my pants. My testosterone levels were skyrocketing, stiffening every single muscular fibre in my body harder and firmer. Her hand kept sending shivers as it moved from my naval until I felt its warmth on my scrotal membrane rolling my endocrines against each other in their sac. She then swept me completely off my feet as she slid her hand gently along the shaft of my dick back and forth, pre-cum was now making dumb my pants, I was on the edge of explosion.

I pulled off her t-shirt exposing her firm boobs and hard nipples; I felt her thighs tremble in wetness flowing from her labia down her inner thighs. I kept running my hands in between her thighs surfing warm juices that flowed along her thighs endlessly as I kissed her hard nipples in turns. She began moaning calmly increasing the tune as I moved my hand between her under lips to her boy under the boat back and forth and kissing her nipples simultaneously. I could feel her body from tip to toe out of control, shaking against mine, her knees breaking stance every second. “I want to feel you inside me”, she mumbled as she caressed the tip of my dick. She dropped my pants and boxers to my feet as I lifted her onto the balcony rails, exposing her dripping labia next to my already wild pubis. She put each of her foot on either side of my hips for support and held my dick with her thumb and index finger and started hitting her labia and boy in the boat with it as she released jets of squirts unto my abdomen teasingly inserting my dick inside her by just the tip occasionally until she was screaming I’m cumming, I’m cumming, I’m cumming. Wow! This sound was just perfect for me as I went inside her until I hit a strong jet unto her cervix.
#IamNelonTouch #NelonTheMelon #ForAUniqueWorld                       

Wednesday 13 November 2019


Nelon Writes🍉
A true story

Live football delight on TV was the last clipping on a collage of a fascinating Saturday before heading for cold ones with the lads to take us through the night till perhaps break of dawn. I loathed my phone ringing call after another disrupting my concentration on every kick of the game. I couldn’t put my eye to it to check who was calling – I usually don’t conform to weekend calls that are not on prior plan. However with endless vibrations and ringing, I was coerced to respond – perhaps there was an urgent need; it is 3pm, Edmund calling that we head out of town. I was hesitant to a positive response but he said we were taking Yvonne (his girlfriend) to the springs with friends, there was definitely not saying no to that. We joined up the rest of the team for a love expedition headed further west to Sempaya Hot springs in Semiliki National Park more than 70km from Fort Portal on the road.

Along the ride, a few of us already knew that this was going to be one of the best experiences yet.  It was more than just tripping, sweating from searing steams of the springs, boiling potatoes and eggs at the maximum temperature cape - building up to a PDA of the highest form of expression of love. As always, Edmund was cheery and elated but sweating a great deal more than common – thanks to springs steam for disguising his nerves and anxiety. On the sight of this, I personally realised that it was happening with distinction. It became more exciting reading absolute innocence on Yvonne’s face – her appreciative smile painting a perfect picture; ready and blessed. It is true angels exist; even though they are never part of us, they approve our choices and really show it when the right one is chosen. Yvonne looked exactly that – it was befalling upon her. Her smile was pure tenderness filled with chivalry. I was swayed; sure the choices being made were carefully impeccably matched out of the world.

Soon we were headed to the spot charisma was bound to burgeon in the guise of more attraction to the fore. Sunset was creeping from the back of the jungle with obscure visibility onto the high road. After tossing around certain that not everyone knew what was on the grill, we convened for a brief story before proceeding to the next destination. Sooner than all had settled, Edmund standing next to Yvonne, took about two steps back and instantly padded one of his knees on the tarmac, bent the other. Yvonne’s hands spontaneously held her face in disbelief utterly overwhelmed; her eyes a bit teary as she sent her hand forward to receive the ring on her finger with an expected yes as a confirmation ovation mixed up the ambiance. What a moment it was! Not illusion or dreams, it was really happening. Edmund had betrothed Yvonne in a very special way in the heart of nature.

Yvonne wrote a new chapter in our lives with her precision and powerful insight into Edmund’s demeanor and the quality of his charm. She had seen the unseen to many. She knew that Edmund is a very social person welcoming and treats people equally irrespective of who they are or where they come from, a source of respect and unity bringing together friends and family, intelligent, smart and hardworking noticeable from even a little speech from him. His outgoing character and adventurous personality makes for a very attractive young man to all folk. As his friends, we knew all this and never doubted a niche of it.

God was preparing an angel for him that would wipe his tears away - that would make his traits of a great man visible and significant. Yvonne, a heaven sent - stepped up like the revelation of Angel Gabriel to Mother Mary. She came on a mission to change, recreate and reaffirm Edmund’s stance as a good man, husband, brother, friend and change maker. I presume Yvonne noted every single aspect of Edmund and realised that his imperfections would spice up his enormous grit and fortitude. After several years, Yvonne’s mission was complete; Edmund was becoming a husband, her husband graced and blessed by not only the power of love but also by the love of God.

A couple of weeks later from the perfect proposal, Edmund led by his elders and friends reached out to Yvonne’s father humbly requesting him to let go of his daughter so they could start a family together. After blessings from the reverend in a church service and going through the cultural processes, Yvonne’s father said, “You may now take your bride son! My home is now your home, you are always welcome. Take my daughter; love her, respect her, adore her and honor her as your wife, together with my family we shall always be there to support you and ensure by the grace of God, your marriage blossoms”. This was a fruitful feeling; love had taken its course and prospered once again. Mr. Edmund could not help but smile uncontrollably. He stepped forward to the dais where his bride was crowned, as it is in Tooro culture – wrapped Orukwanzi Rw’ente (A chain of white beads) around her neck to knot the betrothal. As a sign of love, he pulled out his phone and took a selfie with his bride in front of their parents and friends to seal it with a smile.

A couple of weeks later, Edmund walked Yvonne down the aisle at St. John’s Cathedral in Fort Portal. A nature inspired photo shoot to keep the memories alive at the foot hills of Rwenzori Mountains and then a date with elephants in Queen Elizabeth National Park followed. After a good time with the large beasts, the matriarch elephant reminded us that we had people at the reception awaiting the couple’s arrival, she charged at us asking us to leave immediately.

A brief stint in Kibale forest with chimps and baboons was next in Kibale National Park before the couple arrived at the sumptuous reception on the lakeside at Rweteera Safari Park on the edge of Kibale Forest.   
#IamNelonTouch #NelonTheMelon #ForAUniqueWorld

Sunday 20 October 2019


Did you know?
Nelon Writes🍉

The cake and engagement ring on a Kweranga ceremony are irrelevant?

Once the bride's family have allowed the man intending to marry in their family a go ahead and the magnitude of dowry agreed upon by either side, the next and most important thing is the groom's family identifying their bride from an entourage of girls presented by the family in a number of rounds depending on how many girls the family has, an act known as kucooka.

Once identification is done - cheerfully shown by the visiting family when the bride first steps out from the house, the groom is asked to walk towards the bride and  put a white bead necklace known as Orukwanzi Rw'ente around her neck as a sign of love and engagement in marriage.

The bride and his groom with their witnesses and parents then sign marriage certificates from Tooro Kingdom to seal the engagement as an official and complete marriage.

The cake and ring are insignificant on this occasion and are considered a waste of time and an infiltration of Tooro Culture.

Let's preserve our culture as it is.
#MyCulture #MyIdentity
#IamNelonTouch #NelonTheMelon #ForAUniqueWorld

Wednesday 16 October 2019


Nelon Writes 🍉

When the day finally came, I could only rejoice as I set off optimistic about a memorable exploit ahead. Her arrival was a star sign of what was on offer at camp; she rolled her stunning big brown eyes like windows of paradise in front of me. However, sadly when I got closer, her actions were not in sync with a nasty don’t-say-a-word-to-me attitude. That wouldn’t change the way I saw her though - perhaps it was a challenge I was willing to lay my mind on if my period on camp was going to be an extraordinary tale. Her gorgeous looks, fine curves and charming accent became an instant motivation, she left me internally spellbound.

7 in the morning I was already up for breakfast just like everyone else; new faces all over spot trying to know each other - breakfast being served. Turning around scanning all over, I couldn’t see her. I kept wondering whether she was coming by the second - my concentration tearing to pieces. 8am - time to set out to the pitch where team building was going to take place as revealed by a midsized brown skinned man probably in his late 30s who called for attention before introducing himself to us as one of our trainers sooner than leading us pitch side.   

Flashes later she arrived in a hurricane of distraction clad in a black and red skort enhanced with a white top and ponytail hair. I picked her as my game party. “You really want me to be your partner?” she asked me this time with an endearing smile. “It’s what was on my mind all night”, I responded making her laugh with awe; her smile was a perfect yes. “It is great delight being with you”, I said. “Really?” she queried. “Oh yeah! Let’s play”, I said as we joined the rest of the cohort, marking a grand start to pleasure camp. When day was coming to end, we bartered contacts.

On the third night of camp, I updated my WhatsApp status with pleasant lyrics triggering her to inquire about the song – the title and artist. I proposed she listened to it with me on replay in my suite. After reading the message without replying, she went offline for nearly an hour; keeping me hanging on helplessly. She later returned pretending to overlook my message that she was from enjoying a hot bath.
Me; blessed is the shower that staked moments with you that long
Her; Hahaha I don’t want to imagine what you’re thinking
Me; Well, the song is on replay awaiting your attention
Her; I wish……
Me; ……….you would be here?
Her; Hahaha don’t read my mind
Me; Can I come for you?
Her; Can you?
Me; Yes your majesty!
Her; OK

I thought to myself it was a teaser but didn’t show it. I went offline to risk prospect of a rejection in the night. I strolled to her residence without prior acquaintance; someone directed me to her suite. She could not believe it when I knocked at her inlet. Moments later, she came out ready to move. I helped her lock the door and then left directly; there was voluble music playing - song pressed to replay, no speech between us. She rested on my bed listening to the song over and over again without saying anything to me, me neither. Eventually, she slept off; probably worn-out from the day’s activities. I walked slowly towards the bed, covered her without interrupting her snooze expecting her to wake up after a while but didn’t. Several minutes later, my head was heavy too - I slept beside her.

I turned my head from sleep to check, it was 10minutes to 6am. I woke her up with a pat on her shoulder. She got up a little bit curious. “It is 6am, we have to start the day. Wakie wakie!” I called out. “Why did you let me sleep here”, she said. “Don’t worry, everything is absolutely fine. Water in the shower is ready hot for you, get in”, I said. I went in the shower for a second, and on returning I found her checking herself whether we had sex or not. On realizing we didn’t, she smiled to herself without noticing I was seeing her. I cleared my throat to alert my presence - she got up to the shower.

When she was done ready to go back, I asked her to go with me around the lawn; I had a surprise for her, she agreed without hesitation. Sunny hadn’t come out yet but twilight was starting to eavesdrop. The whole place was quiet, nobody else in vicinity. We got to where sun rays were trying to cut through tree branches, I showed her the beautiful picturesque and said to her, “Do not resist me here, you will cherish the moment”. She accepted with a genuine OK.

I turned around to hide on a tree trunk behind her. As she turned to look around, she bumped into me; I grabbed her and planted my lips on hers. She did not resist, she sailed along. It was morning cold but her body was hot as she gave me freedom to explore. Everything was hasty for fear of being found with the morning getting brighter. I removed my shirt, laid it down and carried her to lie on it. I pulled off her pants, then mine swiftly; she had no undies inside. She got on her knees and hands, gave me a better rear view and access until we both exploded with ecstasy in presence of the morning sun.
#IamNelonTouch #NelonTheMelon #ForAUniqueWorld 

Wednesday 9 October 2019


Nelon Writes🍉

More than 10hours on the road was a solid long day even though we set out for a holiday hoping for an ecstatic excursion. We had set off very early in the morning spending the entire time of daylight on our way - a symbolic trip detailed by incalculable stopovers checking out communities and attractions along the board. We kissed to an allure of every attraction reached, almost making spontaneous love on each occasion only for disruption by other visitors.

We wobbled anxiously laughing out so loud on shrill contemporary country music every time playing Rascal Flatts, Jake Owen, Brett Eldredge, Thomas Rhett, Taylor Rich, Luke Combs, Eric Paslay, Dan + Shay, Michael Ray, Dylan Schneider, Danielle Bradberry, Jimmie Allen and many others nonstop turning the trip into one of my most amazing on the road ever. Her endless dedication turned me on profoundly, we didn’t mind about time even thou our destination was miles afar - we seemed not to move a mile because of the stops, turns and mesmerizes. I had no particular name to call her; she was just a perfect being for an extraordinary bliss filled with adventure and untamed romance.

She took control of the wheels all morning, responsible for the stops until I took over a few minutes after mid day hoping we would catch up with time and then have all the goodies and lovies at our destination but would be the worst at it. I was already spoiled and charged with a highly activated imagination. The sensuality was vivid with every touch and proximity notwithstanding the dangers of romance on the wheels; it was crazy.

10kilometres later, I chose to be serious and asked her to be mindful of our lives at least until we reached our destination. Every time she put her hand on my laps, I pushed her away for safety on the road. My prayer was she gets pissed at me so we could drive safely, and then make amends later – I had lots on my mind that would make her forget the fuss. So I took the risk to keep her away from action even though I yearned for it. She put earpieces in her ear holes, shades on her face and lied on her back stretching her legs across my laps, under my arms as I drove on. We were not talking for the next more than an hour, I think she slept off at some point – this gave us a lot of cover on distance; sundown reflecting off her shades unto my eye as night fell.

 We reached a spot where traffic was minimal while we rode on, there was a feeder road to I don’t know where but I got in a little and parked then got out slowly without awakening her, sat on the bonnet facing away from the windscreen doing absolutely nothing - a special moment was bound to happen. After around 20minutes of solitude, the car door bang interrupted my repose. I didn’t turn back because I knew she was the one. “Are we lost? What’s the problem?” she inquired as she sat next to me. I did not respond, but put my attention on the glowing golden sky. Realising I wasn’t giving her attention yet; she wrapped her arms around my left and bowed her head on my shoulder. Well, this felt really good. She didn’t say anything but kept breathing easy. After several minutes hushed lounging on the bonnet, I said without moving “I’m sorry for pushing you away! It was for the sake of not losing us and our lives; it could have been fun but very dangerous for our lives. You know how much I love you, the same way I don’t want anything troublesome happening to you”. She got off my shoulder and kissed me producing shivers of pleasure all over my body and then said, “I’m sorry too, I realised it either we were putting our lives in danger. I’m sorry!”

I turned her around making her sit, stood between her legs exchanged kisses harder and deeper not minding our environment, she dropped her denim top off her arms unto the bonnet bending her head backwards towards the windscreen exposing her cleavage and collar bone to my lips. I kissed her collar bone hard, my left hand caressing her cleavage while my right holding her leg off the ground by the thigh. She began moaning softly momentarily as she wriggled her pelvic area on my already stiff pants.

I sucked her firm straight nipples popping out of her sexy bra strings for a minute as she forced her hand into my pants. I teasingly couldn’t let her hand reach my prick, tried getting away from her, lifted her fully off the ground - unbuttoned her patra shorts. I kissed round her naval, her legs wrapped firmly around my waist holding me tight. I plucked out the patras swiftly down her feet, went on my knees and supported her stamps on my shoulders with my head locked in her wet warm thighs gushing out a seductive aroma into my nostrils. I flinched my fired up soaked lips unto her thighs back and forth her already dripping twat endlessly as she wiggled her waist and pelvis about my face occasionally hitting her boy in the boat on my tongue feeling her weight on her stamps on my shoulders. Her thighs were terribly tripping, her moans getting deeper and sweeter as she shoved my head towards her twat with both her hands. My tongue slipped into her southern empire in out, round, vertically back and forth - her moaning louder, her body movement more rigorous until she jet into my face with a wow!

She then extended back allowing me to get on my feet, plugged down my pants to the knees then my under shorts. She wrapped her legs around my waist as her nearly hot warmth struck me from inside while we both thrust into a momentous loud orgasm as headlights approached at a distance ahead prompting us to pick off clothes and dash back into the car.

We drove off fast, in 20minutes we were checking in at our holiday suite where we blacked out in each other’s arms as soon we rested on the bed.
#IamNelonTouch #NelonTheMelon #ForAUniqueWorld           

Wednesday 25 September 2019


By Nelon Gerrard

She hurt me when she said she wouldn’t be mine, she was seeing someone else. I don't know! I think it gave me hope when I asked her why all the good girls are taken, she told me it ain't true. God knows how deep it went; I spent the whole night rolling my eyes in the dark not sure what was to become; my thoughts and imagination bent on her but the feeling I wouldn’t have chance with her scared me so – there was no way I was going to heed to her word, she was seeing someone else. Even if it was true, it was nowhere near my thinking letting go, it would be such a hard blow to concede.

In my heart I knew she was the one I wanted to give my best try relentlessly with a passion. Looking deep in her eyes, the way she spoke to me, oh damn! How could I just let her go? No way, I couldn't. I had to keep believing as I pursued. I knew one day she would give me her hand so she could not fall. Luckily or fortunately, she did not cut communication; giving me a high-end opportunity to keep expressing myself, telling her what caressed my heart. Probably my confidence and high belief caught her mind a little bit - she agreed to meeting regularly. Several days, weeks went by before we could meet again until one day she spontaneously asked to meet late in the afternoon. It was a perfect call - I brought to halt whatever I was doing; to give her my entire mind before we finally met later.

At around 4pm, she comes in front of me like the morning twilight, beautiful wearing a dear smile clad in a red rose scrapped black dress above her knees and white sneakers holding her superb legs on her feet. We both chose to spend the evening at a secluded forest garden in the outskirts of town. I had told her about it sometime ago, and she loved it. On getting there, she knew exactly what my feelings for her were, I had told her everything and it was her turn to either continue brushing me off or pronouncing she was giving me the shot I craved with a lot of thought and affection. Her words were limited as she had always been but she was cozy, clutched on my upper arm all the time.

“I'm so glad to have you lean on me confessing your love for me at least not by words but allowing me feel it all over. There's no better moment I can compare this to. You are the finest piece God has given me; I'm going to relish this moment, to cherish you - embrace your heart and emotions with the most gracious and tender love. I love you more than utterances, more than anything with breath and without”, I let out my feelings to her.

After pouring all that I felt in appreciation that she was becoming mine, I got on my feet and lifted her up by the hand to stroll around the garden. It was cold and windy but I could live with it. I was relishing a momentous ecstasy as my dream came to life. I could realise she was not sure of how to express her emotions but the look on her face and her body language let me read it was heads-up.

As we walked round the ground with little drizzles blessing us, the bright of the sun disappearing in the cloud, her sparkle filling up the place, she stopped and turned standing in front of my way, looked at me, took a deep sigh. This invited me to give her my very first kiss; deep, warm, wet and long. Wow! I don't know but it was so affectionate, so sweet, my heart beat faster by the moment. My expectations of what I felt from the time I first saw her were perfectly met, that more was coming yet between us.
#IamNelonTouch #NelonTheMelon #ForAUniqueWorld

Wednesday 11 September 2019


By Nelon Gerrard

The long trail came to an end - an excruciatingly cold smoggy afternoon by the Crater Lake. My inner proposal was to dive into the crater to cleanse myself of impurities from the long trek through up hills and down hills in the forest; drops of sweat that had patched every bit of my skin by the step. It was a great afternoon except for coldness that wrecked in from every breeze spreading all over the ambiance of the crater area. Everyone was whining about unfavourable conditions, setting themselves up to leave the ground that would have otherwise been a jingle of bliss had the sun kissed the earth.

I didn’t have it in my mind to let go of what occupied my mind. I was interested in capping it all with a robust swimming session beating all odds of cold except for endless discouragement surrounding me from people gaping from the trek freezing trying to call unto everyone to leave and call it a day contrary to my imagination and belief; do everything as planned even if there were all right reasons not to.

One thing however, stood out from the rest as I noticed after moments of pondering were settled courteously in my mind – a flame of daring light struck my sight and gave me shivers of ecstasy running down spine-length of my body, I touched my head to ensure the hair wasn’t flying away as it seemed. She was standing on the edge of the diving board in company of two other girlfriends unbuttoning her blouse with tender as her cleavage showed more and more creating a huge impulse in my brain letting me create a flash decision to finally choose to enjoy what I had in my mind. She looked at me with an intimidating yet alluring stare on realizing I had a gaze at her with wonder. At this time, everyone else had chosen to leave and there you go; just me and the three friends bound to get stuck with each other were left for the relish of the lake and possibly a great taste. 

She pulled off her blouse, threw it behind her - bent with a stroke of provocation and pulled down her short skirt leaving her basking in a startling manifestation of sexiness covering her luscious body in strings of armour and distractive intentions. She spanned her arms and dived superbly into the crater attracting me to join in with her friends. The sun had started shining in appreciation as we had lots of fun now a team together.

After flashes of good moments of swimming, we came out to bask in the sun and have a fun chat as the afternoon became more thrilling. Minutes later, I asked her friends to let me take her around promising to get back shortly which they accepted like everything was all on script. As we moved round the forest, we accidentally bumped into a couple making out; they were really enjoying themselves. She’s actually the one that saw them first. Luckily they didn’t see us; we could not interrupt as we switched directions. She held me stronger while her bikini body got closer and closer. My intentions were cautious but the temptation was irresistibly too high. My left hand kept descending from her shoulder towards the waist until I presumably accidentally laid my hand on her nude hip; it felt firm and soft at the same time but she seemed nervous by the little shakes within. When she didn’t show discontent by my touch, I stopped moving – she kept moving until my hand hampered her prompting her to turn back to realize I wasn’t moving. I pulled her back a little towards me; put my hand in between her thighs – I thought she would jerk out on doing this but she instead locked my hand in there with her temperature rising thighs; she was warm-dripping already. I felt it as my hand got in touch with her under panty. I randomly started kissing her neck, collar born and lips while she held me closer and firmer; she wasn’t saying nothing but acting just perfectly giving me the freedom to let her burst into desire to satisfaction. When she couldn’t hold it no more, she pushed me to the muddy ground, swiftly pulling out my pants getting unto me for a deeper and rapid ride. When she slowed down, I turned her around playing around with the right spots inside of her till we experienced a special simultaneous orgasm.
#IamNelonTouch #NelonTheMelon #ForAUniqueWorld               


Wednesday 4 September 2019


By Nelon Gerrard

“My length of time with you tonight will depend on how well you behave. Don’t touch me and I’ll be here for as long as you want”, she said as I offered her to sit on the couch. Several times we tried meeting in vain because unfortunately something came up either on her side or mine every time we wanted to be together. We met numerous times at events or at her workplace; my liking and eventually love for her growing deeper every time we interacted mostly online late at night. She’s that girl of few words but every word she says is just perfect to make me melt inside.

After several futile trials of meeting, I got what seemed a weird idea – a late night home date at mine that she surprisingly accepted. We agreed to do it that very night; she asked me to let her know when I’m home so she could join in. I got home later than expected - first I thought before letting her know; it was too late beyond 10pm for her to come since I was sure she wasn’t going to spend the night for it was just a date anyway - I didn’t have it in my mind to lure her into staying overnight for fear of compromising her will and my promises.

Hardly 20minutes after alerting her, there she comes gorgeously prettified with a light-cloth black head sock covering part of her glittering long black hair, big brown eyes spiced by bright-red-creamed lips, a white top covered with a black blazer, black patras covering her well grown brown thighs and white sneakers for the steps – the look was absolutely dazzling. There I couldn’t wait, walked towards her feeling butterflies inside me - embraced her firmly. “That was hard”, she said smiling with purity while I led her home a couple of yards away.

“Welcome to the Melon Ring”, I said while offering her a seat. At this instant, I set my mind to be free - not go beyond the set boundaries but stretched my left arm along her shoulders. Relentless like an ace, I observed and fought my inner drive as we had a normal conversation for more than an hour. I was in fact having a great time with her; laughing loud and cracking silly jokes; she kept throwing her beautiful eyes at me once in a while – a truly special moment!

“Tell me! How do you feel inside knowing that you’re so beautiful and rock me like you do?” I asked. “I don’t know what you’re saying”, she responded “I’m seated next to you growing in size, my heart beating faster, my body shading lots of shivers because of you. You are so charming, I’m amazed”, I said. She looked into my eyes for a few seconds before bending her head low. She then called my name with a low tone (one of those things that drive me crazy). “I think I should go home”, she cut in trying to distract me from crossing the lines – luckily I didn’t have it in mind to do. “Of course I can’t say no but you clearly know it wouldn’t be my wish to let you leave”, I responded

She called out my name three times then said, “You should actually appreciate the time I’ve spent with you”. “You don’t know how great it feels you being around, I appreciate a lot and look forward to more times like these”, I said in response as she stood up. 
She walked towards the door, leaned on the wall looking at me smiling provocatively. I walked towards her and leaned my hand on the wall next to her ear with my lips just above her forehead. I wanted to kiss her forehead but couldn’t because I didn’t have to cross the line and prove my worth, she was leaning helpless and motionless on the wall. I then walked away to pick the house keys so I could see her off. “Let me take you home”, I said as I walked towards the exit. “Yeah sure! Mum is even calling me”, she said and off we were on a late night stroll for nearly a kilometer.

She stopped a bit and told me she loved it that I tried hard not to cross the line. Looking into my eyes, she said, “I’m sorry I couldn’t give you what your eyes are saying”. I held her hands and said, “I got what I wanted. All I cared for was having you around, I love the walk too”. I nipped her cheek a little to affirm my point as we proceeded with the walk. 

Moments later, we were in their compound and it was time to set a part. I was hoping she would just say bye as soon as we reached but didn’t. She hang around looking at me, holding my hands without saying anything, her eyes crossing mine at intervals. I couldn’t do anything about it. I just gave her a tight embrace for a good while till she said “Kiss me”
#IamNelonTouch #NelonTheMelon #ForAUniqueWorld     

Thursday 14 February 2019


By Nelon Gerrard
Real Life, Real Love
Patrick’s Story

As she came back from the altar  after making an offertory, she crossed my eye and would take up my attention throughout the reminder of the service and for the rest of my life. Walking majestically towards her seat with an indescribable smile, my soul got filled with pure belief - she was the one the Lord had chosen for me. The Lord had shone a light into my soul.

God gave me the golden prospect of going to the same school with her. I was still very young but what I felt was always special. Every time she was at school, my life was in its well-regarded stance, my heart in its best beats. But every time she missed school, my days would go darker. I lost touch with my mind every time I didn’t see her. I would actually escape from school when I realised she was absent or never made it to school when I knew she would be absent.

One day we went home together; the way she got her skates on to greet my mum with tender love is something that still lingers in my mind. She was now grown with more beautiful eyes, hips bulging, a great posture and a dear smile. My mum liked her from the instant - their bond would grow stronger by the day. She grew to love my mum in a very special way, took care of her like she were her own mother. This made me grow deeper in love with her. She was equipped with a bountiful blessings, molded by the hands of God to make my mum feel special and over loved. With this kind of treat, I instinctively knew I had gotten an extraordinary second mother, what a blessing it was! I was now very sure I would choose her everyday of my life till the end of time because my heart was unapologetically and unregretfully in her full control.

In 2005 after all this was fully abosrbed in my life and soul, I put Orukwanzi Rw’ente around her neck at her parents home after paying bride price and fulfilling all that was asked of me .
When I got on my knees before wrapping the treasured beads around her neck, I looked into her eyes and realised that I had profoundly made a flawless picking with the help of the most high God.
“You are the biggest achievement in my life ever. I’m proud, kneeling in front of you declaring that you are mine from today till my dying day. I love you more than I have loved and promise to be the best man in your life”, I said to her as a a tear of joy dropped from my left eye to confirm all I was saying was from deep within me. She bent her forehead low like any beautiful loving Mutoorokati to accept my proposal as the crowd listening carefully burst into loud ululations to affirm the witness. In 2008, our love got blessed in church as we exchanged rings on our fingers to complete a lifelong commitment to each other.

Today I speak proudly, drive safely and treat my life carefully knowing that I made the perfect choice because Anne has not only been a pure revelation to my life but also my source of unending true love. She did not stop at loving me, she further gifted me with two beautiful daughters and two handsome boys to make me a real man and a satisfied father.
My family is my utmost pride, my wife is the main pillar of my life. Going home is one of the most beautiful thoughts at the end of everyday because of the security, companionship and comfort I expect to get at home.

Despite all the ups and downs like any other relationship, my wife who always stands by the grace of God provides surety for the whole family by her unshakeable character. She has mastered the art of never giving up and being a constant source of joy for me with the way she handles life. I’m the most proud man alive because of what my wife has made me be over the years.
I love you Anne Abwooli wange Nyamunura and always will!
Love from Patrick
#IamNelonTouch #NelonTheMelon #ForAUniqueWorld

Wednesday 6 February 2019


By Nelon Gerrard

A pat on my shoulder from the back distracted my attention as I strolled fast in the walkway towards a treeshade where I wanted to rest in solitude and concentrate on my research online. I was a bit disturbed by the pat but on turning back, a noteworthy smile glorified with beauitful big eyes said hello to me.

Our  chatting had gone on for an interesting lot of time, but we’d never met. I personally hadn’t put in much effort to meet – actually I was  a bit of a bore sometimes in these chats; because I’m not used to letting myself out to online dates and meet ups. I honestly loved her voice through voice notes she sent regularly especilly in the ewe hours of daybreak but my imagination hadn’t yet figured the kind of damsel she could be.

She stunned me with herself introduction to make it easy for me to know who I’d just met. “Yo the one?’, I inquired with outright astonishment. She smiled in response without saying a word, nodding positively as she bit her lower lip. She looked composed and very smart, her body language spoke a thousand details to me in that little while.

I told her I was around to do my online research but didn’t mind a few minutes of talk with her since it was a blessing in disguise meeting her when I least expected. She was all OK with my notion – she had been looking forward to meeting me face off for a long time. Luckily for her, she had seen me before at different events but unlucky for me, I’d never seen her nowhere until that day her smile gave me an exceptional reception from a girl worthy and charming like herself. 

When we got where I was headed, I made her sit comfortably on the exquisite furniture under the treeshade and excused myself a bit from her sight. I went for refrershments for both of us at the bar counter. On coming back, I had such a beautiful view of her from a distance and realised more than I had seen; in addition to her bevy smiles, she was a well built goddess; a prefect reflection of her captivating voice. Clad in a tight knee high dress, natural long ebony hair – she sat strikingly at a distance cool and composed sweeping me completely off the ground as I walked back to her.

She loved it when I served her with her favorite melon, passion & mango cocktail juice - her endearing smile saying so. I knew it is what she wanted – she had told me before that it was her daily yearn.
“I love this position I’m in right now. Sitting next you at such an unexpected moment is sure one of the most wonderful things that have happened to me recently”, I said to her as I looked into her eyes nearly without a blink. “I’m afraid I love expressing myself wholy to my biggest atttractions when I get the chance. Hope I don’t make you run out of your skin!”I continued saying. “Don’t mind me, that’s why I honestly get attracted to you, imagining those words and now saying them in my face is a really favorite candy. Don’t interrupt my serve please!”, she said. I didn’t doubt her humour and honesty, she expressly portrayed so before that day. We had a really great exchange in almost an hour but most importantly before she left, she said she wanted to be the kind of girl I told her about, the alien girl.
After that day, she became one of my daily needs. Talking to her on calls and texts reshaped me into a world where all the dreams I ever had becoming real day by day; indescribable moments and exhilarating rides – a life of exclusive bliss. I could not ask for better than what I consider to be my biggest jackpot ever.

Several months later, all doubts were cleared out of me – she was indeed the alien girl, the ultimate girl of all time. Crazy moments I asked for, I got in excess. She became thirsty for me, she wanted me, she ripped me out of my console and threw me into absolute fantasy when  I least expected it; the hue of magic I craved. Every time she called, my wholeself got extremely excited both on the inside and on the outside. She turned me on every single time we talked and even when I thought about her - she gave me the perfect life.

One day on a terrific evening; my friends and I went out on Friday to have fun. When there, I found myself declining out of compassion. Something was missing yet I fancied being part of an extraordinary night. I called her right away and told her my fate. She asked what my desire was; “You to be precise”, I told her. She was already in bed but was willing to strip her bed linen off if I was going to pick her which I agreed to, did I have a choice?In a few moments I was knocking at her door. She opened the door dressed in revealing black and gold lingerie, she then planted her always sweet firm lips on mine for a welcome. We entered pushing the door behind us without letting ourselves a part until we landed on the couch and she pushed me away saying we had to go leaving me mesmerised.

A few minutes later, she returned clad in a sexy skimpy long-sleeved white dress looking heavenly. We set out holding hands and drove off back to the club of valor.

In the club after ordering a round drinks, we went jiggy and wiggle with the team as excitement built up. Later my grooves faded as I don’t usually dance much, I resorted back to my seat on the sofa to enjoy those dominating the dance floor.
Just after I had sat, she came following and started twerking on my laps taking me to an explosive wonder. She then pulled down my zipper and inserted her hand in my pants and pulled a very hard and excited me out carefully without not attracting attention. She pulled her strings aside swiftly, swallowed all of me and continued twerking rocking my world like no one has ever done and probably never will. We made out in public for the first time without being caught.

Photo work by Ainomukama Rocky Amooti
#IamNelonTouch #NelonTheMelon #ForAUniqueWorld     


Sleeping on a movie, breathing deep but tenderly with an almost smiley face. Staring at her helplessly but admiringly in the sil...