Wednesday 19 December 2018


By Nelon Gerrard

Christmas was up and about; the talk of the town. Relatives jetting in from different parts of the world in a highly celebratory mood ready to feast and make merry. My anticipation and contemplation were however entirely at something else even though Christmas was the reason it was bound to happen. Just like everyone was expecting someone, I was expecting a soul that was gradually conquering my heart with every Christmas that came to pass. This was the only time of the year I had to set my wanting eyes on her and talk to her on some occasions. It was always a perfect feeling this time of the year.

Over the years as we grew up, she immortally showed me affection with the way she expressed herself and behaved around me - very attractive – a glorious smile on her always, her sweet voice with a little depth was a matchless feat, her distinctive demeanor, her adorn was a class act that caught my eye every chance I got; even if it meant peeking through a key hole.

Our bond was growing by the time, communication between us became regular and companionship started to grow hastily. At this while I was wondering why all this hadn’t started at least a couple of years back but well, perhaps this was the outright time for it to happen.

Last Christmas after all the good memories we’ve created together over time - despite the distance between us for a greater part of every year, she got my heart away, blew my mind into fantasy, swept my feet off a higher ground.  As festivity kicked in, I didn’t know what package was yet to unwrap for me but the stake of what I felt was way above the landmark.

Days later as soon as she set foot home, she invited the phenomenon of my essence with a call to let me know it was that time we had a special practice of what we promised each other. This message put me off all I had planned to do, with my imagination ripping all the fears and creating a perfect picture of what would become, my instincts put me in an assurance mode that extraordinaire was bound to happen. Just like a prayer, my eyes kept closed for several minutes as I painted the picture in the heavens, it was really beautiful, indescribable in words but would only matter if it really happened sooner.

 At exactly 8:30pm, a message on my phone from her simply read “What’s up tonight?” After seconds of reckless loner smiles, I replied back “I want to rip your wild thoughts into pieces of valor if only you agree to come here”. “Do I have a choice?” she replied with a quiz. “See you in a few”, I wrote back. “OK!” she responded

The night was extremely cold, so I put on heavy wear to keep me warm while I waited for her stealthily outside. My phone would remain inside for fear of being spotted by nocturnes and late night freelancers. But I knew exactly what direction she would show up from. 20mintues later, she hadn’t showed up. Coldness munched me up to the marrow but was hopeful she would show up shortly. This would go one for a further 15minutes. Finally, a vigilant head popped out of the shadows of the moon. From a distance, I knew it was her since I discerned her walk. All the cold scattered away from me in an instant as I walked towards her to let her know I was close by. When she saw me by the moonlight striking my face, she walked faster towards me, jumped onto me and kissed me with unforgettable passion. “I couldn’t wait for tomorrow to come”, she said with her eyes closed and voice toned. I could feel the sensation of what she said in the beat of my heart. It was very special and felt so real. I knew she had only a few minutes until she was back home but she was certainly staying a little longer.

We walked to a nearby tree in the lawn, sat on its base holding hands talking in whispers to avoid attracting attention about what the holiday was going to be like. Words were limited with abundant affection all over ourselves. As the talk faded, actions flourished - my hand in her garments nibbling her paps to and fro the cleavage while we caressed uncontrollably without not stopping. 

When the heat of the moment became unbearable, we stripped completely nude under the tree shade with moon rays scrapping the shades through the leaves unto a body to body bond. We arranged the clothes on the ground to create a makeshift bed and conceal the drench. We lay down side by side like we were in our room and made love all night till 5 in the morning.
#IamNelonTouch #NelonTheMelon #ForAUniqueWorld 


Wednesday 5 December 2018


By Nelon Gerrard
Based on Michael M’s true story

We were separated by three classes in primary school – she was in class two while I was in class six. As a little boy growing up fast, I remember finding myself growing fonder of her innocently. It was nothing I understood at that tender age; I don’t know what exactly it was but I somehow wanted to set my eyes on her quite often even though nothing I would do about it. Seeing her was a big privilege because it came on rare occasions until the silver lining set itself up for me to receive the blessings from up above; my best friend David was coincidentally her brother. He was given the task of picking her from school every evening on his bike. As best friends, I always escorted him to pick her which gave me all the chances to see her on a daily surreal at least before the weekend came in to break the pattern.

Dimple bae as I love calling her, has been a wonderfully beautiful and jolly girl from her tender primary school years. Her splendid smile with dimples on either side of her cheeks give me assurance that her beauty is forever.
Growing up, I didn’t know what all this meant to me or probably to both of us. As most people might have experienced, my chance to grow up with Dimple bae was ripped in many unexplainable ways when her family chose to shift her to boarding school, kicking me completely out of the perfect picture, at least mentally. That was a sad experience for a little longer time; but as a child, I outlived it and moved on perhaps partly.

A couple of years later when I was already out of school - in the working world as they say “a blessing can only be obstructed temporarily but can never be refuted completely”, I was thrown into fantasy unexpectedly when with all the glory and honor, I set my eyes on Dimple bae again. This is absolutely one of life’s best moments ever for me. I could hardly believe what I saw; she had grown into a beautiful princess; her eyes bigger and brighter, her hips bulging, her hair flying pony and her lips my Oh mine! Was it being foolish or was it being exhilarated? I thought to myself as I run towards her through the busy streets, calling out her name like we used to scream at guys as we herded cattle back on the countryside so loud in my mind.

Luckily, I got to her before she disappeared from my gaze. I patted on her back as she turned swiftly a bit frightened to a massive astonishment, “Oh Michaeeelllll!” she exclaimed in awe. “You are all grown now. Look at you! Even more beautiful”, I said to her as I embraced her tight with my arms around her waist. “We have to talk very soon”, I told her as she said sure we have to. I asked for her number so we could talk later.

Later that night it was reigniting of a crimson lost love. A love that my dreams wanted to see come true, a love that gave my heart extra beats as my mind gave it little space of thought, a love that made me sigh like the great trekkers while they peaked at every hill of the journey. It was that time a new chapter started taking shape for a love so beautiful.
A long call followed by endless chats ensued as we reminisced what we had back home when were still kids. At this time, I came to believe wholly that love is a special form of creation meant to be amidst special people always finding its way no matter time and distance.
After a few weeks of sweet chats, late night calls and meet ups, we were up for a movie date at mine. Her choice was a very scary horror movie that I obliged to. Jeepers Creepers was on the tariff for the evening. It was a charming Saturday evening being at home all day relaxing and listening to music. At about 6pm, my phone buzzed; it was her just close to my apartment.  I rushed out to pick her. Clad in beautiful blue denim trousers, a red strapped crop top and black long hair with dark tan shades covering her eyes - stunning in my face, my head nodded with reflex in satisfaction knowing it was my time to have a happy soul inside of me. She was excited and happy to see me as she hugged me and pecked on my left cheek making me shiver all body instantly as I walked her indoors.           

 I hugged her tight when we got inside for a welcome home, then served her a cold glass of passion juice making her feel comfortable with my hand on her cheek.
Moments later before the movie was on, I asked her whether she remembered how her brother and I would pick her from school on bikes. She nodded to concur and added “I was always stuffed with panic and never thought I would fall deep in love with you”. I got closer and sat next to her, whispered in her ear, “You are a wonderful girl, glad to have you here” prompting her deep smile in response and a thank you in a low amorous tone. “Well, let’s have our movie”, I said as I pressed play on the remote while we relocated to the carpet sitting side by side holding hands.

Jeepers Creepers turned from horror to perfect romance. For every scary scene on the screen, she downed her head into my chest and held me tighter as her breasts paced down on my laps rhythmically while I held her by the nape. This happened momentarily and turned out to be an interesting bliss. Every time she fell into my chest, my concentration on the movie lessened as my imagination thought through possibilities of the night while it sorted fears. On a very special occasion before the movie had hardly reached midway, she buried her head into my laps getting me hyped, I got on my knees and helped her get on hers as I simultaneously locked her lips with mine. I kissed her deeper since she never resisted any move. Her lips were soggy, her boobs intense while her breath got deeper and sounded more arousing as she held me firmer. I could feel the pulse of her heart beat as we kissed more and more.

She wildly pulled off my armless blue shirt as I pulled her down while striking her ebony long hair with my finger. I raised her legs and struggled pulling off her tight denim pants while she wiggled her waist provocatively revealing her already soaked thong undies. That spectacle made me give up on the pants after I had pulled off one side of the trousers. She turned around lying on her breasts raising her soft rears at an angle of heavenly revelation with exclusive access as I got the better part of valor.

This moment rekindled a love that germinated from our early childhood days until now. Over the years since we met again, life has only been a great journey full of wonderful joys and exceptional ways of handling icebergs that hit us. I look forward to more love has to offer to us because my love for Dimple bae keeps growing and flourishing giving me hope that one day the aisle will enjoy our strolls.
#IamNelonTouch #NelonTheMelon #ForAUniqueWorld         



Wednesday 17 October 2018


By Nelon Gerrard

At the start of the month we got new staff joining the team in different departments replacing those that had left. It was an absolute addition above all for me since I became friends with one of the princesses among the new advents on the spot. We had earlier met on one of the business incubations about a year ago where we only said hi. On being introduced to me by the HR during orientation, we instantly recognised each other and became friends right away; she would find comfort with me since we had met before unlike my colleagues who were entirely strangers to her.

Later that evening prior to retiring from work, she came to my workstation seeking knowledge and guidance on how to go about work easily and people in the corporation.
She sat the opposite side of my desk looking directly into my tiring face wearing a beautiful multicolored kitenge round skirt, a plain white sleeveless top with matching earrings, curly hair and a hand bag smiling with a charming dental exposition and well coated lips.

This stunning look on her re-energized me after a very long tiring day, my mood to go home went down as I fancied being with her a little longer, my feel good hormones getting so well into my arteries and nerves calling me to let the time go by with her around. I couldn't let it just pass without a good mark as I asked her to instead walk with me from work until her residence for the talk. Gladly she nodded with approval as she went to pick her belongings reading ourselves for the stroll.
A few minutes later she came back with a grey coat added unto her exquisite body, it was getting colder and darker as night fell. We chattered a lot as we strolled slothfully for nearly two hours. My evening was majestic, she left me on cloud nine even though she wouldn't show it obviously - I knew it from her body tumbling and shaking as I hugged her good night in front of her residence. This would be the order of every evening for the next couple of weeks as we became so close and started overlapping tides of friendship by the day.

Three weeks later we were out for a company camp by the lake on the countryside. It was a team building camp. For a heaven's hug, her room at the hotel was next door to mine; I saw this at check in - my biggest sense of distraction all time on camp. I wanted it all as imagined and thought but never wanted to seem like Mr. Rush Guy. I spent that night sleepless and restless in my bed, my body itching, my mind spinning with awesome ideas, my body calling on me uncontrollably to respond to its desirous taste.
After spending the entire night eaten up by temptation and imagination, I couldn't believe it when dawn broke unto my face through the window.
I turned on my music boom and put my favorite gospel song Michelle Tumes' The Light on repeat to console myself and start my day with a bit of  inspiration.
At 6:30am, I got out of bed and decided to go to her room and say good morning. To my astonishment, I was greeted by a sweet soothing voice, not of a bird in the morning but hers singing along my favorite song. She was overhearing it from my room. I couldn't help myself, I could not knock on the door, I could not imagine what people would say if they found me in the corridor that early standing at someone's door bare-chested in boxer shorts as my ears devoured the beauty of her sweet voice into my soul, rising the rate of my heartbeat. Woow is what kept resounding in my mind as I rushed back to my room to take in a rare moment of bliss.
Shortly after, I went back straight knocking at her door as I said my name and told her to open for me.
She opened the door with one hand while the other held the slit of her rob - strings not tied. On seeing it was me, she let the rob free exposing partly what was inside - a red hot short translucent night dress with nothing underneath. This moment of freedom got me standing still by the door without saying nothing as she walked back to the bed side. On turning back, surprise struck her no-made up pretty face; she asked with an astonished tone, "What's up! Why are you standing there?” I smiled at her as I locked the door with the key and proceeded to her bed.

"Can you sing for me that song again? “ I asked her with a deep morning voice. She smiled innocently - the look on her face provoking my imagination, she said yes as my eyelids closed waiting anxiously for her voice to hit my eardrums in vain, I opened my eyes only to find her rob off as she smiled at me like a joker.
Well! This meant something else to my thinking as I went for her lips with mine.
She got on her knees and  pulled my hand towards her left breast - meaning I had taken so long without doing the right thing, as I caressed it like a sponge ball while we kissed drowned in deep breaths while both on our knees. She run her hand down my chest to my pants, started playing with me and her hand in my pants before pulling me out and tugging down my pants to the knees as I kissed her firm fruity boobs making her moan rhythmically while her hand playing with me lost grip as she lay flat on her back.

I run my hands along her inner thighs to her pot of honey that was all wet and dripping alerting me of the readiness to eat the quail from heaven
I turned her around with her boobs and head down on the pillow while her hips raised into me exposing her dripping pot to my hard and tempered melon for a warm long ride in the morning.
Later in the afternoon after a series of team building activities, we were free again. We went to the far end of the beach, isolating ourselves from colleagues where we swam in the lake enjoying kisses and making out on the beach sand.
#IamNelonTouch #NelonTheMelon #ForAUniqueWorld

Wednesday 10 October 2018


By Nelon Gerrard

The sun searing, heat radiating all over the earth crust on a Tuesday afternoon, the pool  graciously tonned with nice girls - some diving splashing water while others busking in the sun donned eye catching bikinis - a perfect moment for a delightful breeze of the afternoon.

She was seated at the edge of the shallow end of the pool probably waiting for me as she sensually according to my view bit her lip with her eyes closed looking into the sky, a bright ray reflecting on her innocent smiley face.

Seeing all this, I was more than excited to join in.I rushed to the locker room. Pulled my sweat pants down and my shirt up head through, left bared chested with black shorts the only covering on my body ready for the dives and strokes.

Shortly before I rushed out, looking at myself in a wall mirror,  the door interrupted. It was a sad her with so much worry written allover her face.
Wondering what's up, she showed me one of her incisors had cracked. She could not explain what exactly had happened.

I stopped asking questions and focused on calming her down. "Babie! It's a simple crack and will not in any way affect your beautiful smile and dentition. Don't worry babie!" I said to her

I hugged her and let her head rest on my chest, her wet ticklish long hair running along my abs all the way down my naval. Her breasts so tight and hard thou cold, her thighs  pressing hard my below the belt.

After she had calmed down, her voice smooth like a violin, her body not wanting to separate from mine, her eyes red she said, "let's go swim together now".

"OK OK OK", I said faint-heartedly without motion. I then swiftly lifted her onto a closet counter in the room untying knots of her bikini straps as I got hold of her rock hard nipples closer to my diaphragm at no distance between. She wrapped her arms around my nape and pulled my head into her cleavage - her temperature rising so quick, her breath faster. I stepped back and made her lie straight on her breasts on the counter. She suddenly developed goose bumps allover her body as I caressed her spine line teasingly with my hardened wet tongue.

She could not keep lying down, she sat up holding her mouth shut. I locked the door to avoid no more interruptions and  held her legs up unto my shoulders, my head in between as I descended onto her labia stroking them up and down, left to right squeezing and releasing them rhythmically with my lips. Her sweet courageous but cautious moans hitting me up calling my body sweating. She dropped one of her feet to my pelvic area and stripped my boxers down and  pushed me away. She turned around and bent over exposing her dripping hamstrings with a beautiful arousing summon.

"Dop Dop Dop" a knock on the door seemed to interrupt, I told whoever it was to come later. Thank God they responded positively with silence as I put my shorts completely off while she raised her left leg to a bench nearby giving me heavenly access to her warm pinky juicy melon for a breathtaking quickie.
#IamNelonTouch #NelonTheMelon #ForAUniqueWorld

Wednesday 26 September 2018


By Nelon Gerrard
Based on a True Love Story

He kept looking at me stealthly throughout the day. I could not predict what he was up to really because he looked calm and innocent. Later in the day after the congress, he walked up to me and said “You are beautiful, I love your seductive smile”. Honestly I felt flattered - it came as a pleasant surprise out of my imagination. Unsure of how to respond to him appropriately, I said thank you. He smiled and said wow as he walked away.

His smile struck my attention but I  never gave it much thought after all it was the first time meeting. The next morning we found ourselves seated next to each other on the bus having a normal conversation about our countries and sports associations. I loved his company; he really engaged me in a banter that kept me away from upshots of loneliness in a foreign country. We exchanged contacts and marked the start of our friendship as my trip to Doha came to a close.

Exchanging contacts meant that we would remain in touch and probably meet again in future congresses since we are both sports journalists. During this time, as we interacted more online, I realised that he was a calm and likebale person - my attraction for him started changing tide because he was always looking out for me. He became a very good friend of mine that I started thinking about him, missing him – I was not in plans of moving out with him though but keep him as a very good friend.

Soon we were meeting again in South Korea and this nice dude was up for election to the next executive. I noticed that all his friends liked me, “Perhaps he had told them about me – not sure though”, I thought to myself. When it was voting time, his friends came asking me to vote for him but it was only obvious – my vote was his. It was an effortless persuation.

Our relationship sparked off in Brussels when we met again, his colleagues had not turned up for the congress – their Secretary who was supposedly the only other member from his association present asked me to keep him company. "He is all by himself",  she said.
He asked me to dinner with him that night which I gladly submitted to. He told me lots about him. I told him about me too. This night changed my feelings about him, my heart beat rhymed in his favour with every word of his story. It was the right time and I was falling in love uncontrollably.

The next day after the day’s activities, we were on for an evening stroll the two of us as we moved from place to place around Brussels, I could feel from the way he acted around that he was getting affectionate with me by the minute. It felt so special as my imagination got blown away into fantasy.

 “I have admired you since I first set my eyes on you in Doha. I have been thinking about you and dreaming of you ever since. Just one problem, I was afraid of letting you know that I fell in love with you the first time we met; I didn’t know what your response would be! Today, i have decided to nolonger betray my feelings for you by letting you know that what my heart has seen in you beyond my eyes is the best place I want to live forever”, I listened carefully but nervously as he said to me covered in a star studded blue sky. I felt the genuineness in the tone of his voice and the tenderness with which each word rolled off from his lips in front of St Michael and St. Gudula Church. I was already in love with him. Our loved sparked off, graced and revealed in front of church

On my birthday in June this year, he asked to  visit me and my parents to shine greenlight and seal it all for the start and continuation of a fairytale in reality.
#IamNelonTouch #NelonTheMelon #ForAUniqueWorld

Wednesday 15 August 2018


By Nelon Gerrard

Lights literally went down when she set foot in the arena sparkling clad in beautiful sky blue damaged denim trousers and a silverish crop top attracting my full  attention away from a football match on giant screens 5minutes away from stoppage time.

I couldn’t hold the impression drowning deep in my heart and in my mind causing me to glow with passionate solo smiles while my head turned as she walked to her seat. In my mind I had never seen her before but her face was so familiar. Luckily she passed just in front of me and said hi as she called my name.

Calling my name was just enough foundation for me - I got on my feet and walked to her, she had scarcely settled in the couch perhaps waiting for the match to end and get to the dance floor and beer bottles. She had cute friends around that had come earlier but I never gave them my attention just to keep focus. I gave her my hand and asked to talk to her outside bceause it was noisy inside yet I wanted ample interest.

Speculation on her face showed she was surprised how swift I was to follow her, but well, she never resisted getting up as I walked her outside to a busy parking lot filled up with revelers arriving and others leaving. I wanted this time for me in my mind and indeed it was heading that way because she seemed like she had been looking forward to a moment like that perhaps from me still.

“So today all the pride has gone?” she asked. I struck my look deep into her glorius eyes, her lips glittering with a fine balm, her beautiful black hair sailing gently in the whirlwind, her arms folded. I picked her arms from the fold and held her somewhat warm hands with mine, making her drop her face from the intensity of my gaze into her eyes. “Proud! How do you mean”, I wondered. “You’ve never looked me in the eyes like this before, you have been ignoring me everytime I was where you are”, she said gracefully. “There’s always going to be that time when the bell rings, when the birds sing and when the moon shines. This is it”, I responded with a low deep voice making her smile with impression.

“It’s getting cold here, can we go back inside”, she asked. I removed my blazer, placed it on her shoulders wrapping it across her back to her boobs and said as I leaned against the car bonnet, “This will make you warmer. Let’s be here longer” while I turned her a round and made her soft bums lean on my laps, her light weight resting on me, her luscious cheeks next to my tempted lips as we both looked into the sky without saying nothing for a while, thanks to the dark night that could only take advantage of my weak active imagination.

I turned her around making her boobs sit on my bulging chest while her thighs rested on the bottom of my belt activating my pintle rising him from slumber. My whole body picked up the moment as the lights from her eyes became deemer by the second. We nearly locked lips but my conscience became my biggest weakness on the night calling me to stop whatever it was heading to, she was breathing deep and surely in the moment but a bit of thought woke my mind up and reminded me she was the girl I had seen with different guys some of who were not worthy on several occasions making my suspicion over power my desire to have another special night as I asked her to go back inside.
#IamNelonTouch #NelonTheMelon #ForAUniqueWorld

Wednesday 8 August 2018


By Nelon Gerrard

I woke up at around 8am with an elated mood, it was a Sunday - I wanted to spend the day in solitude on loud music all day to refresh myself for the new week since she had told me she wouldn't be around. Though I wanted to be with her, her not being around wouldn't let me be lonely. I made the most of it shouting to loud music in my house bare-chested in my favorite black shorts. It was extremely hot; a menu of fresh juice and fruits made by me wouldn't have been any better.

She called telling me she was going to the beach with her friends which I had no objection to even though I was used to spending Sundays with her. I felt it right to let her have some fun with her friends.

As nightfall made the day darker, I tried calling her to find out how she was doing and when she was returning home but her line couldn't go through. "Perhaps shes still having fun or her phone is down on battery", I thought to myself as I resorted to my loud music.

As the night went by, an unexpected knock interrupted my loud solace; I turned the music down low to attend to the knock. On opening to my surprise, she was the one holding her shoes in her hands barefooted with a lot of sand in her hair; her eyes red with her lips wet and seemingly wanting.

"Why are you here at this time, when will you go home?” I cautiously asked because it was past her curfew time.
"I want you! And I only have a few minutes here", she said as she walked towards the bedroom while unzipping her sexy short jumpsuit.

I picked a cloth, wiped her mud stained feet and carried her to the bed thinking she was going to spend the night even though it was against her home rules. I was also worried because her mother would call me every time she delayed going back home even when she never knew we were together.

As soon as I laid her on the bed, she jumped unto me and sat dripping self on my face rubbing her immense warmth on my nose and lips thrusting back and forth, her heavenly scent gushing out into my inhalation, her drip flowing down my chin and her melodies covering my ears with harmony.

I teasingly pushed her away and ran to the couch, she followed running, grabbed me by the arm and tore my t-shirt off while breathing faster and hard, her eyes closed, her boob nips very hard pressed against my chest. My body was literally shaking from excitement; my pants fighting surging to explode as my chest cavity contracted with every breathe.

In no time I was tearing her jump suit from one of the shorts as she loosened my belt pulling my trousers down to my knees as we fell off the couch. She jumped on me and rode me on so hard without a pause with ecstasy until we both climaxed at the same time in under 5 minutes.

Her phone was ringing at this time and it was her mother calling, she picked up and told her mother she was stuck in jam but would be home in 10. I dressed her up swiftly in her torn jump suit and rolled a wrapper round her waist to cover the torn part of the jump suit and saw her off.
#IamNelonTouch #NelonTheMelon #ItsLove #ForAUniqueWorld

Monday 30 July 2018


Once I understood and learned to appreciate the power of love as a formidable influence on our daily lives, I perhaps by God's calling, instinct and talent developed the art and passion to spread the beauty and value of love through Acting, Radio, Modeling and now writing.

My friends, fans, readers and followers have loved and have demanded and I'm responding with a sneak peek of the next project I intend to release in the near future from Nelon, my team and supporters; a book, an Exquisite Tale of Love, Romance and Sex.

Title; Living the Moment
Tagline; An Exquisite Tale of Love, Romance and Sex
Genre; Romance
Written by; Nelon Gerrard Amooti
Cover pic by; Ainomukama Rocky
Cover models; Nelon Gerrard & Alinda Jovia

Make your comments and recommendations please.
#IamNelonTouch #NelonTheMelon #LivingTheMoment #ForAUniqueWorld

Wednesday 25 July 2018


By Nelon Gerrard

The breeze of the night thrived with the sound of instruments as The Acoustic Jam gave the rhythms of the night a supersonic resonation with live music. I was so into the harmony and never turned my head around - the performance was the peak of what I desired.

As the deem lights kept hitting my face, she kept staring at me from the time she came in seated just 3 to 4 places in front of me diagonally on my right. Sometimes my eyes impeded her sight innocently as she had a peek at me. It was a bit of a distraction but a worthy one; her smile and brown eyes were taking up my attention every time I caught her in the gaze.

As the night grew old and the band became more charming - wowing the crowd, she stood up and walked away making me imagine she had gone for a short pass. Shortly after, she returned to her seat but was nervous this time prompting me to smile at her. I probably think my smile triggered her audacity as she got on her feet again walking towards a composed me pretending I hadn't seen her coming. I totally had no idea what she was up to and couldn't dream up anything at the time. When she got to me, she just stashed a piece of warm and wet cloth in my shirt then walked out from the front of the band house.

I became restless with curiosity; the scent from my chest was now covering me up as I walked out to the washrooms to have a score of what she had stashed inside my shirt. With all the anxiety and curiosity filling me up, I pulled out the piece of cloth to a daring sight of royal blue netted wet knickers, OMG! My stamina trembled as a hot wave of ecstasy and confusion traveled from my brain to my toes leaving behind a stream of sweat like I’d just been substituted from a world cup match. At this time I had surrendered my strength, my imagination was defeated but my intuition propelled me to go searching for her all over the premises. I luckily found her seated at the poolside looking like a tamed wild cat with a cunning look seated seductively like a lioness ready to charge at its prey - the moonlight striking through her translucent dress revealing her midsized thighs.

Well! I had only one option, to fall in the temptation trap by a fired up fantasy girl. My hair started rising when she stood up, raised her index finger and literally pulled me towards by a pat on her lips, blood started flowing so fast to my erogenous zones rising the temperatures that liquefied my strings to act. I walked towards her with one goal; to make a noteworthy moment. When I stood in front of her face before thinking of laying my hands on her cheek for a crazy kiss, she unbuttoned her top halfway and said with tears of passion in her eyes, Have me now.

I swiftly carried her to a close by concrete pole for a firm grip as we did a kiss marathon sharing space with our shadows in the bright light of the moon till she was gasping. She pulled my pants down making my already brittle manny burst in the air as I tied her see through dress up around her waist exposing gushes all over her thighs. With this view, I had no more triggering to do as a strikingly pressed her moan glands harder while I went deeper inside.
#IamNelonTouch #NelonTheMelon #ItsLove #LivingTheMoment #ForAUniqueWorld

Wednesday 18 July 2018


By Nelon Gerrard

After several months of silence, my mind filled up with thoughts of her because the moments we had were too good to vanish from my imagination. Once in a while I would dream about us in some of the best moments we shared.

One calm chilly night at around 9pm, I saw her name pop up in the message notification area of my phone. Goosebumps covered me chest to feet before I checked whether she was the one. A film of great memories started running through my mind as I smiled in solitude, thanks to being alone in the house, I would have otherwise looked a nuisance around people.

On opening the message, it was her with a short provocative “Hi” and three hearty emojis. “I wanna hear your voice saying hi to me before I respond”, I wrote back. A tuneful romantic voice of her followed saying how she’s been missing the romance, late night calls, long chats and moon dates we used to have. I must confess she is my soft spot, everything she said just got me back in love as I poured my heart to her.

She is this kind of girl that speaks perfectly with her body language like no other, her eyes mastered the art of talking to me; they could tell me she needed a particular thing and I would know instantly. This connected us a little bit more because I had also learned to respond to her needs without a lead and I guess this fascintaed her because she never knew I communicated with her eyes easily

“From today I give you my heart, it all belongs to you and I promise to be yours no matter the storms and the winds that might come in between us”, she said as my phone blacked out denying me the opportunity to enjoy real love saturate my ambiance.

I knew where she was but needed at least two hours of the night to get there. I found my way there before midnight to a dark neighbourhood with lots of noise by insects and barking dogs, it was quite scary but not hampering because my audacity was extraordinary. Finally after several attempts of kncoking on the door, I saw the window curtain shifting and her signature poise letting me know she was the one. On coming out, I told her to hush to avoid being followed as she drowned in disbelief and excitement.

The other side of the house provided a safer environment for her sweet moans and firm touches as we made love on a misty ground.
#IamNelonTouch #NelonTheMelon #ItsLove #LivingTheMoment #ForAUniqueWorld  

Wednesday 11 July 2018


By Nelon Gerrard

On a rather light Friday afternoon, I decided to go watch a basketball game that had a big elated crowd with sweet voices and ole oles all over the place. It was such an attraction filled with great guys and nicely dressed girls applauding every score and every dunk.

For several days we enjoyed an exquisite coalition of souls virtually on chat and calls. We shared lots about our days every single day because that’s what kept our bond up tight. The distance was of course a huge motive for all this but the consolation that our love blossomed a little bit more every time we met was a perfect vengeance for absence, an impeccable bond.

As soon as I got myself settled at the court where I chose to keep standing at a point where I would catch a glimpse of the twilight, I texted her to let her know I had something to keep me uppy for the rest of the afternoon. I had just not yet recovered from a night of a very long romantic call with her. My whole mind and set of imagination was still entangled and aligned to my solo smiling face all day. My concentration on the game was definitely below average except for the loud rhythmic cheers and ululations. “I will be joining you shortly”, she responded with simplicity. I just laughed it off as a normal joke because we had not talked about meeting soon.

Over an hour later after I had trashed the joke out of my memory columns, an earpiece sounding our favorite song was tucked on my ear lobe sending me into a wondrous and motionless moment. I closed my eyes and drowned in a sea of imagination before I turned to find out who and what was happening. On the turn, after I made sure it was not a dream, she was the one right behind smiling passionately for the pleasant surprise. I instinctively wondered no more and cared less about why she had decided to do it that way as she wrapped her arms around me from the back but cherished the moment as my heart filled up with much appreciation and fulfillment of a love so beautiful. I was no longer interested in the game for sure.

I held her hand and walked her away as she smiled and cackled with absolute affection written all over her face. “Babie don’t ask me why, it’s all about loving you my treasured gift”, she said with a delightful tone. I needed not respond to this with words, I sat her on a nearby car bonnet and enjoyed kissing her, holding her and looking into her bright eyes till the sun had completely gone down and the evening breeze approved of the fineness of the taste of love.

#IamNelonTouch #NelonTheMelon #ItsLove #ARCloset #ForAUniqueWorld

Wednesday 21 February 2018


By Nelon Gerrard

Weeks later after I had fully recovered and my courageous heart beating again normally, I was back to my favorite fun pack doing my crazy swimming for great weekends with my friends.
One weekend when I was setting myself up for pool waters on a sunny Sunday, my sight gifted me with great value when I set my eyes on the nurse that made me breathe again without much struggle on the same set. Her smile painted the ambiance with heavenly glee when our eyes crossed filling my heart with joyous beats and intensified flow of oxygen in my arteries.

 Feeling internally disgraced for having not said thank you and asking for her phone digits despite the aura of her care and beauty when I almost met my creator, I walked to where she was seated with a fleet of smiley faces around her. As I got closer, she got up and called out my name with her soft tuning voice attracting the attention of her peers who all turned to me like a rainbow as I landed in a fine wrap of her warmly arms. I was lost for words as my heart raced a little bit faster, she then said, “I’m so happy to see you all doing fine, God is great!” “All the time”, I responded as I felt butterflies run around my stomach walls. It was all clear she liked me too.

Shortly after saying hi to her friends, I held her hand and asked her to go with me for a second which she gladly accepted. Clad in just my black swimming shorts bare chested, we walked around the resort as I apologized for not looking for her for a thank you note despite all she did for me. She said she didn’t even think it was that important since the most crucial thing was ensuring I didn’t lose my life, which happened after all. I thanked her for being courteous as we decided to talk over a drink for the reminder of the afternoon.

Never met a person as kind and as jolly as she was, we laughed all afternoon and had really great fun. I forewent swimming since I chose to live special moments with her. She was beautiful, sweet and charming but so many questions that I hesitated asking her kept running through my imagination. She was too good, she was actually perfect. She watered me with praises all through the afternoon. She loved how I conduct myself, how I speak and how I love nature. “She’s too good to be put into the fracas of love and romance, what if it does not go well, I could lose her goodness. I’m not gonna go beyond making her my special friend”, I wondered silently as she looked at me with her pretty eyes. “Where has your compassion gone now?” she asked.  “I’m thinking about a lot of things, I just met my best friend God sent me today”, I said making her pull my hands across the table with hers.

“I would like to meet your boyfriend or perhaps your husband and tell him how lucky he is to have such a wonder of a woman in you”, I said. “Oh my God! You’re so kind and sweet! I didn’t see that coming”, she exclaimed. I poured my heart to her. Told her how I saw life through her eyes and thought of having her as my girlfriend and eventually my wife, this was a moment of true love.
Days later, I bought a bouquet of flowers, wrote a beautiful letter to cherish their love and wrapped a few gifts and went to their home. We had a good time as I met his boyfriend while we became great friends with the heaven sent nurse.  
#ItsLove #IamNelonTouch #NelonTheMelon #ForAUniqueWorld

Wednesday 31 January 2018


By Nelon Gerrard

I woke up to the elation of 10s of people surrounding me. Some were sad, others exulted on seeing my eyes open while the rest were covered with regret on their faces. Many thought I had died or perhaps had fallen into a deep coma that would eventually claim my beautiful life.

It was an animated Saturday afternoon, the sky was blue, the sun was searing and the cheers were hailing from all over. Smiling faces decorated the day as everyone minded their own business having fun. It was a no ordinary day for us, it was health club with swimming our main activity of the day. It was a fun packed and daring afternoon as my team and I did all the swimming stunts that came into our imagination; the sky dives into the pool and the splashing of the pool waters. Most of the fun lovers around and other swimmers had turned to spectators of our game and fun chasing.

On the dark moment of the day, unfortunately I lost consciousness while I flew in the air doing my favorite sky jump dive. My friends told me the entire premise went into absolute quietude at the sight of the spot I had landed turning red. It was blood! I had hit my head on the pool wall. Having a team of good swimmers all round me saved my life, they all lunged into the pool instantly at the sense of danger and pulled my still body out of the water with my head bleeding severely. Fortunately, one of the spectator ladies came running to where I lay down unconscious with a first aid kit. She was a nurse!

My consciousness rejuvenated slowly as the bleeding stopped while she tied a bandage round my head. While everyone was in shock lost in the mind with hardly no idea how to save my life, she slowly gave them confidence with respite and composure as she assured sympathizers that everything was gonna be fine in a few moments. My consciousness was returning fast with her touches as she checked my condition; my breath and veins. I could hardly hear what was being said, it was just murmurs all over the place. My sight was blurry. It was like a dream, I didn’t know what was happening, and didn’t know I had gone lifeless for a couple of minutes. It was all confusing as hallucinations faded my conscience away.

Finally I was almost fully conscious again, it was the greatest come back to life ever. My eyes opened to a flashy pretty faced young woman concentrating on me like a bombshell. She looked confident but a little worried perhaps because of the scared souls around me. She was the perfect light to the return of my life. Her brown eyes rolled on me and worked me better, her touch kicked any form of unconsciousness out of me and eventually made me smile again. I developed goosebumps all over me when she turned to my face with an impeccable smile after someone had tipped her I was awake. She held my head with her warmly hands blessing my cheeks with tenderness and pure calling back to normal. She never turned to anything else or anybody from the time I opened my eyes except my face.

She said to me, “You are in the best hands”. I could not imagine myself in such a heavenly situation. I didn’t even ask what had happened or why many people were around me. Her voice spoke directly to my soul and gave me a fresh breath of life. She then told me her name and asked for mine. I failed to say a word as I drowned in admiration with an adoring smile.
She didn’t mind much, she just said, “Well, let’s go to the hospital”. “Are you going with me”, I asked curiously. It was a yes to my pleasure.

At the hospital, I got to know that I had hit my head on the pool wall and went unconscious for several minutes. I nearly died as I bled so much. The heaven sent nurse was one of the people enjoying their day but fortunately had a first aid kit in her bag. She explained all this to the doctor as I listened without saying nothing. I realised she really cared about me, her voice tone and body language were so impressive. The way she kept peeking at me as she explained to the doctor completely swept my feet off the ground. I sure felt no pain at all that night until morning when I woke up in the sick bay. The pain I felt in the morning was only because she was nowhere when I woke up. Her voice kept resounding in my mind. Tears started rolling from eyes only to be distracted by my crazy friends who came in making fun of me, how I was peeking at the nurse by the poolside yet I was not fine at all. To my surprise, there she was. She showed up again. The whole room went silent as I sat up with a glowing face.

To be continued……watch out for LIFE TO LOVE next week.
#ItsLove #IamNelonTouch #NelonTheMelon #ForAUniqueWorld



Wednesday 24 January 2018


By Nelon Touch

My heart raced like an ocean tide as her soft voice filled the ambience while she talked to guys who were all over her. Being a busy evening, there’s nothing much I could do rather than soak my mind in wishes and wild imagination. Sometimes I caught myself off guard smiling to myself while her eyes rolled in the lights of the night. The night ended unfortunately without getting close to her or even a wave at her. I consoled myself with a thought that perhaps it was an illusion I had to run off from.

This was to be refuted by my instincts when I reached home later in the night with thoughts of her all over my imagination and glimpses of her smile in my visions till dawn. I failed to come to terms with missing an opportunity to say a word to her. I had numerous proposals in my mind and kept picturing myself dropping each of them to her. I intuitively recorded a song titled “Even when I never see you again” my own composition for her on my phone with hope of sending it to her at a later date. I had to save the recording on my email to avoid losing it incase my phone got issues because it was a flawless composition I would never redo even if I tried a thousand times.

A couple of weeks later, my golden chance shone bright on me when I met her at a certain supermarket to my hearty delight. I pretended to be rushing and asked for her number which she gave me without no hesitation. I asked to meet her at a later time, she nodded with approval.
It was that time, I sent her my composition. I could vividly feel it set her emotionally ablaze on phone. She loved every bit of it but asked me why I had dubbed it even when I never see you again. I knew it was my catch time when she said, “Never is no longer because you’ve seen me again and probably you will be seeing me”. This marked the start to our friendship. After weeks of chatting and calls, she surprised me at work when she just showed up without a lead. It was all timely like somebody had planned it all, it was such a boring day where I needed some uplifting.   

Moments later, we went for lunch where we spent the rest of the day just the two of us doing nothing but just moving around scenic beauty and shuttering camera lights on the moments.
I actually found her to be an outstanding and fun loving soul. The moments were so right but my mind was away thinking about something a little bit different from what I had been telling her. This was only a friendly zone but my high flying self would go a notch higher with possibility but I didn’t know how to drop the proposal. What if she said no? What if her perception of me changed? What if I lost both the fun and the friendship? Those inhibitions defeated me for a couple of hours.

“If I asked you to spend just one night here, what would it be like?” I said joking but with a profound look. She looked at me eyeballing without saying a word. “It’s a joke”, I said. She laughed scornfully at me and said, “That can never seem to be a joke, with that face?”
“What if it were not?’ I asked. “Well I gotta go back to work not later than tonight as much as I would love to”. “Much as I would love to is a better line, can’t that love to be the reason for you to stay?”
She said nothing as I noticed her head bending low with temptation written in her brown eyes.
We were finally home past midnight after she surrendered to staying. My mind and heart were conflicting on how to spend the night with her. Temptations had peaked all over my body and I was bound to breaking customs and going for what my body felt despite the fear of repercussions.
I decided to hold back for a moment amid the temptations even when my mind was not willing to let go. I entered bed and told her to make herself comfortable and join me but spent several minutes seated on the floor leaning her head on her folded knees. I don’t know what was running through her mind but I didn’t say much to avoid seeming creepy.  

As I was still thinking, she stunned me; pulled her top out of her head exposing her sexy bra and then pulled down her round skirt. Woooo! I could see! She was free with me. My stealth view of her sexy stringy undies struck my body and got me flying out of bed unto her already wet lips. Surprisingly and interestingly, she embraced my kiss and held me firm by the shoulders as her eyes faded away. Her exposed body communicated impeccably with mine as I realised with the touch of my hand that she was burning and baking inside. With that touch, the sound of her voice started flowing straight through my spine as my body shivered in acceptance of the great feel.

She pushed me away unto the bed where she came upon me and gave me the best steamy ride ever. She could not stop fascinating me going beyond my imagination with different twists and turns with her hot body on me painting me with a warm flow until it was my turn to worship and adore.     

#ItsLove #IamNelonTouch #NelonTheMelon #ForAUniqueWorld          


Sleeping on a movie, breathing deep but tenderly with an almost smiley face. Staring at her helplessly but admiringly in the sil...